Washington Times: "Tea Party & Occupy Phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement Real Deal"


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
By Kevin Kelly

When Kentucky Senator Rand Paul appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program to endorse presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, it sent shockwaves across the political blogosphere.

Ron Paul supporters and participants in the Liberty Movement were angered and dismayed over Rand Paul’s apparent rejection of his own political roots. Many called the Senator a “traitor” and believed that he was selling out his own father in order to advance his political career. Worse, some thought this might be a sign that the Paul campaign would be willing to sell out, destroying everything that the Liberty Movement worked so diligently to promote.

It is during just such times of crisis that the Liberty movement proves itself “the real deal,” truly dedicated to changing the status quo, and unlike any other current political movement in its uncompromising ideology.

The Tea Party burst upon the scene to protest the reckless spending by our government. At one point, most Americans had a more favorable view of the Tea Party than they did of Republicans or Democrats. Soon, the Republican Party and many conservative pundits realized that by using the rhetoric employed by the Tea Party, they could further their own political agendas. People like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin positioned themselves as leaders of this movement even though both had supported the bailouts, reckless spending under Bush, and a blatant disregard of the Constitution.

The movement soon evolved from a gathering of Americans who were angry at their government over the accumulation of debt into another arm of the Republican Party designed to elect candidates under the Tea Party banner. Most of the “Tea Party” members of Congress who were elected have shown no signs of trying to seriously cut spending and are continuing to help maintain the status quo.

Occupy Wall Street arose to protest the inequality of wealth in the United States and demanded that our politicians not cave to Wall Street’s demands. Despite these lofty and well-received goals, the Occupy movement, similar to the Tea Party, is being hacked by the Democratic Party,...

Read More:
Tea Party and Occupy phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement is the real deal | Washington Times Communities
Washington Times: "Tea Party and Occupy phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement is the real deal" | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012
Ron Paul is not going to be president.

The democrats are now worried about the Teavangelicals.
TheLibertyMovement.org website is registered by proxy and the owners not made public, a sure sign the lobbyists already own that too. The right can never have a truly populist movement as long as they are so willing to appeal to deep pockets for support and ready to throw any of their beliefs overboard if it threatens the money.
However the RP movement is supported by TP "phonies".
How do you sort em out?

His own TP son would not endorse him for president.
TheLibertyMovement.org website is registered by proxy and the owners not made public, a sure sign the lobbyists already own that too. The right can never have a truly populist movement as long as they are so willing to appeal to deep pockets for support and ready to throw any of their beliefs overboard if it threatens the money.

Take it to the conspiracy forum. Break out your tin foil hat. :cuckoo:
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However the RP movement is supported by TP "phonies".
How do you sort em out?

His own TP son would not endorse him for president.

The RP movement is the original Tea Party movement. it is easy to sort out. If the self proclaimed Tea party member thinks RP is a whacko, but supports toolsheds like Mitt Romney, they are Republican shills. As the article points out. That movement was hijacked back in 2009? when some paid for shill went on a 5 minute rant on TV and all the loonie toons from the social conservative, fear of god movement jumped on the bandwagon.

After that regarding Rand, the game is chess, not checkers. A Mitt endorsement was inevitable from Rand, who is thinking about his future. If RP endorses Romney, that is when the movement is officially dead and Ron Paul goes down in history as a hack.

Good article. Read it this morning.....Rabbi and Sniperfire in 3....2.....1.....
By Kevin Kelly

When Kentucky Senator Rand Paul appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program to endorse presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, it sent shockwaves across the political blogosphere.

Ron Paul supporters and participants in the Liberty Movement were angered and dismayed over Rand Paul’s apparent rejection of his own political roots. Many called the Senator a “traitor” and believed that he was selling out his own father in order to advance his political career. Worse, some thought this might be a sign that the Paul campaign would be willing to sell out, destroying everything that the Liberty Movement worked so diligently to promote.

It is during just such times of crisis that the Liberty movement proves itself “the real deal,” truly dedicated to changing the status quo, and unlike any other current political movement in its uncompromising ideology.

The Tea Party burst upon the scene to protest the reckless spending by our government. At one point, most Americans had a more favorable view of the Tea Party than they did of Republicans or Democrats. Soon, the Republican Party and many conservative pundits realized that by using the rhetoric employed by the Tea Party, they could further their own political agendas. People like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin positioned themselves as leaders of this movement even though both had supported the bailouts, reckless spending under Bush, and a blatant disregard of the Constitution.

The movement soon evolved from a gathering of Americans who were angry at their government over the accumulation of debt into another arm of the Republican Party designed to elect candidates under the Tea Party banner. Most of the “Tea Party” members of Congress who were elected have shown no signs of trying to seriously cut spending and are continuing to help maintain the status quo.

Occupy Wall Street arose to protest the inequality of wealth in the United States and demanded that our politicians not cave to Wall Street’s demands. Despite these lofty and well-received goals, the Occupy movement, similar to the Tea Party, is being hacked by the Democratic Party,...

Read More:
Tea Party and Occupy phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement is the real deal | Washington Times Communities
Washington Times: "Tea Party and Occupy phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement is the real deal" | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Rand only has two choices - Obama or Romney..........

I'm a libertarian and I'm voting Romney............ I'm not going to waste my vote.

If idiots want to waste their vote they may as well just be voting for Obama.

I don't view my vote for Romney as support for Romney - I view it as a vote against Obama. I'm sure Rand Paul feels the same way.
TheLibertyMovement.org website is registered by proxy and the owners not made public, a sure sign the lobbyists already own that too. The right can never have a truly populist movement as long as they are so willing to appeal to deep pockets for support and ready to throw any of their beliefs overboard if it threatens the money.

You mean like the Occupy movement has done?

As far as I can see, the only difference between the TEA Party and Occupy is that the TEA Party cleans up after themselves and they don't vandalize whatever is handy.
However the RP movement is supported by TP "phonies".
How do you sort em out?

His own TP son would not endorse him for president.

The RP movement is the original Tea Party movement. it is easy to sort out. If the self proclaimed Tea party member thinks RP is a whacko, but supports toolsheds like Mitt Romney, they are Republican shills. As the article points out. That movement was hijacked back in 2009? when some paid for shill went on a 5 minute rant on TV and all the loonie toons from the social conservative, fear of god movement jumped on the bandwagon.

After that regarding Rand, the game is chess, not checkers. A Mitt endorsement was inevitable from Rand, who is thinking about his future. If RP endorses Romney, that is when the movement is officially dead and Ron Paul goes down in history as a hack.

Good article. Read it this morning.....Rabbi and Sniperfire in 3....2.....1.....

What do you expect Rand to endorse Obama??

I suppose if I was in his position I would have said: "I endorse my father." Then again republicans hate Ron Paul....

Politics are nothing more than a game....

I suppose the old saying is: "you catch more flies with honey than salt."
However the RP movement is supported by TP "phonies".
How do you sort em out?

His own TP son would not endorse him for president.

It's too late in the game for that.....

Ron Paul probably told Rand to endorse Romney....

Sometimes you just have to play "politics."
By Kevin Kelly

When Kentucky Senator Rand Paul appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program to endorse presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, it sent shockwaves across the political blogosphere.

Ron Paul supporters and participants in the Liberty Movement were angered and dismayed over Rand Paul’s apparent rejection of his own political roots. Many called the Senator a “traitor” and believed that he was selling out his own father in order to advance his political career. Worse, some thought this might be a sign that the Paul campaign would be willing to sell out, destroying everything that the Liberty Movement worked so diligently to promote.

It is during just such times of crisis that the Liberty movement proves itself “the real deal,” truly dedicated to changing the status quo, and unlike any other current political movement in its uncompromising ideology.

The Tea Party burst upon the scene to protest the reckless spending by our government. At one point, most Americans had a more favorable view of the Tea Party than they did of Republicans or Democrats. Soon, the Republican Party and many conservative pundits realized that by using the rhetoric employed by the Tea Party, they could further their own political agendas. People like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin positioned themselves as leaders of this movement even though both had supported the bailouts, reckless spending under Bush, and a blatant disregard of the Constitution.

The movement soon evolved from a gathering of Americans who were angry at their government over the accumulation of debt into another arm of the Republican Party designed to elect candidates under the Tea Party banner. Most of the “Tea Party” members of Congress who were elected have shown no signs of trying to seriously cut spending and are continuing to help maintain the status quo.

Occupy Wall Street arose to protest the inequality of wealth in the United States and demanded that our politicians not cave to Wall Street’s demands. Despite these lofty and well-received goals, the Occupy movement, similar to the Tea Party, is being hacked by the Democratic Party,...

Read More:
Tea Party and Occupy phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement is the real deal | Washington Times Communities
Washington Times: "Tea Party and Occupy phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement is the real deal" | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012

Hope you realize...The Washington Times is neither the New York Times or the Washington Post....It is a bogus Newspaper run by Rev Moon
I didn't expect anything from Rand. Which is probably why Im one of only a few Ron Paul supporters who wasn't devastatingly butthurt over it.
The New York Slimes is now NOT a bogus newspaper? :lmao:

You realize they have the biggest fraud economist out there writing columns in their rag right?
Fuckin' Krugman works at the Times! :lmao:

Go sit down with the other little dictators, rightwinger. We'll call you if we want piss poor advice on politics, economics, the constitution or urinals.
If there are elements within the liberty movement that have nefarious goals they will be outed and ostracized by their (former) supporters. We have zero tolerence for liars and traitors. I understand what Rand is doing but I think he may have cost himself the support of the liberty movement and I believe he may have done it with full knowledge that he would. He isn't stupid and truly I hope that he can make a difference by working from within. We are already witnessing a subtle shift of ideas to a more liberty minded approach within the GOP. I expect this to continue no matter what happens at the RNC. The RNC is definitely going to be interesting though this year.

As a side note Romney should be adopting these ideas because he believes in them and not just to curry favor. The fact that he would even offer is enough for most of us not to support him because we can see through it. We aren't after platitudes and lip service. Winning to us will mean: smaller government, an end to our interventionist foreign policy and sound fiscally conservative monetary policies. Anything less than that is just a baby step towards the goal.
Both the Tea Party and Occupy movements have been hijacked by Party operatives. Both started out with good intentions, but are now controlled by the powers that be in both Political Parties. Ron Paul does still associate with some Tea Party groups. But those are the ones who haven't been infiltrated by Party operatives yet.

The Tea Party and Occupy movements should have actually been able to work together. They had similar concerns and goals. But once they were infiltrated, they became mortal enemies. And that's the way the powers that be in both Parties want it. It's actually very sad.
Rand is nothing but a teaparty hack that sold out his own father.

I have to disagree with you and the columnist on this. The Father is not so pragmatic. But the Son is. Rand Paul is just being realistic. You have to change things from within. Whether we like it or not, it is a Two-Party System. Father & Son have different approaches, but they both fight for Freedom & Liberty. Just go and look at sponsored Legislation from Rand Paul. He truly does walk the walk. He is one of the very few in Congress who is constantly fighting against The Patriot Act and NDAA. The Father & Son do disagree sometimes, but don't all Fathers & Sons?
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The New York Slimes is now NOT a bogus newspaper? :lmao:

You realize they have the biggest fraud economist out there writing columns in their rag right?
Fuckin' Krugman works at the Times! :lmao:

Go sit down with the other little dictators, rightwinger. We'll call you if we want piss poor advice on politics, economics, the constitution or urinals.

The New York Times is the most respected newspaper in the world

Ready to name one more respected?
Washington Times: "Tea Party & Occupy Phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement Real Deal"

I congratulate you for having the balls to put The Moonie Times right in the thread title. That takes guts.
Washington Times: "Tea Party & Occupy Phonies: Ron Paul's Liberty Movement Real Deal"

I congratulate you for having the balls to put The Moonie Times right in the thread title. That takes guts.

To them it is a combination of The Washington Post and New York Times

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