Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"

She refused to talk to Fox News

Can’t blame her
Nah, it’s a cop out. It doesn’t matter what network it is, if you have constituents making that chant, you just make a simple comment “yes, i condemn that”, talib wouldnt do that.

Also, it has to be Fox News because nobody else will do it. Notice you don’t see cnn or msnbc following talib around asking her that question?
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Post in thread 'Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"'
Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"

Post in thread 'Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"'
Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"

Post in thread 'Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"'
Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"

Post in thread 'Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"'
Watch as Rep. Rashida Tlaib is grilled by reporter and refuses to condemn chants of "Death to America"
Fox News: Will you condemn Hamas saying Death to America?
Rashid Tliaib : I don’t talk to Fox News
Fox News: See? She doesn’t condemn Hamas

Why she doesn’t want to talk to Fox News
1) It’s not HAMAS calling “Death to America!” It is despicable Muslim American citizens doing it.

2) What would have been so hard for her to say “yes”?

3) Also, why are YOU so unwilling to condemn it yourself? Are you that extreme of a leftist that you refuse to condemn a Muslim, no matter how reprehensible an action?!
Nah, it’s a cop out. It doesn’t matter what network it is, if you have constituents making that chant, you just make a simple comment “yes, i condemn that”, talib wouldnt do that.

Also, it has to be Fox News because nobody else will do it. Notice you don’t see cnn or msnbc following talib around asking her that question?
MSDNC would ask this assface if she agrees that Trump made them chant DEATH TO AMERICA.
She's very brave.

Did she tell another news outlet that she condemns chants of death to America?
Did any other news outlets ask? NO. They are protecting Muslims so that voters don’t see how dangerous many of them are to America. They’re too focused on making Jews look bad.
Did any other news outlets ask? NO. They are protecting Muslims so that voters don’t see how dangerous many of them are to America. They’re too focused on making Jews look bad.
Maybe you are too focused on making Muslims look bad with your Muslim hate that extends to all the Muslims in this country. Ginning up this kind of hatred against an entire group (whether ethnic, religious or racial) is dangerous scapegoating and you, as a Jewish woman ought to understand how that rhetoric works.

This rally was a SINGLE rally in which SOME involved chanted “death to America”. This drew strong criticism from the Arab American community, Arab American leaders, the Mayor of Dearborn, the White House.


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