Was This Justified?

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She made me hesitate to welcome noobs now, and not jump the proverbial gun by saying they are a breath of fresh air. Especially the ones she invited.
Under the circumstances, I feel it was very christian of me thank you.
Now go hop along now... it's getting late..mind your ears and whiskers
For the record..that was not aimed at you. I figured you with more common sense and approachable. You should have figured that out since you are not as new as the newest ones that arrived.

Anyway..doesn't matter. Better know sooner rather than later.
So I was just wondering, is it okay to cuss sometimes? I mean, it was for the right reason as I was just trying to defend my friend.

But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language.

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.


No. You are soliticing help from those who befriended you when you got here, as well as back pats from those who followed you from wherever you were kicked to the curb.

This should be in badlands. It has nothing to do with your "religious" ideals.

Whatever. There goes another member on ignore. :rolleyes:
The reason that you put people on ignore is that you are demanding that literally everyone agree with you and when they do not and you know that you are not intellectual enough to mount a rebuttal argument so you are forced to ignore these people, however what you are really ignoring is your own ineptitude.
Or maybe just asking a legitimate question but not quite sure how to word it.
All it takes is a little patience.

My grandson is autistic. He is going on 19 this fall. He has a hard time socially.
I will ask him, how did school go? He'll tell me to go F myself and giggle and say I don't wan't to talk about it.
I get the same response everytime I ask.
I don't mock him, I don't ridicule him.
Because I understand he has challenges.
Not everyone is "intellectually" secure in the way they handle social issues.
Some have a really hard time and are trying to find a way to not only fit in, but to control their own shortcomings.
It wouldn't hurt to just try to have a little understanding and patience, would it?
Or should we just give up on human compassion here and now?
I am just amazed at the lack of sensitivity and ability to understand when someone is just being a troll, and when someone is asking for help, but having difficulty finding the best way to express themselves.

Forget being christian, how about just trying to be human.
Have we really fallen so far?

Sad, so sad.
One of my friends on here was just getting harassed and even though I'm starting to get a tad bit better with my rage outbursts I couldn't stop myself this time to tell them to STFU and leave her alone. So I was just wondering, is it okay to cuss sometimes? I mean, it was for the right reason as I was just trying to defend my friend. Amadeus, Ziggy, JohnDB, mudwhistle, Anto9us, Grailhunter, what do you guys have to say about this? I'm wondering because I'm still feeling a bit convicted. Oh yeah, forgot to tag evenifigoalone.

What is truth, indeed? Where are all of the sinless accusers?
One of my friends on here was just getting harassed and even though I'm starting to get a tad bit better with my rage outbursts I couldn't stop myself this time to tell them to STFU and leave her alone. So I was just wondering, is it okay to cuss sometimes? I mean, it was for the right reason as I was just trying to defend my friend. Amadeus, Ziggy, JohnDB, mudwhistle, Anto9us, Grailhunter, what do you guys have to say about this? I'm wondering because I'm still feeling a bit convicted. Oh yeah, forgot to tag evenifigoalone.

Mt 12:36But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
What is an idle word? Perhaps it is a thoughtless or very selfish word and or a very hurtful word. Lots of those being spoken by people who do not know God. Since you do know Him, ask Him to help you with your words so that fewer and fewer of them will be idle!

Mt 7:7Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Then again who is it that you want to strike out at and hurt with your words?

Mt 18:7Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
The reason that you put people on ignore is that you are demanding that literally everyone agree with you and when they do not and you know that you are not intellectual enough to mount a rebuttal argument so you are forced to ignore these people, however what you are really ignoring is your own ineptitude.

Umm,.. did you not see what she said to me? It wasn't a simple fact of disagreeing with me. She insulted me and said something about me that wasn't true and in fact basically every word that comes out of her mouth (or rather that she types) isn't true and just plain hurtful.

Two things:

1. The guy playing Jesus has beautiful eyes. :)

2. I forgot what it means when He said to go and sin no more because except for Christ, we're all sinners. :/
The reason that you put people on ignore is that you are demanding that literally everyone agree with you and when they do not and you know that you are not intellectual enough to mount a rebuttal argument so you are forced to ignore these people, however what you are really ignoring is your own ineptitude.

Umm,.. did you not see what she said to me? It wasn't a simple fact of disagreeing with me. She insulted me and said something about me that wasn't true and in fact basically every word that comes out of her mouth (or rather that she types) isn't true and just plain hurtful.
No I did not see, but what I do see is that you are unable to deal with the situation at hand. Really if you let the people who disagree with you rule your life then you are already dead
No I did not see, but what I do see is that you are unable to deal with the situation at hand. Really if you let the people who disagree with you rule your life then you are already dead

Putting people on ignore instead of cussing them out is a really good way to deal with the situation at hand.
No I did not see, but what I do see is that you are unable to deal with the situation at hand. Really if you let the people who disagree with you rule your life then you are already dead

Putting people on ignore instead of cussing them out is a really good way to deal with the situation at hand.
Yea if you are a gutless fool who can not tolerate a different opinion. I find retarded democraps that want to pay more taxes amusing
Yea if you are a gutless fool who can not tolerate a different opinion. I find retarded democraps that want to pay more taxes amusing

First of all I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, second of all I'm a republican on SSI so I don't pay taxes as of right now, third of all please do not say the word retarded around me or you will go on ignore as well and I really do not want to do that because I like a lot of the things you say around here and your political views. Oh and just for everybody's information, I have not cried or whined since I started this conversation. I've been confused, but I rarely ever shed tears when it comes to things like this.
Yea if you are a gutless fool who can not tolerate a different opinion. I find retarded democraps that want to pay more taxes amusing

First of all I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, second of all I'm a republican on SSI so I don't pay taxes as of right now, third of all please do not say the word retarded around me or you will go on ignore as well and I really do not want to do that because I like a lot of the things you say around here and your political views. Oh and just for everybody's information, I have not cried or whined since I started this conversation. I've been confused, but I rarely ever shed tears when it comes to things like this.
LOL, please do not put me on ignore, how would I ever live my life.

Retard alert
Well there goes another one. :sigh2:What's really sad is that there are way too many people talking on here and not enough people listening to one another. :( Ah well, I'm proud of myself that I just hit the ignore button instead of cussing this time. :)
Well there goes another one. :sigh2:What's really sad is that there are way too many people talking on here and not enough people listening to one another. :( Ah well, I'm proud of myself that I just hit the ignore button instead of cussing this time. :)
You are a psycho that thinks that you get to say what you want and no one can disagree with you and when they do you cry, Seriously you have the mentality of an 8 year old girl holding her breath to get her way
Well there goes another one. :sigh2:What's really sad is that there are way too many people talking on here and not enough people listening to one another. :( Ah well, I'm proud of myself that I just hit the ignore button instead of cussing this time. :)

Ec 3:1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Ec 3:7...a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
I don't use the ignore feature myself but I see where for some it might be a good thing.
If you question yourself about your language and outbursts you probably already know it's bad. If you are looking for a mommy to say everything is fine you came to the wrong place. Grow the F. up.
If you question yourself about your language and outbursts you probably already know it's bad. If you are looking for a mommy to say everything is fine you came to the wrong place. Grow the F. up.
Afraid that ain't gonna happen (her growing up). She goes looking for trouble, does what she thinks a good christian should NOT do, then questions herself then commences to do it all over again. She has done it enough times, that now she uses her special needs victimhood as an excuse for her bad behavior.
She relies on her friends to have her back, which is why she calls them all the time to help her battle those she insults or is rude too.

It really is a shame because she started off really well. Now those that were eager for this new gal to interact with see her behavior, they have backed off. Whats worse, thoes she brought are also now fast in the fallout phase as well. Possible friendships in a social sense are now kaput...all due to her actions.

Reap what ya sow.
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