Was Satan, the Morning Star, created in God’s image or is she God?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Was Satan, the Morning Star, created in God’s image or is she God?

God would have been the only form in the universe and since we are created in his image then it seems logical that all entities that God created would have his form or image. Vatican art depicts Satan as a female and depicts God as a male. Here we see man placing un-warranted blame on women. As usual. Christian misogyny is quite deep.

The first commandment says that we are not to place anyone above God for anything. God is to be the epitome of all attributes including good and evil.

This makes sense from the POV of looking at God as being alone in the beginning, before he began to create. All good and evils have to have come from God’s essence. There can be no other source. If good and evil are then equal in power, it follows that God and Satan are also equal. That would explain how in Job 3;2, God complains that Satan moved him to do evil by destroying without just cause. It would also explain how in the story of King David, God could be so vile as to torture King David’s baby for 6 days before finally murdering it. Only a Satanic God could do such a thing. Right?

Is Satan as powerful as God and is that why God seems to be rewarding Satan with dominion over us and the power to deceive us all? Is that also why God denies us justice by not imposing his sentence on Satan and putting her in hell?

In thinking of this, it is probably worth noting that the Bible refers to both Satan and Jesus as "the Morning Star".

I also find it interesting that in the Lord's Prayer, God is implored to "lead us not into temptation". Leading people into temptation is generally considered to be the roll of Satan.

The torture of David’s baby would be about as evil as one could get.
Is there really a Satan or is it all God who must be the epitome of good and evil?

Or are you putting another evil God above or beside your God?

How do you know, while they were writing these stories, the author's did not confuse who was who?

I mean, even the prophets suffered human frailties. At least in the OT, they did.
How do you know, while they were writing these stories, the author's did not confuse who was who?

I mean, even the prophets suffered human frailties. At least in the OT, they did.

I don't know. That is why I put the question.

Especially the Satan being female part. The church seemed to be setting the stage a certain way and not in a way that would be good for women who seems to be blamed for all of man's woes.

Satan, like all of the various gods, is an imaginary creature.

No argument but do you not think it strange that Jesus and Satan share a name and that women seem to be a particular target for the church?



Why would anything be considered strange about an enormous juggernaut group of organizations who make their money from getting people to believe in the impossible and nonsensical?

Magic underwear, planet Kolob, magic water, magic smoke, living forever on a cloud with a kindly old guy amid people who sprouted wings and play harps and on and on and on .......

What part of religious belief makes any sense at all?

Just hand over your money and don't ask questions.
Well, if you look at it from a non-bias perspective.

Women, as it pertain to the survival of the human species, are more important than men.

They are the ones that house and nurse the unborn.
They cannot do this if they are dead nor expect them to if they are fatally injured or sick.

As it turns out, a population that has more women than men can expect a population boom in the next generation while a population with more men than women can expect a decline in their numbers.

It is said, not sure how true this actually is, that sperm can survive long after the that produce it has died. If that is so, with a little science on retrieving and storing(which we have) the need for men has become less and less while the importance of have grown steadily.

In short, misogyny is an attempt to keep women from recognizing their own latent powers. If they ever do, they could take control over us through their abilities to reproduce, their arguments to their importance, even their sex appeal could be used as a weapon!!!

Fortunately for us, women are suckers for chocolates and massage. So keep rubbing her feet and don't let her know why!!!
are the polar opposite sides of

One is the corruption of the other.

the negative side is FEAR based
the positive side is LOVE based

* fear of the unknown
vs love of truth which comes from God
* fear of change/control by outside authority and need for retribution
(retributive justice which is Antichrist)
vs. love of justice or Restorative Justice with Mercy which is Christ Jesus
* fear of conflict and confrontation (hateful divisive speech, false propaganda, warfare)
vs. love of humanity, peace and harmony, resolving and healing conflicts to restore unity

Blasphemies against the Holy Spirit come from
Unforgiveness which is the one unforgiveable sin.
We must first agree to forgive and to ask help with forgiveness
before we can receive full correction and healing to restore justice in relationships
and in the world to unite all humanity as one.

Was Satan, the Morning Star, created in God’s image or is she God?

God would have been the only form in the universe and since we are created in his image then it seems logical that all entities that God created would have his form or image. Vatican art depicts Satan as a female and depicts God as a male. Here we see man placing un-warranted blame on women. As usual. Christian misogyny is quite deep.

The first commandment says that we are not to place anyone above God for anything. God is to be the epitome of all attributes including good and evil.

This makes sense from the POV of looking at God as being alone in the beginning, before he began to create. All good and evils have to have come from God’s essence. There can be no other source. If good and evil are then equal in power, it follows that God and Satan are also equal. That would explain how in Job 3;2, God complains that Satan moved him to do evil by destroying without just cause. It would also explain how in the story of King David, God could be so vile as to torture King David’s baby for 6 days before finally murdering it. Only a Satanic God could do such a thing. Right?

Is Satan as powerful as God and is that why God seems to be rewarding Satan with dominion over us and the power to deceive us all? Is that also why God denies us justice by not imposing his sentence on Satan and putting her in hell?

In thinking of this, it is probably worth noting that the Bible refers to both Satan and Jesus as "the Morning Star".

I also find it interesting that in the Lord's Prayer, God is implored to "lead us not into temptation". Leading people into temptation is generally considered to be the roll of Satan.

The torture of David’s baby would be about as evil as one could get.
Is there really a Satan or is it all God who must be the epitome of good and evil?

Or are you putting another evil God above or beside your God?


Where we fail to forgive and include all other people equally as ourselves,
then we fall short of God's unconditional love for all humanity.
Any religion we preach that teaches other than full inclusion, as God is universal and unconditional,
is creating worshipping and idolizing some false image or concept of God
that benefits us at the expense of others and isn't truly universal as God represents.
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Was Satan, the Morning Star, created in God’s image or is she God?

I have a book that covers this debate but I think the Morning Star is Jesus.

Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
Satan, like all of the various gods, is an imaginary creature.

No argument but do you not think it strange that Jesus and Satan share a name and that women seem to be a particular target for the church?


1. Antichrist is the corrupted form of Jesus or Justice.

This is the second level of the trinity, where laws are enforced by conscience.

Satan and God occupy the level above that.

And on the level of humanity, the church or the body of people is
the FEMALE side of the spirit, humanity, and image of God.

All three levels have a corrupted side.

2. for the corruption and oppression in the world that targets the female side of humanity, if you read books on the matriarchal cultures that existed before patriarchal culture took over (When God was a Woman, The Chalice and the Blade),
again, the laws were corrupted to control and commit genocide for political power.

This happens with church history, states, corporate and economic development.
It isn't just with religions, but all collective authority and institutions oppress
the poor workers at the bottom of the social scale.

a. I have been looking at this from a spiritual perspective, that the laws "flipped" from being matriarchal-run societies (property was passed down from mothers to daughters, so women knew who their heirs were by birth) to patriarchal lineage (where primogeniture from fathers to sons depended on "Marriage laws" and controlling sex and adultery to ensure the men knew who their heirs were, so thus the need to control sex, marriage and people using written laws through the church and state). So the point of the sacrifice and restoration in Christ is to restore balance and harmony between male and female, church and state, people and government, united and protected as equals under one law.

b. another friend read books and was teaching this imbalance as an economic trend.
because the labor and role of men as meat hunters was valued more than the fruits and vegetables harvested by women and field workers, this is what caused the disparity between classes. the more the management classes could hoard technological and financial control of the resources to store and distribute goods, the poor workers remain unequally valued and risk exploitation of their labor. so if you interpret the people in society collectively as "the woman" in the relationship while the laws and government are the "man or husband" again the point is to respect include and protect all people under law.
NOT monopolize the power and knowledge of laws where the "patriarchal male figures" are given rights to rule and impose on everyone else as subjects. this hierarchal imbalance is more of a societal issue, affecting all collective bodies and laws, not just religions.

in Sociology, it has been shown that when you put people in groups, even in the classroom, people are conditioned to defer to the males while the women are expected to ask permission and follow others. I thought this was a spiritual trend or difference in roles, but my other friend saw it as an economically conditioned role based on undervaluing the work of women (such as unpaid work raising and educating children) compared with men.
Y'all got some wild theories goin' on in this topic!

Equal in heresy perhaps to my ______ that there are two Satans-

-Iblis, the Old Testament Devil, a fallen Jinn of the Quran who refused to bow before Adam in the Garden of Eden

-Ereshkigal, the ancient Mesopotamian Empress of Hell/ Irkalla/ The Underworld.... whom I equate with Lilith, the first woman and Demon, who refused to allow Adam dominance over her in the Garden of Eden

F***ing Adam man!

Vatican art mostly depicts angels and such creatures as Androgynous. I tell you now that Angels and Demons can take any form that suits their objective!

And God/ YHWH/ Adonai/ Allah/ Elohim is the greatest God, a master of creation and destruction! A perfect balance of Good and Evil!

That destructive side is especially evident in the Old Testament. But God's _______ toward humanity evolved. The story of mankind is one that God enjoys, but it requires that all of us are capable of good, evil, or balance, and the choices regarding how we choose to live our lives, how to affect the world, and how to treat each other.

Iblis had a choice and disobeyed the orders of the highest God, embracing his Satanic future. Lilith had a choice and abandoned Adam, screaming the forbidden name of God and abandoning paradise itself! What is not to admire in that? Doing so allowed her to retain her immortality and eventually evolve into a Goddess in Hell and devil incarnate triple OG infernal, demonic badass.

And God approves of all of it.
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