Washington post columnist compares Trump stock market bump to nazi Germany


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

A columnist at The Washington Post has all the answers as to exactly why the US Stock market is through the roof following Donald Trump entering the White House… it’s because NAZI Germany.

Washington Post Columnist Compares Trump Stock Market Bump To NAZI Germany

Everything that can be done to make the Donald look bad is going to be done those of us awake and not victims to MSM know better the problem is the sheep who use CNN or ABC MSM as their truth bibles are being lead to believe the wrong bs. Hence the Womens march that is only half of the loons out there falling victim to the msm bs. I mean what idiot claims this when stocks go up. Stocks going is usually a very good sign. But it can also be a bad sign when the system is rigged. History has shown at some points the stock will sky rocket and then come crashing down. We have been on the path to a global collapse for a long time and it is finally reaching it's peak.

The only reason half the zombies in this nation can't see it is because the Goon Government keeps putting band aids on it all the while bullshitting the public. But they are running out of ways to put band aids on this economy that is a total mess.
Whatever the reason the market sure as shit likes Trump.

Has it his 20,000 yet?? Last I saw it was 19,000.
The only thing that isn't Nazi Germany is when America is failing. When anarchists are setting fires, that's not Nazi Germany. When black gangs are beating random people up and stealing, that's not Nazi Germany. Terrorists ramming cars into crowds, that's not Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany is the stock market going up and the arrest of gangs bent on mayhem.

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