Was Ist Los???? .... Geo-Politics For Our Time

Add the other inept Democrat elitist, Obama's erstwhile opponent from '09, and see the effect she had.


6. Nor was Bill's wife any value-added:

"(CNN) -When it comes to Russia, the Obama administration has been talking about “pressing the reset button.” It’s meant to symbolize a possible new start in U.S./Russian relations, which “crashed” after Russia invaded Georgia last August." Clinton 'reset button' gift to Russian FM gets lost in translation

a. Recognizing the ineptitude of the Obama administration, "... Germany may well have been complicit in Russia’s plan to attack Georgia.” That statement was backed up by events that happened later. In January 2009, after Moscow shut down its supply of natural gas to Ukraine and Georgia, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and appears to have joined him in forcing Ukraine to back down. The Germans also tacitly supported Russia when it marched into Georgia and virtually took control of the country." The Hitler-Stalin Pact: Is History Repeating Itself?

Hillary's husband had promised to support Ukraine against Russia (the Budapest Memorandum).

b. ".... Sarah Palin totallycalled that Putin would invade Ukraine (she will be on Fox News tonight to remind us), about how Mitt Romney was unfairly mocked for calling Russia the greatest "geopolitical threat" to the United States, about Hillary Clinton's "reset button" gaffe. Even the LiberalNew Republic(tm)has admitted that Mitt Romney was right about the Russians and their ambitions." Why Obama Got Russia Wrong (and Romney Got It Right)

History may not repeat itself, but Americans should educate themselves on what happened the last time Russia and Germany joined forces.

And vote accordingly.


Which part of the rejection of your views do you not get...

I hope you know you're bat shit crazy.
"Putin didn't invade Ukraine."

Gee.....look how quickly you removed any doubt that you have less than zero knowledge of geopolitics.

Now...be sure to drop back when the conversation gets around to 'monster trucks.'

Back to your blanket fort!

Just for fun, can you provide some evidence of the invasion?


"Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation
The internationally recognised Ukrainian territory of Crimea was annexed by the Russian Federation on 18 March 2014. From the time of the annexation, Russia has de factoadministered the peninsula as two federal subjects—the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol—within the Crimean Federal District.[31] The military intervention and annexation by Russia took place in the aftermath of the ousting of the Ukrainian President during the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and was part of wider unrest across southern and eastern Ukraine."
Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OK.....see ya'
OK.....see ya'

So, the people of Crimea had a referendum, decided they didn't want to be ruled by a bunch of neo nazis in Kiev and they asked to be part of Russia again....

And you call that an invasion?


So you where the one that the American philosopher, George Santayana, had in mind when he wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

I have grave doubts as to your educability...but, the eternal optimist, I'll remind you that the same argument was made when the Nazis invaded German speaking areas....

'The Sudetenland (Czech and Slovak: Sudety, Polish: Kraj Sudetów) is the German name (used in English in the first half of the 20th century) to refer to those northern, southwest, and western areas of Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by German speakers, specifically the border districts of Bohemia, Moravia, and those parts of Silesia located within Czechoslovakia.'
Sudetenland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To save time...please list any other invasions by dictators that you'd like to excuse.

Wait....haven't I identified you as some sort of Nazi previous to this????
Or did you call yourself a 'socialist' then....as in "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"
So you where the one that the American philosopher, George Santayana, had in mind when he wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

I have grave doubts as to your educability...but, the eternal optimist, I'll remind you that the same argument was made when the Nazis invaded German speaking areas....

'The Sudetenland (Czech and Slovak: Sudety, Polish: Kraj Sudetów) is the German name (used in English in the first half of the 20th century) to refer to those northern, southwest, and western areas of Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by German speakers, specifically the border districts of Bohemia, Moravia, and those parts of Silesia located within Czechoslovakia.'
Sudetenland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To save time...please list any other invasions by dictators that you'd like to excuse.

Wait....haven't I identified you as some sort of Nazi previous to this????
Or did you call yourself a 'socialist' then....as in "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"

Eh, somehow you managed to skip over the referendum part, you know where the people of Crimea decided their own faith.... just like your beloved founding fathers wanted

And you can identify all you want, I identify you as a delusional republican cultist. You know, as in Saddam's republican guard

So you where the one that the American philosopher, George Santayana, had in mind when he wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

I have grave doubts as to your educability...but, the eternal optimist, I'll remind you that the same argument was made when the Nazis invaded German speaking areas....

'The Sudetenland (Czech and Slovak: Sudety, Polish: Kraj Sudetów) is the German name (used in English in the first half of the 20th century) to refer to those northern, southwest, and western areas of Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by German speakers, specifically the border districts of Bohemia, Moravia, and those parts of Silesia located within Czechoslovakia.'
Sudetenland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To save time...please list any other invasions by dictators that you'd like to excuse.

Wait....haven't I identified you as some sort of Nazi previous to this????
Or did you call yourself a 'socialist' then....as in "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"

Eh, somehow you managed to skip over the referendum part, you know where the people of Crimea decided their own faith.... just like your beloved founding fathers wanted

And you can identify all you want, I identify you as a delusional republican cultist. You know, as in Saddam's republican guard


"The conflict originated in March 2014 when unmarked Russian soldiers seized the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, an invasion...."

The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.

Any other concepts I can help you with?
"The conflict originated in March 2014 when unmarked Russian soldiers seized the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, an invasion...."

The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.

Any other concepts I can help you with?

Don't you ever read something except delusional rightwing propaganda?

The whole thing started when the US organized one of their trademark regime changes, Yats and his fellow neo nazis grabbed power and started a war against the eastern part of Ukraine that refused to recognize their rule. The people of Crimea decided they didn't want to be part of a civil war and saw their chance to return to mother Russia (which they wanted since Kruchev gave Crimea to Ukraine as a bithday present to his wife).

Russian soldiers were already in Crimea since it's the base of the Black sea fleet (which they leased from Ukraine) so the whole invasion thingy is just bull$hit.

Since you're also a fan of realpolitik, why can't you simply accept that Crimea is part of Russia (again)? You really think Putin is going to give it back (against the will of a vast majority of the Russian people) just because a bunch of neocons are whining about it?

"The conflict originated in March 2014 when unmarked Russian soldiers seized the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, an invasion...."

The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.

Any other concepts I can help you with?

Don't you ever read something except delusional rightwing propaganda?

The whole thing started when the US organized one of their trademark regime changes, Yats and his fellow neo nazis grabbed power and started a war against the eastern part of Ukraine that refused to recognize their rule. The people of Crimea decided they didn't want to be part of a civil war and saw their chance to return to mother Russia (which they wanted since Kruchev gave Crimea to Ukraine as a bithday present to his wife).

Russian soldiers were already in Crimea since it's the base of the Black sea fleet (which they leased from Ukraine) so the whole invasion thingy is just bull$hit.

Since you're also a fan of realpolitik, why can't you simply accept that Crimea is part of Russia (again)? You really think Putin is going to give it back (against the will of a vast majority of the Russian people) just because a bunch of neocons are whining about it?


You can whine all you like, Untersturmführer, but the facts remain as I stated.
Putin invaded the Ukraine, took over territory, and you're an apologist for same.

"The conflict originated in March 2014 when unmarked Russian soldiers seized the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, an invasion...."

The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.

Any other concepts I can help you with?

Don't you ever read something except delusional rightwing propaganda?

The whole thing started when the US organized one of their trademark regime changes, Yats and his fellow neo nazis grabbed power and started a war against the eastern part of Ukraine that refused to recognize their rule. The people of Crimea decided they didn't want to be part of a civil war and saw their chance to return to mother Russia (which they wanted since Kruchev gave Crimea to Ukraine as a bithday present to his wife).

Russian soldiers were already in Crimea since it's the base of the Black sea fleet (which they leased from Ukraine) so the whole invasion thingy is just bull$hit.

Since you're also a fan of realpolitik, why can't you simply accept that Crimea is part of Russia (again)? You really think Putin is going to give it back (against the will of a vast majority of the Russian people) just because a bunch of neocons are whining about it?


You can whine all you like, Untersturmführer, but the facts remain as I stated.
Putin invaded the Ukraine, took over territory, and you're an apologist for same.

I'll bet you can't find one post of PoliticalChic's where she states in her own words what the US should have done in the Ukraine.
You can whine all you like, Untersturmführer, but the facts remain as I stated.
Putin invaded the Ukraine, took over territory, and you're an apologist for same.

Whatever, why am I even trying to reason with you

Oh, and the Untersturmführers are on the side of the patriotic Ukrainians you love so much. These are the guys that are fighting against the Russian "invasion"

Makes you wonder why the Crimean people voted to join Russia, doesn't it?


You can whine all you like, Untersturmführer, but the facts remain as I stated.
Putin invaded the Ukraine, took over territory, and you're an apologist for same.

Whatever, why am I even trying to reason with you

Oh, and the Untersturmführers are on the side of the patriotic Ukrainians you love so much. These are the guys that are fighting against the Russian "invasion"

Makes you wonder why the Crimean people voted to join Russia, doesn't it?



"....the Untersturmführers are on the side of the patriotic Ukrainians you love so much."

I never evinced any such love....it is rectitude and knowledge that I love.

Now...your attempt to change the subject means I win again, huh?
"....the Untersturmführers are on the side of the patriotic Ukrainians you love so much."

I never evinced any such love....it is rectitude and knowledge that I love.

Now...your attempt to change the subject means I win again, huh?

What was the original subject again?

Ah right, Merkel teaming up with Putin to invade Poland......

You win, they have to be stopped at al cost. What's the solution btw?

"....the Untersturmführers are on the side of the patriotic Ukrainians you love so much."

I never evinced any such love....it is rectitude and knowledge that I love.

Now...your attempt to change the subject means I win again, huh?

What was the original subject again?

Ah right, Merkel teaming up with Putin to invade Poland......

You win, they have to be stopped at al cost. What's the solution btw?


Why on earth would she want Germany to have BAD relations with Russia? She's fucking mental.

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