Was the officer who knelt on George Floyd's neck, a racist?

You keep making these points like it isn't overwhelmingly true...

Overwhelmingly true does not mean that it's always true.

Yea stop taking my fucking quotes out u bum

I responded to that i'm not going to do it again

You keep doing that and forget what teh fuck you were even talking about to begin with

It was the relevant part.

A lot is not equal to Always

No it's not

It's what you want to be relevant because you've forgotten your original point

And keep trying to move teh goalposts to beyond a reasonable doubt (which is not 100% by the way)

You do not have the cognitive throughput to pull any of this off. Identify relevant bits or just simple memory of your point.

"i was responding to OP"

I was responding to taht response retard. No one is debating whether or not you can prove in a court he is racist. No one gives a shit if you can. he has to be punished for societies ills. That's simple.

You don't like it? Maybe convince your local cops to stop racially profiling, until then people are gonna have to burn on the stakes of racial strife.

Remember your education and your place. Clearly it's not high
No it's not

It's what you want to be relevant because you've forgotten your original point

And keep trying to move teh goalposts to beyond a reasonable doubt (which is not 100% by the way)

You keep saying that, but it doesn't make it true. I know what my original point was.

We don't know if Chauvin is racist or not. The fact that you think many are racist does not indicate that all are racist. Hence why I am focusing on the relevant part, like I told you. It's very simple.
The knee on the neck was not the cause of death.
Perp swallowed a bag of drugs minutes earlier.
But the cops will be sacrificed on the altar, to pander to the violent marxist mobs.
The jury may decline to convict. Then the mobs will go bat shit, and the Xiden regime will attempt to put them in double jeopardy anti-constitutionally like most of the shit leftist sociopaths do.

The next BLM riot under Mr Biden will not be taken so silently by MAGA people.
Let's just say, a lot of people will not be so shy to carry and use.
There is zero proof he is a racist.
There is proof he is a murderer.
It's not clear.
Why would someone murder a person under the gaze of so many witnesses and cameraphones??
Why would a murderer call an ambulance?

More like manslaughter or negligence.
Do you know what would happen if I put my knee on your neck for 8:46?

I wouldn't do that because i know it would kill you.

He knew exactly what was going to happen.

FYI...when a black man calls for his mother, it's because he knows he is about to die.

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Based on what?
Anyway, his THOUGHTS about the animals he deals with on a daily basis is irrelevant. Only his actions matter. Did he violate procedures?
How do you determine when/if someone is racist?
I'm fine with anyone hating me because I'm an evil white man. If they assault me BECAUSE I'm white, then it's a problem.

The short answer is I dont care about their THOUGHT, only their behavior
I just read an article on Yahoo News that came from the New York Times concerning Derek Chauvin, the officer who knelt on George Floyd's neck.
'Don't Kill Me': Others Tell of Abuse by Officer Who Knelt on George Floyd (yahoo.com)
A few paragraphs down you can read that there were "six arrests as far back as 2015 that the Minnesota attorney general's office sought to introduce, arguing that they showed how Chauvin was using excessive force when he restrained people". In the next paragraph, you can read this. "Of the six people arrested, two were black, one was Latino and one was Native American. The race of the other two was not included in the arrest reports that reporters examined."

I would like to know the race of these other two people. It seems to me that since race was not included in these arrest reports, it is possible that they were white. If that is the case (I am not suggesting that I am convinced that they were white) that would prove that Derek Chauvin is not a racist. He may have been a bad cop, deserving of being removed from law enforcement, but if he is not racist, then this whole "George Floyd was killed by a racist cop" was not the truth. Maybe all the violence and destruction would not have happened.
If he abused whites he still could be a racist. A cop killing a unarmed complisnt black man could have been killed by another black cop and the outrage would have been the same.
Based on what?
Anyway, his THOUGHTS about the animals he deals with on a daily basis is irrelevant. Only his actions matter. Did he violate procedures?
How do you determine when/if someone is racist?
I'm fine with anyone hating me because I'm an evil white man. If they assault me BECAUSE I'm white, then it's a problem.

The short answer is I dont care about their THOUGHT, only their behavior
Racism comes with behavior, that's the problem.
I'm fine with anyone hating me because I'm an evil white man. If they assault me BECAUSE I'm white, then it's a problem.

The short answer is I dont care about their THOUGHT, only their behavior
With all that, you still haven't said anything about how you define racism.

I'm looking forward to your answer in that regard.
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you know what would happen if I put my knee on your neck for 8:46?

I wouldn't do that because i know it would kill you
Not if you stop struggling. That's the whole point.

But he didnt die because a knee was used to pin him down. HE OVERDOSED, and you know it
He didn't die from an overdose. If he had OD'd he would have died at the place he took the drugs. You don't have to struggle when a knee is in the back of your kneck. And if there was a struggle it would be due to the fact that when a persons air is cut off they tend to fight to be able to breath.

Your post was rather stupid.
I don't dispute that racism is an issue, but it can't be proven. That's the problem.

If one guy punches another guy in the face, then we can't know what the motivating factor was. Maybe he punched him because he's racist. Maybe he punched because he has an issue with that guy. Maybe he punched him because he's just a jerk. Who knows? Instead of focusing on the motivating factor that we can't possibly know, focus on the actions itself - the punch.

By shifting attention to something subjective, you're lobbing up a softball for them to hit out of the park. They should easily be able to deny that race was a motivating factor.
As stated previously, one's background and previous words and actions can prove if one is racist.

It's a fallacy that racism can't be proven.

Every other ism can be proven, right?
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As stated previously, one's background and previous words and actions can prove if one is racist.

It's a fallacy that racism can't be proven.

Every other ism can be proven, right?

What background, previous words, and actions are you referring to? The details are important.

I'm not saying that racism can't be proven. I'm saying that racism is very difficult to prove.
There is zero proof he is a racist.
There is proof he is a murderer.
It's not clear.
Why would someone murder a person under the gaze of so many witnesses and cameraphones??
Why would a murderer call an ambulance?

More like manslaughter or negligence.

He was wearing a police uniform, that means he can kill under certain circumstances. Which means he can get away with murder.
What background, previous words, and actions are you referring to? The details are important.

I'm not saying that racism can't be proven. I'm saying that racism is very difficult to prove.
If you have a sordid history of saying racist things, you have a history off being accused of racism, and then some incident occurs where race is involved, your history is the proof against you.

Provided that you're being judged by a group of your peers of course.
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