Wasserman Schultz Runs Away From Obama


Gold Member
Feb 7, 2011
JOE SCARBOROUGH: So should voters know that if they go out and vote for a Democratic candidate, they will be voting for a continuation of Barack Obama's policies?

DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Voters should that know when they go out and vote for a Democratic candidate, that they are voting for someone who has their back, who's going to focus on strengthening our economy, getting the economy to focus on job creation.

SCARBOROUGH: But I'm asking as it pertains to Barack Obama. This is a question that a lot of people are asked.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: You know, Joe, Barack Obama was on the ballot in 2012 and 2008. The candidates that are on the ballot are Democratic and Republican candidates for congress, the U.S. Senate, governors across the country.

SCARBOROUGH: Right, Debbie, but my question is -- it's a legitimate question and there is not a wrong answer and.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: No, no, it's a legitimate question.

SCARBOROUGH: And if the president has done a great job, Debbiel, if you vote for Democrats, are you voting for a continuation of Barack Obama's policies? He says, yes, you are, do you agree with the president?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: If you vote for Democrats, you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around and continuing to move us forward, creating more opportunities for people to succeed. If you vote for a Republican, you are voting for someone who has embraced the Tea Party agenda, who would double down on obstruction and who would stop us from moving forward.

- See more at: Wasserman Schultz Runs Away From Obama

Wasserman Schultz Runs Away From Obama

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Wasserman makes a very convincing argument for voting Republican in this interview. VERY. If we go any further "forward" with her progressive ideas we'll go right over the cliff!
I'm surprised she knows which way "away" is. She's not exactly the brightest political operative.
Wasserman makes a very convincing argument for voting Republican in this interview. VERY. If we go any further "forward" with her progressive ideas we'll go right over the cliff!

Yes, especially when Michelle Obama is speaking at rallies with language as this:

People were shocked when Barack won because they were counting on folks like us to stay home,” Mrs. Obama said. “It’s up to us to get out and vote. Only we can prove them wrong.”

Michelle Obama To Students 8216 Bring The Folks You Met At The Party Last Weekend 8217 To Vote CBS DC
WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: If you vote for Democrats, you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around and continuing to move us forward, creating more opportunities for people to succeed.

For the last 8 years in power, Democrats have pushed policy that has resulted in the lowest US labor participation pooland the highest food stamp participation volume. Is this this moving America forward? "moving forward" is dog whistle for "fundamental transformation of America" What are Democrats' record on creating opportunities?
Temporary con-job. She's one of the biggest Communist/Progressive assholes in the country. Hopefully the People of South Florida boot her sorry ass.
I'm surprised she knows which way "away" is. She's not exactly the brightest political operative.
Didn't the Democrats vote her to be the party chair?

Doesn't say much for the Democrats at all.

Wasserman Shultz has stood on podium after podium and tried to spin the different failings of this President to make them appear to be something that they aren't. She's basically been the Democrat's "Minister of Propaganda" for Barack Obama's entire Presidency...which means she's had to tell lies for longer than all three of Barry's Press Secretaries combined.
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JOE SCARBOROUGH: So should voters know that if they go out and vote for a Democratic candidate, they will be voting for a continuation of Barack Obama's policies?

DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Voters should that know when they go out and vote for a Democratic candidate, that they are voting for someone who has their back, who's going to focus on strengthening our economy, getting the economy to focus on job creation.

SCARBOROUGH: But I'm asking as it pertains to Barack Obama. This is a question that a lot of people are asked.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: You know, Joe, Barack Obama was on the ballot in 2012 and 2008. The candidates that are on the ballot are Democratic and Republican candidates for congress, the U.S. Senate, governors across the country.

SCARBOROUGH: Right, Debbie, but my question is -- it's a legitimate question and there is not a wrong answer and.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: No, no, it's a legitimate question.

SCARBOROUGH: And if the president has done a great job, Debbiel, if you vote for Democrats, are you voting for a continuation of Barack Obama's policies? He says, yes, you are, do you agree with the president?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: If you vote for Democrats, you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around and continuing to move us forward, creating more opportunities for people to succeed. If you vote for a Republican, you are voting for someone who has embraced the Tea Party agenda, who would double down on obstruction and who would stop us from moving forward.

- See more at: Wasserman Schultz Runs Away From Obama

Wasserman Schultz Runs Away From Obama


This is what happens when people are obligated to "play" for one "side". At some point, every one of them will have to spin and deflect and bullshit, no matter how shameless they have to be, no matter how transparently dishonest it is.

Is this really the way to solve problems?


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