Washington DC mayor confronts Reid

Amazing that you guys just don't get it. This has become a high stakes poker game and the loser is going to be out of the game. Republicans started this but it has become more than obvious that the Dems are running with this and plan to play it out to the end. I don't see Dems breaking, but I do see Republicans caving at some point. It won't take that many to break away once they see how their polling numbers are looking. This is no longer even a question of who is right and who is wrong, even if the finger can be pointed at one group or the other. This is now just about gamesmanship, and honestly, the Dems seem to have the upper hand.
Amazing that you guys just don't get it. This has become a high stakes poker game and the loser is going to be out of the game. Republicans started this but it has become more than obvious that the Dems are running with this and plan to play it out to the end. I don't see Dems breaking, but I do see Republicans caving at some point. It won't take that many to break away once they see how their polling numbers are looking. This is no longer even a question of who is right and who is wrong, even if the finger can be pointed at one group or the other. This is now just about gamesmanship, and honestly, the Dems seem to have the upper hand.

You keep expressing the idea in thread after thread that the Republican Party is dead or dying. Yet, you directly contradict that point by then stating Republicans are responsible for the shutdown.

Question: How can a political party that is dead or dying have so much power?

Your two points make no sense. Maybe it makes you feel better to speculate about the long term status of the Republican Party, and speculate they may lose power, but the reality is, you don't have clue.

My speculation is the Democrats get killed in the 2014 mid-terms because Obama is such an incompetent asswipe. Maybe you hope the average American voter is too stupid to notice. In either case, neither of us knows, and I see no purpose in stating the same crap over and over and over again in multiple threads. :)

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