Was his office "bugged"?


We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

Because Democrats don't really feel anything is over the line our out of bounds.

We have caught Obama's campaign manager talking to the Steelworker who was accusing Romney of murdering his wife then claim she never talked to him. I don't think "over the line" is in the Obama camp's vocabulary.

No one is upset that a crime was committed because the victim of the crime is a Republican? Yet, somehow, I am a crazy, and McConnell is bad because he actually planned an election? Does that make Obama bad that he planned to run against Romney, or is that just different?

No, what makes you crazy is everything you post...

McConnel is bad because the go-to reaction of his staff is not to talk about issues, but how they could slime this woman personally.

And we wonder why good people don't want to go into politics.

What a coincidence! Ashley Judd considered the issues, decided she was personally a slime and wisely decided to withdraw.
There's no "if". Obama and his people were scummy to the max, and it's well known, but his sycophants wouldn't hold it against him if he farted in their face.

What limits did Obama set? Must have been somewhere south of "accuse Romney of murder".

Oh, please. Romney's entire argument was that he deserved to be president because he was so good as a businessman. But his success as a businessman had a human cost.

It's a discussion that was long overdue in this country.

What amazed me was that Romney thought he could get away with it.

Romney became rich because he crushed a lot of people like Joe Soptic. Why is it "scummy" to point it out?

Romney was the guy who said he liked to fire people, said 47% of the country was on welfare, and how wonderful it was that in China, they have ladies living 120 to a dorm sharing a single bathroom, and America should be more like that.

No one is upset that a crime was committed because the victim of the crime is a Republican? Yet, somehow, I am a crazy, and McConnell is bad because he actually planned an election? Does that make Obama bad that he planned to run against Romney, or is that just different?

No, what makes you crazy is everything you post...

McConnel is bad because the go-to reaction of his staff is not to talk about issues, but how they could slime this woman personally.

And we wonder why good people don't want to go into politics.

What a coincidence! Ashley Judd considered the issues, decided she was personally a slime and wisely decided to withdraw.

Really? What was "Slimey" about her? That she had some ideas about religion that don't comport with your backwards, Bronze Age superstitions?

We're talking about what happens behind closed doors, not what politicians say in the open. I never specifically mentioned Obama but I'm positive some of his advisers/aides would have come up with some nasty attack plan if the situation called for it.

But that was the point, Obama or someone who worked for him set limits. Nowhere do we hear on the tape, "Hey, maybe that's over the line."

Because Democrats don't really feel anything is over the line our out of bounds.

We have caught Obama's campaign manager talking to the Steelworker who was accusing Romney of murdering his wife then claim she never talked to him. I don't think "over the line" is in the Obama camp's vocabulary.

No, that wasn't over any line.

It was a valid disucssion.

Mitt Romney's ENTIRE Argument was that he was a wonderful manager and brilliant businessman.

People who worked at AmPad, GS Steel, KB Toys, etc... who lost their jobs, their insurance, their livlihoods, had a different opinion.

If you think the economy is there to make a few douchebags rich, then Romney is a wonderful guy.

If you are just trying to get by in life, hoping some bad decision by a douchebag who doesn't really need the money won't crush you, sorry, you are Joe Soptic.

The sad thing about 2012 is YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU LOST!

McConnell is bad because he talked about something he did not do, yet Obama is good even though he ran an ad that said that Romney killed the wife of a steelworker, and one of his aids accused him of committing a felony. Not sure I see the difference, other than Obama being black.

Yet I am still the crazy one.

You mean other than Romney being total Mormon scum who ruined a lot of people's lives...

Joe Soptic has been out there for years telling his sad tale of woe. the question is, why do we lionize guys who inflict that kind of misery on working folks?

Sorry, man, you are crazy.

I simply do not understand how people who aren't rich defend the behavior of the wealthy that has such a bad effect on the country.
Joe Soptic is a democrat shill who has sold his personal misery for democrat glory.
There's no "if". Obama and his people were scummy to the max, and it's well known, but his sycophants wouldn't hold it against him if he farted in their face.

What limits did Obama set? Must have been somewhere south of "accuse Romney of murder".

Oh, please. Romney's entire argument was that he deserved to be president because he was so good as a businessman. But his success as a businessman had a human cost.

It's a discussion that was long overdue in this country.

What amazed me was that Romney thought he could get away with it.

Romney became rich because he crushed a lot of people like Joe Soptic. Why is it "scummy" to point it out?

Romney was the guy who said he liked to fire people, said 47% of the country was on welfare, and how wonderful it was that in China, they have ladies living 120 to a dorm sharing a single bathroom, and America should be more like that.

"I want individuals to have their own insurance," Romney said. "That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don’t like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me. You know, if someone doesn’t give me a good service that I need, I want to say I’m going to go get someone else to provide that service to me."

So Romney wasn't referring to his work at Bain Capital -- or to the more general question of serving as a boss who has decided to fire employees of his company -- but rather the notion of switching service providers. He might as well have been talking about switching cellphone carriers or cable TV companies.


Where does it say this was "wonderful?
When I was back in my private equity days, we went to China to buy a factory there. It employed about 20,000 people. And they were almost all young women between the ages of about 18 and 22 or 23. They were saving for potentially becoming married.
<p>And they work in these huge factories, they made various uh, small appliances. And uh, as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per day, the pittance they earned, living in dormitories with uh, with little bathrooms at the end of maybe 10, 10 room, rooms. And the rooms they have 12 girls per room.</p>
<p>Three bunk beds on top of each other. You've seen, you've seen them? (Oh...yeah, yeah!) And, and, and around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire and guard towers. And, and, we said gosh! I can't believe that you, you know, keep these girls in! They said, no, no, no. This is to keep other people from coming in.

So, I guess it all boils down to "Romney is a Mormon!!!"
There's no "if". Obama and his people were scummy to the max, and it's well known, but his sycophants wouldn't hold it against him if he farted in their face.

What limits did Obama set? Must have been somewhere south of "accuse Romney of murder".

Oh, please. Romney's entire argument was that he deserved to be president because he was so good as a businessman. But his success as a businessman had a human cost.

It's a discussion that was long overdue in this country.

What amazed me was that Romney thought he could get away with it.

Romney became rich because he crushed a lot of people like Joe Soptic. Why is it "scummy" to point it out?

Romney was the guy who said he liked to fire people, said 47% of the country was on welfare, and how wonderful it was that in China, they have ladies living 120 to a dorm sharing a single bathroom, and America should be more like that.

Whatever your beliefs about Romney, Obama and his crew were still scummy. Your claim that Obama or someone with him set some sort of limits (and your implication that they were admirable limits) is just hooey.

Obama and his people crossed the boundary of decency throughout his political career. No credible evidence has been presented of him imposing any meaningful limits or saying "that's a line we shouldn't cross", and in fact the opposite is true. We don't know what all lines Obama may have crossed. What we have observed is bad enough and it would not be logical to assume that we observed it all.

No one is upset that a crime was committed because the victim of the crime is a Republican? Yet, somehow, I am a crazy, and McConnell is bad because he actually planned an election? Does that make Obama bad that he planned to run against Romney, or is that just different?

No, what makes you crazy is everything you post...

McConnel is bad because the go-to reaction of his staff is not to talk about issues, but how they could slime this woman personally.

And we wonder why good people don't want to go into politics.

What a coincidence! Ashley Judd considered the issues, decided she was personally a slime and wisely decided to withdraw.

Actually, it is likely--given the timing sequence--that she was contacted about the recording prior to the story for an opportunity to comment. I suppose that's why she withdrew, given the hazards she faced if she were to run against McConnell.

Where does it say this was "wonderful?
When I was back in my private equity days, we went to China to buy a factory there. It employed about 20,000 people. And they were almost all young women between the ages of about 18 and 22 or 23. They were saving for potentially becoming married.
<p>And they work in these huge factories, they made various uh, small appliances. And uh, as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per day, the pittance they earned, living in dormitories with uh, with little bathrooms at the end of maybe 10, 10 room, rooms. And the rooms they have 12 girls per room.</p>
<p>Three bunk beds on top of each other. You've seen, you've seen them? (Oh...yeah, yeah!) And, and, and around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire and guard towers. And, and, we said gosh! I can't believe that you, you know, keep these girls in! They said, no, no, no. This is to keep other people from coming in.

So, I guess it all boils down to "Romney is a Mormon!!!"

Exactly. If Mormons were the moral people they claimed instead of the Santimonious Douchebags they are, Romney would have said at that point, "By the Great Gods of Kolob, this SHALL NOT STAND!!!" Instead he said, "Awesome, where do I invest?"

And that was the point. He invested in this company.

Whatever your beliefs about Romney, Obama and his crew were still scummy. Your claim that Obama or someone with him set some sort of limits (and your implication that they were admirable limits) is just hooey.

Obama and his people crossed the boundary of decency throughout his political career. No credible evidence has been presented of him imposing any meaningful limits or saying "that's a line we shouldn't cross", and in fact the opposite is true. We don't know what all lines Obama may have crossed. What we have observed is bad enough and it would not be logical to assume that we observed it all.

Actually, I thought Obama went easy on Romney. He didn't go after his religion, (which again, is what McConnel's goon squad said about doing to Judd, and she didn't belong a cult started by pedophiles.) He really went a lot easier on his business practices than he could have.

Romney put his wealth and his business practices on the table. They were his whole rationale for running. It certainly wasn't the bang-up job he did in Massachusetts. He ran as director of Bain, so why was talking about what Bain did to people off limits?

McConnell is bad because he talked about something he did not do, yet Obama is good even though he ran an ad that said that Romney killed the wife of a steelworker, and one of his aids accused him of committing a felony. Not sure I see the difference, other than Obama being black.

Yet I am still the crazy one.

You mean other than Romney being total Mormon scum who ruined a lot of people's lives...

Joe Soptic has been out there for years telling his sad tale of woe. the question is, why do we lionize guys who inflict that kind of misery on working folks?

Sorry, man, you are crazy.

I simply do not understand how people who aren't rich defend the behavior of the wealthy that has such a bad effect on the country.

I see what your problem is, bigotry and intolerance.

McConnell is bad because he talked about something he did not do, yet Obama is good even though he ran an ad that said that Romney killed the wife of a steelworker, and one of his aids accused him of committing a felony. Not sure I see the difference, other than Obama being black.

Yet I am still the crazy one.

You mean other than Romney being total Mormon scum who ruined a lot of people's lives...

Joe Soptic has been out there for years telling his sad tale of woe. the question is, why do we lionize guys who inflict that kind of misery on working folks?

Sorry, man, you are crazy.

I simply do not understand how people who aren't rich defend the behavior of the wealthy that has such a bad effect on the country.

You finally admit your problem, bigotry.

No, not bigotry, just an observation.

Mormons think they are even going to get a better heaven than us "Gentiles". We just get to sit on clouds, they get to rule their own planets. So not surprisingly, they don't think anything of abusing Chinese women in a sweatshop or stealing a man's health insurance and letting his wife die.

I didn't want that kind of "morality" anyhwere near my White House, thanks.

Whatever your beliefs about Romney, Obama and his crew were still scummy. Your claim that Obama or someone with him set some sort of limits (and your implication that they were admirable limits) is just hooey.

Obama and his people crossed the boundary of decency throughout his political career. No credible evidence has been presented of him imposing any meaningful limits or saying "that's a line we shouldn't cross", and in fact the opposite is true. We don't know what all lines Obama may have crossed. What we have observed is bad enough and it would not be logical to assume that we observed it all.

Actually, I thought Obama went easy on Romney. He didn't go after his religion, (which again, is what McConnel's goon squad said about doing to Judd, and she didn't belong a cult started by pedophiles.) He really went a lot easier on his business practices than he could have.

Romney put his wealth and his business practices on the table. They were his whole rationale for running. It certainly wasn't the bang-up job he did in Massachusetts. He ran as director of Bain, so why was talking about what Bain did to people off limits?

Calling him a felon was aline Obama drew in the sand, and then blasted across.

Calling him a felon was aline Obama drew in the sand, and then blasted across.

If Romney was still collecting checks from Bain after he divested himself from it, he committed a felony.

Of course, Romney wouldn't show us his tax returns, so we'll never know.

You support dirty tricks, end of conversation.

No, not really. I think we deserve to know everything about a politician. I think we should be putting camera crews on these guys 24-7 the minute they declare their candidacies.

Incidently, in this case, it appears McConnel and his boys were talking so loud, people could hear them in the hallway, which is how this recording was made.
If Romney was still collecting checks from Bain after he divested himself from it, he committed a felony.

Of course, Romney wouldn't show us his tax returns, so we'll never know.

You support dirty tricks, end of conversation.

No, not really. I think we deserve to know everything about a politician. I think we should be putting camera crews on these guys 24-7 the minute they declare their candidacies.

Incidently, in this case, it appears McConnel and his boys were talking so loud, people could hear them in the hallway, which is how this recording was made.

You think you deserve to know everything about a politician, yet you support Obama not releasing his transcripts.

By the way, it was still a dirty trick, and you support dirty tricks.
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