Watch corrupt Pelosi talk about stimulus bill. OMG

The Hero’s act.

Liberals are such virtue signaling trash.

Why doesn’t Nancy call it the $20,000 fridge full of ice cream act?

How do liberals look in the mirror?

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

You hate this country.

Correction. Pelosi hates this country and its people to the core. She is a disgrace and stain on this country. The founders would have found her guilty of treason.

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

What the fuck is a “stragedey”? And why were her eyebrows clutching her hairline, as though she were completely surprised through her whole speech? Asking for a friend...
Pelosi is a power hungry despot.

Hero act? So amazing.

Just unlock the country you evil bitch. It’s not complicated.

Trillions of dollars in bailouts for corporations, yet liberals just lick it up.

We have had over $5 trillion in virus bailout money.

That’s $15,000 for every human being in the country. It’s simple math.

So where is our $15,000 per person?

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

What the fuck is a “stragedey”? And why were her eyebrows clutching her hairline, as though she were completely surprised through her whole speech? Asking for a friend...

She has done so much Botox in her life that it infected her head.

She and Biden are absolutely senile.
Pelosi is a power hungry despot.

Hero act? So amazing.

Just unlock the country you evil bitch. It’s not complicated.

Trillions of dollars in bailouts for corporations, yet liberals just lick it up.

We have had over $5 trillion in virus bailout money.

That’s $15,000 for every human being in the country. It’s simple math.

So where is our $15,000 per person?
Like MAGA isn't a joke.
She has had so many face lifts, if she has one more her nipples will be on her cheeks.
The funny thing is she knows that as long as she gives a few crumbs to the left they will eat it up.

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

You hate this country.

If she's so worried about 33 million job losses maybe she should think about opening calipornias economy instead of using the virus to implement socialism,payoff wetbacks and to bring down Trump?

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

You hate this country.

If she's so worried about 33 million job losses maybe she should think about opening calipornias economy instead of using the virus to implement socialism,payoff wetbacks and to bring down Trump?

The brain dead bitch us still getting paid by me and you. Meanwhile, Dimms will arrest small businesses owners who try to work.
Think about that...and these liberal assholes just love it. They love being told they are legally not allowed to work.

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

You hate this country.

If she's so worried about 33 million job losses maybe she should think about opening calipornias economy instead of using the virus to implement socialism,payoff wetbacks and to bring down Trump?

The brain dead bitch us still getting paid by me and you. Meanwhile, Dimms will arrest small businesses owners who try to work.
Think about that...and these liberal assholes just love it. They love being told they are legally not allowed to work.

And the stupid bitch doesn't even need the money!

I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

You hate this country.

If she's so worried about 33 million job losses maybe she should think about opening calipornias economy instead of using the virus to implement socialism,payoff wetbacks and to bring down Trump?

The brain dead bitch us still getting paid by me and you. Meanwhile, Dimms will arrest small businesses owners who try to work.
Think about that...and these liberal assholes just love it. They love being told they are legally not allowed to work.

And the stupid bitch doesn't even need the money!

$20,000 fridge full of ice cream.

The evil bitch flaunted it.




I can’t believe she is the most powerful woman on earth. What a vapid brain dead piece of trash.

You hate this country.

Correction. Pelosi hates this country and its people to the core. She is a disgrace and stain on this country. The founders would have found her guilty of treason.

There goes that word treason. Maybe you should find out what it means before you use it. Just because she has a different opinion does not mean she hates this country. She is closer to being right on a coronavirus bill than Republicans are. Even the Fed Chairman is urging more stimulus.
Pelosi is a power hungry despot.

Hero act? So amazing.

Just unlock the country you evil bitch. It’s not complicated.

Trillions of dollars in bailouts for corporations, yet liberals just lick it up.

We have had over $5 trillion in virus bailout money.

That’s $15,000 for every human being in the country. It’s simple math.

So where is our $15,000 per person?

Trump is the power hungry despot. He ignores the Constitution and all attempts of oversight.

Unlock the economy. In other words spread the coronavirus even faster. If more people die so what. You are a power hungry ass as well.

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