Watch Donald Trump Wishing He Was ‘A Black’ Because They Have It So Much Easier

Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now


It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now

So , you're now reduced to arguing that American blacks are just naturally dumber than everyone else, that it is not a result of eugenics?

Like I said before in this thread

Just stop man, your ability to throw around an unlimited number of question marks is impressive :rolleyes:

Just go ahead and post that historical evidence you said you've been studying. Annnnnnnd go!

Anytime you want to get Fair and Balanced to stop trolling a thread just ask him to post the "evidence" he's basing his opinion on. Works everytime

Now watch F&B comes in carrying his new goal post that conveniently has bookbag him
Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now


It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now

So , you're now reduced to arguing that American blacks are just naturally dumber than everyone else, that it is not a result of eugenics?

Like I said before in this thread

Just stop man, your ability to throw around an unlimited number of question marks is impressive :rolleyes:

Just go ahead and post that historical evidence you said you've been studying. Annnnnnnd go!

Anytime you want to get Fair and Balanced to stop trolling a thread just ask him to post the "evidence" he's basing his opinion on. Works everytime


Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.
Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now


It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now

So , you're now reduced to arguing that American blacks are just naturally dumber than everyone else, that it is not a result of eugenics?

Like I said before in this thread

Just stop man, your ability to throw around an unlimited number of question marks is impressive :rolleyes:

Just go ahead and post that historical evidence you said you've been studying. Annnnnnnd go!

Anytime you want to get Fair and Balanced to stop trolling a thread just ask him to post the "evidence" he's basing his opinion on. Works everytime


Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?

Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now


And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now

So , you're now reduced to arguing that American blacks are just naturally dumber than everyone else, that it is not a result of eugenics?

Like I said before in this thread

Just stop man, your ability to throw around an unlimited number of question marks is impressive :rolleyes:

Just go ahead and post that historical evidence you said you've been studying. Annnnnnnd go!

Anytime you want to get Fair and Balanced to stop trolling a thread just ask him to post the "evidence" he's basing his opinion on. Works everytime


Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

Now, I would suggest we discuss EMPIRICAL evidence, but obviously you agree that blacks lag behind in EVERY conceivable measure, so there really is no point in doing so.
Don't be mad at the truth.
The Man keepin' you down, boy?
No, things are great for me. I was raised by TWO parents, never went to prison, I'm employed and I have a nice amount of disposable income. Life is good when you come from a superior culture.
Then millions of Blacks living in the same or better circumstances than you are must come from a superior culture too.
If they came from a superior culture, the black community would be more educated, have stable two parent families, less of them dropping out of school, more of them employed, far less violence and crime in general, etc.

Quit trying to convince people of things we all know aren't true. Black culture is highly problematic and destructive. You know it, I know it and every person who reads this knows it.
Now watch this and watch F&B disappear or type a whole bunch of child like name calling. Remember F&B said that HISTORIC EVIDENCE proves it...Heres where it gets funny

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid.

And this is where you post this evidence of mental eugenics. Any day now


So , you're now reduced to arguing that American blacks are just naturally dumber than everyone else, that it is not a result of eugenics?

Like I said before in this thread

Just stop man, your ability to throw around an unlimited number of question marks is impressive :rolleyes:

Just go ahead and post that historical evidence you said you've been studying. Annnnnnnd go!

Anytime you want to get Fair and Balanced to stop trolling a thread just ask him to post the "evidence" he's basing his opinion on. Works everytime


Odd that CC agrees with me exactly and that asks me to prove what I believe is true.

I'm not asking you to prove what you BELIEVE is true. I asked you to post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that SHOWS its the TRUTH.

Or are you now moving the goalposts from "fact" to "belief" and there is no HISTORICAL EVIDENCE like you said there was?


What the fuck are you talking about? You yourself have said "whites had a 200 year head start on blacks" That means you agree with me that there is historical evidence that blacks have been disadvantaged.

No it doesnt, all I'm asking you is to post the historical evidence you claimed existed. You cant and instead have opted to just insist that we agree with each other which is a funny tactic.

Now, I would suggest we discuss

Skkkkkrt. Your suggestions mean shit. I said post that HISTORICAL EVIDENCE you said existed or I know not to discuss one other thing with the likes of your dumbass
After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

Can you explain those "hundreds of years of headstart"?

Sure, its in a gottdam book. If you dont know this then you need to start at level 1.

I'm not here to explain simple concepts to you. And no, I wont explain what simple concepts or books are either.

It's in what book?

What you're not saying is that before they were enslaved by their captors, they were already behind by "hundred of years", possibly thousand. Whose fault is that?
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
Naw it is you "conservative" white cry babies that are hooked on handouts. You were given free land. You were given preference over women and minorities in hiring and education for several hundred years. Then when other Americans got tired of being 2nd class citizens and fought to win equality, your hegemony was fractured and your latent hate sprang forth leaving bodies everywhere.
But we steadfastly weathered the storm and the tide of battle for equality is slowly turning in our favor.

I guess i should've warn that my previous post comes with trigger warning. :D
If your previous post is as dumb as your present one, it needs an" idiot crossing" sign nailed to it not a trigger warning.

You do have a choice, you know. Ignore it. Don't answer to it.

But you can't, since you're triggered. Reeeeee...
Don't be mad at the truth.
The Man keepin' you down, boy?
No, things are great for me. I was raised by TWO parents, never went to prison, I'm employed and I have a nice amount of disposable income. Life is good when you come from a superior culture.
Then millions of Blacks living in the same or better circumstances than you are must come from a superior culture too.
If they came from a superior culture, the black community would be more educated, have stable two parent families, less of them dropping out of school, more of them employed, far less violence and crime in general, etc.

Quit trying to convince people of things we all know aren't true. Black culture is highly problematic and destructive. You know it, I know it and every person who reads this knows it.
Don't confuse "black culture" with "black thug culture." The two cultures are mutually exclusive just as "white thug culture is not the same as "white culture." Looking at the culture defined by the Black middle class, I'd say that group on the whole is on track to compare statistically in every way with the white middle class. But the Black middle class would be even better off if they would repeat the entrepreneurial exploits of "the Black Wallstreet" and 17 other successful enclaves. Blacks need to stop contributing to the success of White businesses and return to the days when they reaped the fruits of their own labor instead of giving it away to a hostile white business faction.
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
Naw it is you "conservative" white cry babies that are hooked on handouts. You were given free land. You were given preference over women and minorities in hiring and education for several hundred years. Then when other Americans got tired of being 2nd class citizens and fought to win equality, your hegemony was fractured and your latent hate sprang forth leaving bodies everywhere.
But we steadfastly weathered the storm and the tide of battle for equality is slowly turning in our favor.

I guess i should've warn that my previous post comes with trigger warning. :D
If your previous post is as dumb as your present one, it needs an" idiot crossing" sign nailed to it not a trigger warning.

You do have a choice, you know. Ignore it. Don't answer to it.

But you can't, since you're triggered. Reeeeee...
Is that a THREAT?
After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

Can you explain those "hundreds of years of headstart"?

Dude, it's this simple.

The original slaves in America were already behind the 8 ball, I mean they are the ones who were too stupid not to get caught by other blacks who sold them into slavery. So they were already dumber than average to begin with.

Then whitey bred them to be stupid. I mean blacks used to have to hide the fact that they could read, if indeed they could, because whitey didn't want smart slaves who might figure out that in most cases they out numbered their captors and could have escaped at any time if they thought about it.

Now you pass on those genes for 200 years and yes, you're going to have some stupid descendants.

THAT is what Closed Caption is saying.

I know what you and him are saying.

However, there are no reading genes that can be passed from parent to child.

Maaaan can someone tell Trump that you cant be born a well educated "black" you have to work for it. Its not like being born rich like he was.

1989...Blacks had it so easy!? How long have whites been using that shit?

Lmao! He is talking about affirmative action, idiot. He's right.

That was covered on page 1 goofball

Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

Except (I've told you too many times for it to be a bad memory) White girls and Asians are the #1 and #2 users of Affirmative Action.

Maaaan can someone tell Trump that you cant be born a well educated "black" you have to work for it. Its not like being born rich like he was.

1989...Blacks had it so easy!? How long have whites been using that shit?

Lmao! He is talking about affirmative action, idiot. He's right.

That was covered on page 1 goofball

Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

Except (I've told you too many times for it to be a bad memory) White girls and Asians are the #1 and #2 users of Affirmative Action.

So what...I only made it to the first post and watched the video and responded, dufuss.
The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
Naw it is you "conservative" white cry babies that are hooked on handouts. You were given free land. You were given preference over women and minorities in hiring and education for several hundred years. Then when other Americans got tired of being 2nd class citizens and fought to win equality, your hegemony was fractured and your latent hate sprang forth leaving bodies everywhere.
But we steadfastly weathered the storm and the tide of battle for equality is slowly turning in our favor.

I guess i should've warn that my previous post comes with trigger warning. :D
If your previous post is as dumb as your present one, it needs an" idiot crossing" sign nailed to it not a trigger warning.

You do have a choice, you know. Ignore it. Don't answer to it.

But you can't, since you're triggered. Reeeeee...
Is that a THREAT?

And you claim I am the dumb one. :bang3:

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