Watch Donald Trump Wishing He Was ‘A Black’ Because They Have It So Much Easier

Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now


Like I said before in this thread

Just go ahead and post that historical evidence you said you've been studying. Annnnnnnd go!

Anytime you want to get Fair and Balanced to stop trolling a thread just ask him to post the "evidence" he's basing his opinion on. Works everytime


Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
More words and no proof. Go stand in the corner, I'm not engaging a fool any longer
Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny



Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
I don't think they were bred to be stupid. It's just a natural IQ difference due to evolving in different conditions. Africa is abundant with food and other resources, they didn't have to combat extreme cold...this is why the stereotype of blacks always being late is often true. They didn't have to be in a rush to do much because everything they needed was right there.
History book

and No

Right. They were ahead and we held them back.

Yes, thats the point of slavery.

Then how come those in Africa are still living in mud huts and throwing bones in the fire? Progress?


There are still tribes of whites that do shit like bang their sisters do you call that progress?

True, we call them retards. And those who are trying to normalize it, we call modern liberals.

What this image suppose to show?
History book

and No

Right. They were ahead and we held them back.

Yes, thats the point of slavery.

Then how come those in Africa are still living in mud huts and throwing bones in the fire? Progress?


There are still tribes of whites that do shit like bang their sisters do you call that progress?

True, we call them retards. And those who are trying to normalize it, we call modern liberals.

What this image suppose to show?

Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
I don't think they were bred to be stupid.

F&B says he has historical evidence that proves you wrong. Go ahead and try asking him to post that Evidence and see what happens
History book

and No

Right. They were ahead and we held them back.

Yes, thats the point of slavery.

Then how come those in Africa are still living in mud huts and throwing bones in the fire? Progress?


There are still tribes of whites that do shit like bang their sisters do you call that progress?

True, we call them retards. And those who are trying to normalize it, we call modern liberals.

What this image suppose to show?


I see you need translation.

Yeah, whats the point of showing that image? Or what are you trying to say by showing this image?
Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
I don't think they were bred to be stupid. It's just a natural IQ difference due to evolving in different conditions. Africa is abundant with food and other resources, they didn't have to combat extreme cold...this is why the stereotype of blacks always being late is often true. They didn't have to be in a rush to do much because everything they needed was right there.

I respectfully disagree. I believe years of "who here can read?" and then shots being fired resulted in Closed Caption.
I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
I don't think they were bred to be stupid. It's just a natural IQ difference due to evolving in different conditions. Africa is abundant with food and other resources, they didn't have to combat extreme cold...this is why the stereotype of blacks always being late is often true. They didn't have to be in a rush to do much because everything they needed was right there.

I respectfully disagree. I believe years of "who here can read?" and then shots being fired resulted in Closed Caption. that case you're probably right.
I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
I don't think they were bred to be stupid. It's just a natural IQ difference due to evolving in different conditions. Africa is abundant with food and other resources, they didn't have to combat extreme cold...this is why the stereotype of blacks always being late is often true. They didn't have to be in a rush to do much because everything they needed was right there.

I respectfully disagree. I believe years of "who here can read?" and then shots being fired resulted in Closed Caption.

That alone explains a lot of things. :D
Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
The historic evidence is how stupid and criminal there progeny is. Unless you have another explanation for it.

I'm sorry your ancestors were bred to be stupid and passed that along to you my friend. I truly am.
I don't think they were bred to be stupid. It's just a natural IQ difference due to evolving in different conditions. Africa is abundant with food and other resources, they didn't have to combat extreme cold...this is why the stereotype of blacks always being late is often true. They didn't have to be in a rush to do much because everything they needed was right there.

That's truly one of the most childlikely naïve trains of thought I've ever seen. :lol:

No actually that would be cultural. The meaning and value of the concept "on time" varies greatly with culture, if it even exists at all. Europeans, and even then only urban Europeans, invented this concept of strict and anal-retentive timekeeping, where if you punch in at 9:02 the boss loses his mind, a concept many if not most of the world's cultures would find somewhere between arbitrary and absurd. It's a distinctly left-brained obsession. There's no particular reason something needs to happen at 11:37 as opposed to "when the sun's about this high".

In Latin American cultures, arriving late means you're more important, and sometimes it's done intentionally for just that reason. You can't judge one culture by another's standards.

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