Wasserman Scultz can't tell the Difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat!

Is public education socialist?

Socialistic, yes. As are public roads.

And public libraries. And public parks. And the Smithsonian and institutions like it. And Social Security and veterans' benefits and the NIH and the FAA and the FDA.
Etc etc etc...

Yep. Fuck all that. Flush it down the toilet.

Yep, lets become like Haiti. Fuck you. People like you would have us being like some shit hole like Haiti or central America.

A large part of why we're a world power is because of our public sector. Why not flush the private sector down the toilet??? It does less.

It does less when it comes to keeping us in the lead in science, most innovation that otherwise wouldn't be done and educating our population. Fact. The police, most fire fighters and infrastructure are also funded by tax dollars.

You're just anti-civilization!!!
Is Zell Miller still in office?

lol, are you conceding that there is no resemblance between the erstwhile segregationist CONSERVATIVE Democratic faction of the Democratic party and modern day Democrats?

lol, tell that to all your retarded conservative pals who keep trying to pin racism on modern day Democrats.

I asked you if Zell Miller was still in office. If not, then where do you get off citing him as an example of modern Democrats?

So you concede that there are really no conservative segregationists in the modern Democratic party?


Still trying to avoid answering the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

lol, why are you going mental over a question you already know the answer to?

I want to know what your answer is. You are obviously afraid to post it.
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.
No, she evaded because there is no difference. She couldn't give an reasons that the average American voter couldn't see through instantly.

Attorneys for Wasserman-Schultz said that "socialism is the ownership or control of the means of production by the state, where democrats seek the control or ownership of the means of production by the state."

Total opposites.
What pile of crap. Dems want reasonable regulation of capitalists with assistance for the unfortunate. If that's socialism, they're socialists. Of course you've gone right to communism, like any good GOP chump/liar.
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.

According to both Castro Brothers they are Socialists.
Jesse Waters nailed the difference between democrats and socialist, he said democrats are better at keeping their core beliefs hidden.
Another lying a-hole with a revolving definition of socialist for the old cold war demagoguery...

Damn Franco I'm almost proud of ya, you almost got out a whole sentence. Of course it was BS as usual because Waters mentioned no definition, but hell you are improving in your sentence structures. Good job.
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.

According to both Castro Brothers they are Socialists.

There's a big difference between a socialist state and a social democracy. Big one...

One controls the production of goods, while the other is a hybrid that is elected by the people.
There's nothing to "spin" -- have you ever watched Chris Matthews? He doesn't do interviews. He does monologues with question marks that can't be answered because he's already talking over the second word of your response.

Everything that's wrong with television dumb-down is encapsulated in that spittle dripping out the side of his mouth. Superficial bullshit.

Debbie did his show. If she wasn't up for handling the questioning, she shouldn't have put herself in that position.

But it really was GRAND!

We need more such interviews and spectacles featuring her. Between her and Hillary, the nation is getting a good idea what the Dems are all about.

I don't think you do Matthews to "handle the questions". Even Superman couldn't do that using his Kryptonic powers of Super-Speech. You do it for the same reason you do any other TV show -- face time. You prolly put one good sound bite together, practice saying it real fast before the red light (symbolic, that) goes on, and then hope to blurt it out real quick when a fly lands in his eye. That's about all you can hope for.

I dunno Boe, if you're looking for intelligent life on a TV screen..... :rolleyes:

Pop quiz: what's the difference between liberalism and conservatism? You have 0.4 seconds... GO. Time's up.

Which definition of Liberalism? If you mean Classical Liberalism, it's similar to Burkian (real) Conservatism - as in a sea of individual rights with islands of limited government power.

Classical liberalism believed that government was a bigger threat than Capitalism. The horrors brought on by Capitalism in the Industrial Revolution proved them wrong once and for all.

What "horrors," the electric light, the telephone, the automobile?

In his case, I suspect the horrors are Indoor Plumbing and Bathtubs.
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.

According to both Castro Brothers they are Socialists.

There's a big difference between a socialist state and a social democracy. Big one...

One controls the production of goods, while the other is a hybrid that is elected by the people.

The bigger a government gets the less freedoms the people have.
I don't like being 47th out of 48 of free world countries.
While Canada is number 7.
The Most and Least Free Countries in the World by Freedom House 2014
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.

According to both Castro Brothers they are Socialists.
Communists and Nazis lie all the time. lol. And Republicans, the worst party in the modern world by far.
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.

According to both Castro Brothers they are Socialists.

There's a big difference between a socialist state and a social democracy. Big one...

One controls the production of goods, while the other is a hybrid that is elected by the people.

The bigger a government gets the less freedoms the people have.
I don't like being 47th out of 48 of free world countries.
While Canada is number 7.
The Most and Least Free Countries in the World by Freedom House 2014

Canada funds infrastructure, science, r&d, education and sanely regulates the economy. The difference isn't so much common sense government but corrupt government. What one of the top 10 doesn't do my list --->infrastructure, science, r&d, etc??? I know all of Europe does and most of western Europe at least has higher per capita and is more free on your list then us.
Democrats are closer to social democracy for their belief = mixed economy of private and public sector. Most of europe is like this and in fact most first world countries.

Socialist state = nationalized control economy that normally doesn't give its people much choice within it. Think of Cuba...

My problem with the democrats is their identity politics and social engineering they do to our social "mindset". They won't be truly "socialistic" until they start nationalizing everything and micromanaging the economy as socialism is a economic system.

If the Democrats had their way, Cuba is exactly what we would become.
That is communism, brain washed shyttehead. See what a quagmire this is? ACTUALLY, even the GOP is socialist, just a lying thieving one.

According to both Castro Brothers they are Socialists.

There's a big difference between a socialist state and a social democracy. Big one...

One controls the production of goods, while the other is a hybrid that is elected by the people.

The bigger a government gets the less freedoms the people have.
I don't like being 47th out of 48 of free world countries.
While Canada is number 7.
The Most and Least Free Countries in the World by Freedom House 2014
You idiot, that's #47 ALPHABETICALLY of the best 48 countries lol...
Jesse Waters nailed the difference between democrats and socialist, he said democrats are better at keeping their core beliefs hidden.
Another lying a-hole with a revolving definition of socialist for the old cold war demagoguery...

Damn Franco I'm almost proud of ya, you almost got out a whole sentence. Of course it was BS as usual because Waters mentioned no definition, but hell you are improving in your sentence structures. Good job.
Obviously, Pubs and dupes never do, until a Dem shows sympathy for socialism (think Sweden, Germany), then all of a sudden you're a commie lol. Socialism is DEMOCRATIC, well regulated capitalism, for the billionth time.
Is public education socialist?

Socialistic, yes. As are public roads.
The public
And public libraries. And public parks. And the Smithsonian and institutions like it. And Social Security and veterans' benefits and the NIH and the FAA and the FDA.
Etc etc etc...

Yep. Fuck all that. Flush it down the toilet.

Yep, lets become like Haiti. Fuck you. People like you would have us being like some shit hole like Haiti or central America.

A large part of why we're a world power is because of our public sector. Why not flush the private sector down the toilet??? It does less.

Those things aren't what keep us from being the same as Haiti. The so-called "public sector" has done nothing but harm this country.
Go to Somalia then...lol
Social democracy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Social democracy is a political ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, and a policy regime involving welfare state provisions, collective bargaining arrangements, regulation of the economy in the general interest, interventions to promote greater equality in the distribution of income and wealth, and a commitment to representative democracy.[1][2][3] Social democracy aims to create the conditions for capitalism to lead to greater egalitarian, democratic and solidaristic outcomes.[4] "Social democracy" is often used in this manner to refer to the social and economic policies prominent in Western and Northern Europe during the latter half of the 20th century.[5][6] Alternatively, social democracy is defined as a political movement that aims to achieve socialism through gradual and democratic means
Thanks for posting this, but the conservatives won't admit to this. They've decided that it's either America or Cuba. Binary. Either/or.

Until they understand the difference between democratic socialism and socialism, they're going to keep fighting the wrong battle - and losing.


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