WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e
Source: CNN
espite Donald Trump’s repeated assurances that he knows “nothing about Russia,” new video obtained by CNN shows the president hanging out with the very people at the center of Donald Trump Jr.’s controversial email correspondence.

In the video—recoreded in Las Vegas in 2013—Trump can be seen with Emin and Aras Agalarov, the Russians who allegedly asked manager Rod Goldstone to set up a meeting between a Russian lawyer and Turmp Jr.

“We all think alike,” Emin Agalarov says in the video.

“These are the most powerful people in Russia, these are the richest people in Russia,” Trump later adds.

Read more: WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails

So now that we know there has been a coup ...

Add this to rigged voting machines, voter suppression and a complicit GOP ... just what the HELL are we going to do?
WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e
Source: CNN
espite Donald Trump’s repeated assurances that he knows “nothing about Russia,” new video obtained by CNN shows the president hanging out with the very people at the center of Donald Trump Jr.’s controversial email correspondence.

In the video—recoreded in Las Vegas in 2013—Trump can be seen with Emin and Aras Agalarov, the Russians who allegedly asked manager Rod Goldstone to set up a meeting between a Russian lawyer and Turmp Jr.

“We all think alike,” Emin Agalarov says in the video.

“These are the most powerful people in Russia, these are the richest people in Russia,” Trump later adds.

Read more: WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails

So now that we know there has been a coup ...

Add this to rigged voting machines, voter suppression and a complicit GOP ... just what the HELL are we going to do?
No voting machines were ever rigged. Trump won fair and square under the guidelines of The US Constitution.
WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e
Read more: WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails

So now that we know there has been a coup ...

Add this to rigged voting machines, voter suppression and a complicit GOP ... just what the HELL are we going to do?

Video Shows Trump with Associates Tied to Email
July 12, 2017

“Video obtained exclusively by CNN offers a new look inside the web of relationships now at the center of allegations of collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russia.”

“The video shows the future President Donald Trump attending a dinner with an Azerbaijani-Russian family who became Trump’s business partners in Las Vegas in June 2013. It also shows their publicist, Rob Goldstone, who would later send Donald Trump Jr. the emails that have brought the eldest Trump son to the center of the controversy over possible collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russia.”
WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e
Read more: WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails

So now that we know there has been a coup ...

Add this to rigged voting machines, voter suppression and a complicit GOP ... just what the HELL are we going to do?

Video Shows Trump with Associates Tied to Email
July 12, 2017

“Video obtained exclusively by CNN offers a new look inside the web of relationships now at the center of allegations of collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russia.”

“The video shows the future President Donald Trump attending a dinner with an Azerbaijani-Russian family who became Trump’s business partners in Las Vegas in June 2013. It also shows their publicist, Rob Goldstone, who would later send Donald Trump Jr. the emails that have brought the eldest Trump son to the center of the controversy over possible collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russia.”

Point being?
You can't stand CNN as they're right and slowly uncovering the snake for what he is...All your fox news and talk radio are treasonous scum.

Gosh dude, I guess when it all comes out in the wash, we'll see if they're right or wrong, right? At this point they're wrong, and even exposed themselves. But you know, to you that's right cuz you so smart.
Trump, Jr already said he knew the 2, that's why he accepted the invite. Lol

June 3 marked the initial email exchange between Goldstone and Trump Jr.

Goldstone wrote that the Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, whose billionaire father, Aras, helped bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013, "just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting."
also in 2013:

“I called it my weekend in Moscow,” Mr. Trump said of his 2013 trip to Moscow during a September 2015 interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” He added: “I was with the top-level people, both oligarchs and generals, and top of the government people. I can’t go further than that, but I will tell you that I met the top people, and the relationship was extraordinary.”
Before he was running.
How many have other candidates met over the years, I wonder, since this I supposedly unusual...
also in 2013:

“I called it my weekend in Moscow,” Mr. Trump said of his 2013 trip to Moscow during a September 2015 interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” He added: “I was with the top-level people, both oligarchs and generals, and top of the government people. I can’t go further than that, but I will tell you that I met the top people, and the relationship was extraordinary.”
Before he was running.
How many have other candidates met over the years, I wonder, since this I supposedly unusual...
also in 2013:

“I called it my weekend in Moscow,” Mr. Trump said of his 2013 trip to Moscow during a September 2015 interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” He added: “I was with the top-level people, both oligarchs and generals, and top of the government people. I can’t go further than that, but I will tell you that I met the top people, and the relationship was extraordinary.”

Obama had brief encounters will Bill Ayers before he ran for President and you folks went berserk. Funny how you folks are so two-faced, huh?
also in 2013:

“I called it my weekend in Moscow,” Mr. Trump said of his 2013 trip to Moscow during a September 2015 interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” He added: “I was with the top-level people, both oligarchs and generals, and top of the government people. I can’t go further than that, but I will tell you that I met the top people, and the relationship was extraordinary.”

What does that mean?

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