Was Jimmy Carter STUPID?

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When was he voted in? :tongue: Still, fair point...Why is Wilson at the top of the list? Getting the US into WWI?

And WW2. Heck the man caused WW2 by butchering the peace talks.

The man was a totalitarian. and in my opinion quite insane. He segregated the military after they had been integrated since the Civil War. And because of the high amount of government regulation we went through the Depression of 1920 (Which was thankfully negated by the next administrations policies. Shame Hoover didnt learn from them).

And he gave us the dreaded Fed
And the income tax...and direct election of Senators...
Jimmah Peanuts was merely naïve and incompetent.

He doesn't even crack the the top five worst of the 20th century, let alone nab the #1 spot.

Who are the Top 5?

1) George Bush jr
2) Ronnie Raygun
3) Warren Harding
4) Herbert Hoover
5) George Bush snr

1)Lyndon Johnson
2)Woodrow Wilson
4)Barack Obama
5)Warren G Harding

Of course, Obama still has 2 years to improve his place on the list...
Harding was the bomb (gotta love a guy who holds poker night at the White House on Fridays) and Barry Obolshevik is in the wrong century.
I find it pretty funny that somebody has to ask if Jimmy Carter was stupid. Let's see... I heard it in a movie once - "Stupid is as stupid does." That covers the ass clown Obama pretty well too. If it wasn't for Obama, Jimmy Carter would be the worst President this country has ever had. Obama took that honor away from him.
When was he voted in? :tongue: Still, fair point...Why is Wilson at the top of the list? Getting the US into WWI?

And WW2. Heck the man caused WW2 by butchering the peace talks.

The man was a totalitarian. and in my opinion quite insane. He segregated the military after they had been integrated since the Civil War. And because of the high amount of government regulation we went through the Depression of 1920 (Which was thankfully negated by the next administrations policies. Shame Hoover didnt learn from them).

And he gave us the dreaded Fed
And the income tax...and direct election of Senators...

You don't like senators being elected by the people? hmmm...you're the second person I've come across in 10 years who thinks that
And WW2. Heck the man caused WW2 by butchering the peace talks.

The man was a totalitarian. and in my opinion quite insane. He segregated the military after they had been integrated since the Civil War. And because of the high amount of government regulation we went through the Depression of 1920 (Which was thankfully negated by the next administrations policies. Shame Hoover didnt learn from them).

And he gave us the dreaded Fed
And the income tax...and direct election of Senators...

You don't like senators being elected by the people? hmmm...you're the second person I've come across in 10 years who thinks that
Well, I guess it's safe to say you don't get out much, Scooter.

No. In over his head? Yes.

Indeed. The number one thing that he gets blame for, the Hostage crisis, occurred because of policies that the U.S and CIA had enacted over 25 years prior.

Yeah, but his wishy-washy "we'll do A...no wait, we'll do B" just made the situation worse. Much, much worse.

Plus the original uprising prior to the actual revolution shoulda been a clue...one that he ignored completely.
I dont think so. Alittle cocky. Unrealistic. I think he probably is pretty smart. he just learned alot of things that simply arent so

I must ask, do they amount to WMDs, 3,000+ US Troops Dead, 10,000+ missing limbs & faces, thousands more murdered, tortured & raped, and a wasted Trillion dollars? Is that unrealistic? Someone who had learned a lot of things are not so, but still believes they are?? Be honest.........
Wrong century, knucklehead.

BTW, how did those "police actions" in Korea and Vietnam work out?

LMAO!! How did Iran Contra work out?? I don't think we ever had a president with his own for hire military before, or one who supplied our enemies with weapons to be used against us. At least Carter was the commander of the US Military, not the Reagan-Bush Mafia hit team.
I do not think Carter was stupid, by all indications he is quite intelligent, but intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing, in particular political wisdom. Political wisdom requires almost an instinctual ability to understand human nature, and the changing influences culture will have on human nature, the deep, primal motivations of power. Carter never really understood America’s adversaries because he created an intellectual framework for interpreting the world that did not comport with human nature. Indeed he over thought things projecting his idealism on America’s enemies and convincing himself much of the conflict in the world was a misunderstanding.

Intellectuals often do this; I think President Obama suffers from this as well.

Statesmanship requires some intelligence, but it also requires a visceral understanding of human instinct, human lust for power.

It is much more of an art than a management process.
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Jimmah Peanuts was merely naïve and incompetent.

He doesn't even crack the the top five worst of the 20th century, let alone nab the #1 spot.

Who are the Top 5?

1) George Bush jr
2) Ronnie Raygun
3) Warren Harding
4) Herbert Hoover
5) George Bush snr
Really? That's the top five??? I think I feel an icepick behind the left eye.

And FYI, W is the first 21st century president.
I find it pretty funny that somebody has to ask if Jimmy Carter was stupid. Let's see... I heard it in a movie once - "Stupid is as stupid does." That covers the ass clown Obama pretty well too. If it wasn't for Obama, Jimmy Carter would be the worst President this country has ever had. Obama took that honor away from him.

Neither of them are even in the top ten IMO
Carter was stupid to think that an honest man would fit in as president.

That I can agree with. Along with Frogen's post.

Jimmy was honest to a fault, and seemed to be honestly confused when other people in the world weren't. Which led to his indecisiveness. Which led to a piss-poor presidency.
Who are the Top 5?

1) George Bush jr
2) Ronnie Raygun
3) Warren Harding
4) Herbert Hoover
5) George Bush snr
When did Shrubbie take office, fool? :lol:

When was he voted in? :tongue: Still, fair point...Why is Wilson at the top of the list? Getting the US into WWI?


I would say to go read a history book, but nahhh... you guys are hopeless.

The things Wilson enacted are right up you libtards alley. :cuckoo:

I say Wilson was the worst... followed closely by FDR & Carter (the antisemite)
Carter was stupid to think that an honest man would fit in as president.

That I can agree with. Along with Frogen's post.

Jimmy was honest to a fault, and seemed to be honestly confused when other people in the world weren't. Which led to his indecisiveness. Which led to a piss-poor presidency.

He also got little support from his own party becuase they knew if he cuaght them in any shady dealing he would hang them. so they hung him out to dry.
Carter was stupid to think that an honest man would fit in as president.

That I can agree with. Along with Frogen's post.

Jimmy was honest to a fault, and seemed to be honestly confused when other people in the world weren't. Which led to his indecisiveness. Which led to a piss-poor presidency.

He also got little support from his own party becuase they knew if he cuaght them in any shady dealing he would hang them. so they hung him out to dry.

That too.
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