Wasn’t the Russia collusion case stronger than the four current dog and pony shows are?

So, how many did he try to prosecute for collusion? None? Right. He concentrated on real crimes. That is why he was effective. There is no arguing with the record.
“Effective”….WTF….are you serious?
The TDS loons set out to GET TRUMP on conspiracy with Russia and all they end up with is a few bullshit charges of financial crimes and lying to investigators and you call that “effective”?
Imagine a slam-dunk murder investigation that yields nothing more than a couple traffic tickets in the end….That’s your “effective” equivalent.
hahahahaha….silly Libs!
Wasn’t the Russia collusion case stronger than the four current dog and pony shows are?

Not even close.

Especially when your boy has been recorded committing a crime.

Especially when your boy is haunted by a great deal of documentation proving that he was engaged in fraudulent behaviors.

Your ignorant, arrogant, selfish, lying, sociopathic orange-tinted piece-of-$hit is in major-league trouble this time.

All of the Teflon has been scraped-off of Teflon Don...

He can no longer shoot somebody in broad daylight in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

Your boy is in trouble... Bigly.

Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold.
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“Effective”….WTF….are you serious?
The TDS loons set out to GET TRUMP on conspiracy with Russia and all they end up with is a few bullshit charges of financial crimes and lying to investigators and you call that “effective”?
Imagine a slam-dunk murder investigation that yields nothing more than a couple traffic tickets in the end….That’s your “effective” equivalent.
hahahahaha….silly Libs!
Here is an article on subjects in the Mueller investigation. If it make you feel and better, not a single one was charged or referred on "collusion".

Not even close.

Especially when your boy has been recorded committing a crime.

Especially when your boy is haunted by a great deal of documentation proving that he was engaged in fraudulent behaviors.

Your ignorant, arrogant, selfish, lying, sociopathic orange-tinted piece-of-$hit is in major-league trouble this time.

All of the Teflon has been scraped-off of Teflon Don...

He can no longer shoot somebody in broad daylight in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

Your boy is in trouble... Bigly.

Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold.
Says cyber-space based TDS’ers?
Meanwhile legal scholars such as Alan Dershowitz (a fellow TDS’er) says there is no legitimate case against Trump.
But but but…we believe you, just like we believed Adam pencil neck Schiff we he swore he had Trump by the nutsack.
Remember all the hype surrounding the Russia collusion case? Remember how certain Adam Schiff and ALL of the left was about Trumps guilt? Remember Ukraine / Zelensky and the quid pro quo….remember how certain the left was on that one?

If you read the report and the indictments, you would have a pretty good idea.
Hold on…so your weaponized authoritarian Democrats stole $50 million dollars from taxpayers to fund Robert Mueller to prove something there is no law against?
Hmmm? You actually meant to type that retarded bullshit?

"collusion" is a trump word for the cozy relationship he and his campaign enjoy with russian government, russian oligarchs, russian "thieves in law," and the coyotes who deliver russian females to the trump "modeling agency"

muller did not say that there was no criminal activity, muller said that he was not authorized to priosecure criminal activity.
"collusion" is a trump word for the cozy relationship he and his campaign enjoy with russian government, russian oligarchs, russian "thieves in law," and the coyotes who deliver russian females to the trump "modeling agency"

muller did not say that there was no criminal activity, muller said that he was not authorized to priosecure criminal activity.
You TDS’ing wack-jobs say that yet you couldn’t prove it with inspector gadget and $50 million taxpayer dollars.
Speaking of ”cozy”…..
If you read the report and the indictments, you would have a pretty good idea.
I posted the “report” for you.
What part of this language has you thrown for a loop?

“That requires more than the two parties takingactions that were informed by or responsive to the other's actions or interests. We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Remember all the hype surrounding the Russia collusion case? Remember how certain Adam Schiff and ALL of the left was about Trumps guilt? Remember Ukraine / Zelensky and the quid pro quo….remember how certain the left was on that one?
Remember when people used to make a point, instead of spewing bullshit innuendo's?
Says cyber-space based TDS’ers?
Yep... whatever.
Meanwhile legal scholars such as Alan Dershowitz (a fellow TDS’er) says there is no legitimate case against Trump.
And the US Dept of Justice and four separate District Attorneys and Attorneys General say different. I'll abide by THEIR judgment.
But but but…we believe you, just like we believed Adam pencil neck Schiff we he swore he had Trump by the nutsack.
Your belief in what I'm saying is not required. I truly enjoy counterpointing you MAGA brown shirt red cap propagandists.
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Old Joe would have been laughed out of town years ago if the media wasn't the propaganda arm of the democrat party. You can almost see desperate lefties searching for obscure blog sites with the word Trump to keep from talking about real political issues. We know now that the Clintons paid for the fake Steele Dossier and renegade FBI agents and their minions in the media pronounced it to be real. Meanwhile lefties have convinced themselves that Hunter's laptop was faked and old Joe had nothing to do with the firing of a Ukraine official who blew the whistle on Hunter's no show job even though he bragged about it.
It wasn’t stronger because it didn’t exist and these indictments don’t exist either BUT lack of reality is no longer a governing factor for persecution prosecution
What are you fucking talking about? There are several examples of Trump and his cabal colluding with the Russians.
Well see examples would normally lead to conclusions. You did not get your desired conclusion so you pretend you did anyway
You should have read the Mueller report, instead of listening to right wing quilting circles. It is stated on page 1 or 2 by Mueller, he chose not to chase the collusion thing as there was no federal statute, choosing instead to concentrate on actual crimes. That is why there were so many successful prosecution and confessions. He refused to take the bait and take his eyes off of the real laws, to chase down collusion, as it could not be prosecuted.
Hearing you guys rant about it is entertaining to this very day. Doesn't change his prosecution, referral and confession score on trump insiders, though. I guess it is like trumpism itself. You can fool some of the people some of the time, some people all the time, but some people simply refuse to fall for the false messaging, from the start.
No matter how many homework assignments you lib loons hand out it won’t change the decision Muller made which was not what you wanted. That’s all you are proposing, emotional satisfaction from falsity.
Well see examples would normally lead to conclusions. You did not get your desired conclusion so you pretend you did anyway
Trump's son met with Russian oligarchs in Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary. That is a fact! That meeting actually happened. THAT, is collusion!
I posted the “report” for you.
What part of this language has you thrown for a loop?

“That requires more than the two parties takingactions that were informed by or responsive to the other's actions or interests. We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

How does that compare to indictments you have read?

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