Was This Justified?

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May I also point out for the record that I have special needs and I didn't even know that it sounded wrong. :/
is it okay to cuss sometimes? I mean, it was for the right reason as I was just trying to defend my friend.

This is the question.
Leave off all the other gobblygook and let's focus on this question.
This is what you want an answer to, right?
yidnar said it perfectly:
theres nothing wrong with getting angry for a good reason ..and if cussing makes you feel bad dont cuss .

I agree.
Yeah? I thought so too. Then she ruined it with her constant whinefests, insecurities, passive aggressive posts. More aggressive than passive, I might add.

Thanks, but no thanks. Unlike Jesus, I don't have the patience.
Someone informed her. lol. No. She peeked. Which is fine. I do that with those I have on iggie from time to time.

But IF she was concerned about her "christianity", she wouldn't be ready to battle anyone that she THINKS is not goosestepping to her childish behavior. Then, on top of that, she claims now that she has "special needs". Duh. Already figured that one out a few days ago.

I don't pick on mental people, but I also won't take their lame excuses as to their bad behavior of which she busts ass to exhibit.
I won't put her on ignore though. I want to :popcorn:and see when she blows again.
With that said..I DO want to thank her. She made me hesitate to welcome noobs now, and not jump the proverbial gun by saying they are a breath of fresh air. Especially the ones she invited. Time will tell.:spinner:
Anyways, I forgot that I wasn't even supposed to be cussing people out in the introductory thread anyways,.. :oops8:
One of my friends on here was just getting harassed and even though I'm starting to get a tad bit better with my rage outbursts I couldn't stop myself this time to tell them to STFU and leave her alone. So I was just wondering, is it okay to cuss sometimes? I mean, it was for the right reason as I was just trying to defend my friend. Amadeus, Ziggy, JohnDB, mudwhistle, Anto9us, Grailhunter, what do you guys have to say about this? I'm wondering because I'm still feeling a bit convicted. Oh yeah, forgot to tag evenifigoalone.
Y'all remind me of Dems.

"Do as I say, not as I do"...otherwise, the wrath of the Christians.
She made me hesitate to welcome noobs now, and not jump the proverbial gun by saying they are a breath of fresh air. Especially the ones she invited.
Under the circumstances, I feel it was very christian of me thank you.
Now go hop along now... it's getting late..mind your ears and whiskers
See..this is the problem. Like your buddy, I will say what I want, where I want, when I want. I've been here a long time. You are the noob, and you don't get to come in here yelling OFF TOPIC, or tell a long time poster to "hop along". You might think so...but newsflash...not gonna happen.

So why don't you hop on your bible as you thump it, and fly away yourself?
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