Was Covid genetically engineered by Obama/Fauci/Wuhan??

And now after all this time, the common sense that was cancelled and silenced as "conspiracy theories", comes into the light of day. This is not complicated. Fauci was extremely reckless to fund any of this research anywhere, let alone China. Fauci lied like a toddler with his hand in the cookie jar. Fauci made 5 million dollars during the pandemic that resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. That little rat is personally responsible for millions of dead people and many more with ruined lives. But hey, he made his cheddar.
That little rat told all of us that masks were definitely not necessary. Later he stated that he told that lie "for our own good" to prevent mask shortages to medical professionals. And that now, he was telling us the truth that masks were necessary. The American people are not children, and Fauci is not our daddy, that can lie to us for our own good. We could have used the might of the U.S.A. to make as many masks available that were necessary.
Was Fauci ever questioned on the practice of censoring any debate among doctors as to treatments other than the Vax? No! Did Fauci ever publicly discuss the danger of millions of un-vaxed illegal aliens entering our country? No! Did Fauci ever warn the American people that the vax may have severely harmful side effects to pregnant women? No! Damn folks, I can go on and on with all the crap this little rat has been doing, but like I said....he made his 5 million bucks.
Fauci is an American hero who saved millions of lives during COVID
right-winger was he a hero for funding "gain of function" AKA creating a bio-weapon in Wuhan China of all places?
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....
It’s pretty well known the answer is a resounding yes.

If you think a court of law ever settles anything, then you are a fool.
Our resident troll of usmb as always has shit on his face I’m embarrassment.
My previous posts in this thread should give Americans a reason to stop and ponder my words thoughtfully. But what we get from idiots and the MSM is simply....Fauci is a hero. Truly pathetic.
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....

This was answered in the affirmative
Some time ago.
Governments screw up, kill millions around the globe with their lab accident and incompetence, take a wrecking ball to world economies. Naturally governments were going to deny being blithering idiots.

Government loves blithering idiots
Vice versa
My previous posts in this thread should give Americans a reason to stop and ponder my words thoughtfully. But what we get from idiots and the MSM is simply....Fauci is a hero. Truly pathetic.

In actuality he is guilty of war crimes
Obviously, after it was suspected that the Covid-19 virus could have come from a bio lab that the U.S.A. was helping to fund in China, it should have started an extensive investigation on what other labs, elsewhere in the world (Ukraine) might be doing similar research. But the good doctor Fauci was happy to assure us all that there was "nothing to see here", it was just a spoiled bat soup...Pure evil.
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....
Covid was a teaser to get folks with an IQ of 80 or less to panic and run toward the nearest needle. The booster was for those IQ<70 and the recurrent 4-5-6-*** are for people who are essentially abusers of water and oxygen anyways but are great for boosting quarterly reports to duh bahhhwd of diwektahhhz.
Salami !
Good lord, homO was the President who went "overboard" on the foreign kickback stuff. We spend US taxdollars on you, you give kickback to me.


both pouring cash into Hunter Biden

The Kenyan Cocksucker likely got plenty herself...

Insults and nothing else. What's the point?
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....

Yet another "conspiracy theory" where the Right was ostracized and marginalized as the tin hat wearing Q'anon wackos.....

but it turned out it was Blue Anon that was misleading everyone.

Surprise, surfuckingprise.

Gee, I wonder if even a single solitary Lefty on this message board will have the stones to be like: "Shit - if even the Biden Admin. is admitting it's probably true that the ChiComms created COVID, maybe you guys had a point after all."

Of course not. Cuz we're racist Hitlers doncha know.

Every last one of us.

The Left wants to Rwanda (verb) Western civilization into a dichotomy of deplorables and the oppressed - all while embodying the very discrimination they purport to oppose, and wielding the very power they pretend they lack.

We need to take it back.
Covid was a teaser to get folks with an IQ of 80 or less to panic and run toward the nearest needle. The booster was for those IQ<70 and the recurrent 4-5-6-*** are for people who are essentially abusers of water and oxygen anyways but are great for boosting quarterly reports to duh bahhhwd of diwektahhhz.
Salami !

I appreciate your sentiment, and I wish I entirely concurred.

The truth is much, much scarier: Intelligent people fell for this shit too, because winner take all politics superseded rational thought.

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