Was his office "bugged"?

FYI, Ashley Judd wouid never pass Obama's Universal background checks.

If she weren't a token candidate and never meant to run she would be perfect. She's a woman, a liberal wacko, and she's mentally incompitent.
She's perfect.

and yet she's accomplish far more than the slumlord of Fort Bragg....

Who are you talking about?

FYI 5th GRP is at Ft Campbell. And if you think acting in a few movies several years ago is a greater accomplishment than earning the right to be called a Green Beret then your priorities are in your ass. And I'm not a slumlord. I take better care of my renters than they do my properties. Most of my profits go to taxes and repairing the damage they've caused.

Now I have to get back to work before someone accuses me of being a lazy piece of shit again. Being a DoD employee means having to work 24/7 365 days a week don't you know.

So you don't have a problem with people violating federal law as long as the results justify you concept of means........ Got it.
By the way, what makes you think any politician doesn't play the same game? I mean, honestly, you're not that gullible..... are you?
Also, what makes you think it's the elected president who isn't working with the opposition other than via partisan justification? :dunno:

No, I don't think all politicians get into that level of scum.

There was a whole shitload of stuff Obama could have gotten into about the things the Weird Mormon Robot did, and Obama mostly didn't touch that stuff.

Obama didn't talk about Mormonism once. McConnel's boys openly talked about going after Judd's religion.

As far as who is working with who, what I remember is Obama tried for MONTHS to get at least one Republican to sign onto the ACA, bargained away a lot of components and got nothing in return. The same with the budget, the same with immigration reform, the same with just about every issue.

And it's not because McConnel is taking a principled stand. It's because the teabaggers have his nuts in a lockbox.

We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.
As for the opposite side they claim they've done more compromising than the Dems. I see where both sides have compromised to some degree, on certain issues but that both sides are too busy playing politics (playing to their base) that little to nothing is getting done.
The fact that the far right and far left control their respective parties I see them getting little to nothing done as a good thing for the country. :thup:
Democrats will DO anything to win even illegal things like this and voting several times
Looks like it. :dunno:

Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign asked the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office on Tuesday to investigate how Mother Jones magazine obtained a recording of a February strategy session.

“Senator McConnell’s campaign is working with the FBI and has notified the local U.S. Attorney in Louisville, per FBI request, about these recordings,” McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said in a statement. “Obviously a recording device of some kind was placed in Senator McConnell’s campaign office without consent. By whom and how that was accomplished presumably will be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation - Lois Romano and Kevin Robillard - POLITICO.com
Folks are exposing an ugly side when calling McConnell the bad guy here. Are they just doing it for a reaction, or have they seriously embraced the "blame the victim" path?
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McConnell and his staff were reading excerpts about Ashley Judd from an article written about her using her own quotes.

She won't have kids cuz of all the poor kids in the world. Pink fuzzy socks make her lose her mind. Stuff like that.

The media turning this on it's side is typical and the dumb will fall for it.
I was watching the news as the story broke. The obvious question was posed. The answer was that Mother Jones had vetted the source and researched the laws and all relevant information and determined that the recording is legal.

Considering the amount of trouble Mother Jones could get into for this, I believe that they did in fact make sure they could run the story legally.

If Mother Jones actually did that they should have no problem revealing the source and explaining how they got the recording.

That might be a little difficult for them considering that a new source has revealed that it was probably illegal, just like McConnell claimed.

Source: Progress Kentucky Behind Mitch McConnell Campaign Recording | WFPL
Looks like it. :dunno:

Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign asked the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office on Tuesday to investigate how Mother Jones magazine obtained a recording of a February strategy session.

“Senator McConnell’s campaign is working with the FBI and has notified the local U.S. Attorney in Louisville, per FBI request, about these recordings,” McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said in a statement. “Obviously a recording device of some kind was placed in Senator McConnell’s campaign office without consent. By whom and how that was accomplished presumably will be the subject of a criminal investigation.”
Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation - Lois Romano and Kevin Robillard - POLITICO.com

Answer is No, but the real question was did Turtle Man break the law with this so called "opposition research" meeting? That's the real question and the answer is Yes.

3 idiotic mistakes in two really bad sentences.
how is the fact she has the same human problems we all have relevent?

How is the fact that you lied relevant?

Crazy person, the fact is, no one is upset that McConnel got bugged.

He just outed himself as a really bad person- again. It's funny as shit to watch this guy squirm.

No one is upset that a crime was committed because the victim of the crime is a Republican? Yet, somehow, I am a crazy, and McConnell is bad because he actually planned an election? Does that make Obama bad that he planned to run against Romney, or is that just different?
Some congressman's kid went to prison for hacking in Sarah Palin's e mail. Liberals made a hero out of him too. He still went to prison. Someone is going to prison over this too. Liberals need to split the nation so this won't be illegal under their laws.
Looks like it. :dunno:

Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign asked the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office on Tuesday to investigate how Mother Jones magazine obtained a recording of a February strategy session.

“Senator McConnell’s campaign is working with the FBI and has notified the local U.S. Attorney in Louisville, per FBI request, about these recordings,” McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said in a statement. “Obviously a recording device of some kind was placed in Senator McConnell’s campaign office without consent. By whom and how that was accomplished presumably will be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation - Lois Romano and Kevin Robillard - POLITICO.com

Wait, it looks like we have some confessions forthcoming.


We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

As for the opposite side they claim they've done more compromising than the Dems. I see where both sides have compromised to some degree, on certain issues but that both sides are too busy playing politics (playing to their base) that little to nothing is getting done.

The fact that the far right and far left control their respective parties I see them getting little to nothing done as a good thing for the country. :thup:

That we can agree upon.

No one is upset that a crime was committed because the victim of the crime is a Republican? Yet, somehow, I am a crazy, and McConnell is bad because he actually planned an election? Does that make Obama bad that he planned to run against Romney, or is that just different?

No, what makes you crazy is everything you post...

McConnel is bad because the go-to reaction of his staff is not to talk about issues, but how they could slime this woman personally.

And we wonder why good people don't want to go into politics.

We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

As for the opposite side they claim they've done more compromising than the Dems. I see where both sides have compromised to some degree, on certain issues but that both sides are too busy playing politics (playing to their base) that little to nothing is getting done.

The fact that the far right and far left control their respective parties I see them getting little to nothing done as a good thing for the country. :thup:

That we can agree upon.
But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

Do you honestly believe that if the stakes were high enough Obama and team wouldn't stoop even lower if they thought it would win an election? If you say no then you have no concept of how dirty and nasty politics really is.
I was doing a repair job in a multi-million dollar house in Norther Virginia years ago. In the adjoining room was a major Democrat representative having an election bull session with some of his top aides..... damn I wish I had a recording device, confirmed what I had suspected, politics is a dirty business.

We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

That we can agree upon.
But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

Do you honestly believe that if the stakes were high enough Obama and team wouldn't stoop even lower if they thought it would win an election? If you say no then you have no concept of how dirty and nasty politics really is.
I was doing a repair job in a multi-million dollar house in Norther Virginia years ago. In the adjoining room was a major Democrat representative having an election bull session with some of his top aides..... damn I wish I had a recording device, confirmed what I had suspected, politics is a dirty business.

There's no "if". Obama and his people were scummy to the max, and it's well known, but his sycophants wouldn't hold it against him if he farted in their face.

What limits did Obama set? Must have been somewhere south of "accuse Romney of murder".

We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

As for the opposite side they claim they've done more compromising than the Dems. I see where both sides have compromised to some degree, on certain issues but that both sides are too busy playing politics (playing to their base) that little to nothing is getting done.

The fact that the far right and far left control their respective parties I see them getting little to nothing done as a good thing for the country. :thup:

That we can agree upon.

Did you listen to the whole tape?

No one is upset that a crime was committed because the victim of the crime is a Republican? Yet, somehow, I am a crazy, and McConnell is bad because he actually planned an election? Does that make Obama bad that he planned to run against Romney, or is that just different?

No, what makes you crazy is everything you post...

McConnel is bad because the go-to reaction of his staff is not to talk about issues, but how they could slime this woman personally.

And we wonder why good people don't want to go into politics.

McConnell is bad because he talked about something he did not do, yet Obama is good even though he ran an ad that said that Romney killed the wife of a steelworker, and one of his aids accused him of committing a felony. Not sure I see the difference, other than Obama being black.

Yet I am still the crazy one.

We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

That we can agree upon.
But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."
Do you honestly believe that if the stakes were high enough Obama and team wouldn't stoop even lower if they thought it would win an election? If you say no then you have no concept of how dirty and nasty politics really is.
I was doing a repair job in a multi-million dollar house in Norther Virginia years ago. In the adjoining room was a major Democrat representative having an election bull session with some of his top aides..... damn I wish I had a recording device, confirmed what I had suspected, politics is a dirty business.

I still want to know what limits Obama supposedly set, other than do whatever it takes and then lie about it.

“There’s a difference between playing by the same set of rules and doing something illegal,” he said. “In no way have we suggested the latter.”
The Romney campaign fired back immediately after the press conference, accusing Obama of “falsely” alleging that no one in his campaign had accused Romney of committing a crime.
The campaign was referring to a line by a senior Obama campaign aide that suggested Romney was misrepresenting his position at Bain Capital to the SEC, which the aide called a "felony."
But Obama maintained on Monday that “Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon.”

Obama defends his attacks on Romney as not 'out of bounds' - The Hill

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