Was Covid genetically engineered by Obama/Fauci/Wuhan??

No. Covid could have been a very positive thing for Trump. Much like Bush going to the Twin Towers after 9-11. Trump just wasn't up to the task.
I thought he made history and rushed vaccinations out in record time? I thought fewer died on his watch with no vaccines than what died on the almost dead dudes watch with an arsenal of medicine?
That's what he claimed. I'm not the one to explain his statements.
I thought your caretaker….Father Government told you what to believe on this one?
In light of the not so new findings the puzzle is starting to piece itself together…..IS IT NOT?
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics…the 2020 election was fast approaching. Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?
No. Just no. Again, that report issued by the DOE the other day was issued with "LOW CONFIDENCE"...which I take to mean..no confidence. They're just guessing.
I have no doubt that it was an engineered virus & IDK if it was released intentionally but the timing sure is suspicious, to say the least.
The US economy was booming in 2019 & pulling much of the world up with it.
Peace deals were coming in the Middle East & people were breaking free from the conditioning.
That worked against the globalist plans that had always wanted the "new normal" of declining standards of living, climate scare tactics, MSM gaslighting, international conflicts/proxy wars & ethnic/racial tensions to build up for the reset.

4 more years of America First might have killed off those plans so a game-planned attack, Event 201, was the Dr Evil plan to stop the movement at all costs.
It's not like they didn't warn it was coming because totalitarians can't help themselves.
Evil people tell you their intentions if you just pay attention & take them serious.
Unlike many other people I never got vaccinated or wore a mask unless I was at a place that required it. I never got the Covid virus and believe it is mostly used as a political weapon.
In light of the not so new findings the puzzle is starting to piece itself together…..IS IT NOT?
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics…the 2020 election was fast approaching. Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?

Yes and no.

I firmly believe COVID was on a bigger scale. World economic forum being chief among the suspects as they have been pushing for their new world order for a while now and COVID was their foot in the door into pushing their agendas.

2 key players within the United States were bill gates and Anthony fauci. Both of which were instrumental in COVID, and both are a part of the world economic forum.

The world economic forum exploded into the public eye after COVID, pushing agendas, telling countries what to do and so on. They became much more of a public figure and working with nato and the WHO.

The world economic forum is also made up of the people who could do this. The wealthiest of the wealthy, the people with power beyond even you're average billionaire, they own the biggest media companies, are part of companies like blackrock, part of the central world banks, and they all come from virtually every country in the world.

I think trump being kicked out wasn't the reason, but it was part of the plan. They needed trump out because he refused to play ball. He wouldn't be bullied or bought off or do what they wanted so he had to go. The world economic forum had everyone in their pocket like government agencies, social media outlets, they owned news medias and so on. They got rid of trump because he wouldn't push their agenda in America and America was one of the key players in this whole thing.

Did no one else notice as soon as trump was gone our government started changing and our country started changing incredibly fast? We have changed more in the past 2 years than we have in the last 10. That doesn't happen by accident.
There are many in the Biden administration trying to take blame away from China. Why are they defending our most dangerous adversary?
I thought your caretaker….Father Government told you what to believe on this one?

Stop thinking......it doesn't work for you.

Gain of function research was being done. Fauci knew it. He tried to wiggle his way around it with Rand Paul in a hearing.
The virus got out, intentional or not, and the gov't didn't want anyone to know about it.
That's why you were considered a conspiracy theorist and whack job if you believed the virus escaped from a lab (which was the most logical and easiest of conclusions).
Unlike many other people I never got vaccinated or wore a mask unless I was at a place that required it. I never got the Covid virus and believe it is mostly used as a political weapon.
Same here. Technically the virus passed through our house twice from both of our teenage boys 8 months apart. Wife and I never got the damn thing despite very close proximity to the viral load.
Definitely gain of function and fauci knew about it and it got loose from the wuhan lab and a few lab personnel got sick with covid in november of 2019. Follow the money. It didn't come from bat soup at wongs chinese restaurant around the block.
The Biden administration is in denial on this.
In light of the not so new findings the puzzle is starting to piece itself together…..IS IT NOT?
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics…the 2020 election was fast approaching. Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?

Saw that last night, Jesse at his very best.
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....
My opinion is that it was engineered for the purpose of experimentation in order to study how to best handle a future pandemic and we had a horrible lab accident which demonstrated that maybe people shouldn't be playing with fire. If anything, maybe this has shown that deliberately engineering a virus to be used against a population segment could very easily backfire and get everyone, including you.

Was Covid genetically engineered by Obama/Fauci/Wuhan??​

I'm pretty sure Ray Epps did it.

With a little help from a tranny.

Some people are saying China gave Hunter Biden more than half a ton of crack cocaine to bring Covid to America. The FBI is covering this up.

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