Watch Donald Trump Wishing He Was ‘A Black’ Because They Have It So Much Easier

Don't be mad at the truth.
About the only thing today blacks have easy, is getting a white woman to drop her panties.....I would love to list more: like uh,...uh..... easy access to prisons, easy access to poverty, easy access to unemployment, easy access to police brutality, but hey, it ain't easy being eee!!
Don't be mad at the truth. Black communities suck really bad. Your inferior culture makes sure of that. Once you guys embrace American culture, your problems will quickly disappear.

Your entire opinion is built from the TV.

Bullshit. There are literally MILLIONS of blacks who have became successful in this country. How did that happen? Accident? OR they got with the program and rejected the stereotypical black culture which refers to them as Uncle Toms?

Change your name bruh, his entire opinion is built from the TV. We werent talking about whatever shit flinging post you did there
Nope, it's just things I learned from being on the planet for 42 years. Even a child can see how fucked up the black community is. Everyone knows it. Every race, every niche group, we ALL agree the black community has the worst track record in the nation. Even the black community knows how much they suck. Even YOU know it, but you are too ashamed to admit it.

And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

When he tips the pizza guy. Doesnt that count?
Don't be mad at the truth. Black communities suck really bad. Your inferior culture makes sure of that. Once you guys embrace American culture, your problems will quickly disappear.

Your entire opinion is built from the TV.

Bullshit. There are literally MILLIONS of blacks who have became successful in this country. How did that happen? Accident? OR they got with the program and rejected the stereotypical black culture which refers to them as Uncle Toms?

Change your name bruh, his entire opinion is built from the TV. We werent talking about whatever shit flinging post you did there
Nope, it's just things I learned from being on the planet for 42 years. Even a child can see how fucked up the black community is. Everyone knows it. Every race, every niche group, we ALL agree the black community has the worst track record in the nation. Even the black community knows how much they suck. Even YOU know it, but you are too ashamed to admit it.

And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.
Your entire opinion is built from the TV.

Bullshit. There are literally MILLIONS of blacks who have became successful in this country. How did that happen? Accident? OR they got with the program and rejected the stereotypical black culture which refers to them as Uncle Toms?

Change your name bruh, his entire opinion is built from the TV. We werent talking about whatever shit flinging post you did there
Nope, it's just things I learned from being on the planet for 42 years. Even a child can see how fucked up the black community is. Everyone knows it. Every race, every niche group, we ALL agree the black community has the worst track record in the nation. Even the black community knows how much they suck. Even YOU know it, but you are too ashamed to admit it.

And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.
Bullshit. There are literally MILLIONS of blacks who have became successful in this country. How did that happen? Accident? OR they got with the program and rejected the stereotypical black culture which refers to them as Uncle Toms?

Change your name bruh, his entire opinion is built from the TV. We werent talking about whatever shit flinging post you did there
Nope, it's just things I learned from being on the planet for 42 years. Even a child can see how fucked up the black community is. Everyone knows it. Every race, every niche group, we ALL agree the black community has the worst track record in the nation. Even the black community knows how much they suck. Even YOU know it, but you are too ashamed to admit it.

And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

No, its also available to those that believe they have other skills. Belief isnt part of any qualifier for AA
Change your name bruh, his entire opinion is built from the TV. We werent talking about whatever shit flinging post you did there
Nope, it's just things I learned from being on the planet for 42 years. Even a child can see how fucked up the black community is. Everyone knows it. Every race, every niche group, we ALL agree the black community has the worst track record in the nation. Even the black community knows how much they suck. Even YOU know it, but you are too ashamed to admit it.

And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.

I won't touch that because, first and foremost, it's COMPLETELY off the topic of where we just were, and your deflection attempt cannot be more obvious, second because it's a bullshit question that makes no point aside from being in its ignorance some springboard you'd wish to use to outright racism, and third because there would be no way to measure such bullshit parameters anyway. Your examples completely ignore context in your ignorant quest to find some ethnic/racial group "inferior".

Well, fuck that. These games are way old.

Now then, if you care to address what I actually posted, have at it. You won't because I already proved my point, and you confirmed it. You fuel on vague impressions of some comic-book figure based on ass-umptions. But the reality behind them is an entity with which you have no intimate experience at all.

As I said, you just nailed the definition of prejudice.

"When some bigot says 'Ya can't trust 'em' --- what they mean is 'I don't know any'" -- Ellen McIlwaine
Nope, it's just things I learned from being on the planet for 42 years. Even a child can see how fucked up the black community is. Everyone knows it. Every race, every niche group, we ALL agree the black community has the worst track record in the nation. Even the black community knows how much they suck. Even YOU know it, but you are too ashamed to admit it.

And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.

I won't touch that because, first and foremost, it's COMPLETELY off the topic of where we just were, and your deflection attempt cannot be more obvious, second because it's a bullshit question that makes no point aside from being in its ignorance some springboard you'd wish to use to outright racism, and third because there would be no way to measure such bullshit parameters anyway. Your examples completely ignore context in your ignorant quest to find some ethnic/racial group "inferior".

Well, fuck that. These games are way old.

Now then, if you care to address what I actually posted, have at it. You won't because I already proved my point, and you confirmed it. You fuel on vague impressions of some comic-book figure based on ass-umptions. But the reality behind them is an entity with which you have no intimate experience at all.

As I said, you just nailed the definition of prejudice.

"When some bigot says 'Ya can't trust 'em' --- what they mean is 'I don't know any'" -- Ellen McIlwaine

Every person on Earth is prejudiced you dumb fuck, and off topic or not, that's where the thread went and of course you won't touch it, if you could name ONE area where American blacks are performing equally to other ethnic groups in this country, you would have posted it, and everyone reading this thread notes your failure.
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.

I won't touch that because, first and foremost, it's COMPLETELY off the topic of where we just were, and your deflection attempt cannot be more obvious, second because it's a bullshit question that makes no point aside from being in its ignorance some springboard you'd wish to use to outright racism, and third because there would be no way to measure such bullshit parameters anyway. Your examples completely ignore context in your ignorant quest to find some ethnic/racial group "inferior".

Well, fuck that. These games are way old.

Now then, if you care to address what I actually posted, have at it. You won't because I already proved my point, and you confirmed it. You fuel on vague impressions of some comic-book figure based on ass-umptions. But the reality behind them is an entity with which you have no intimate experience at all.

As I said, you just nailed the definition of prejudice.

"When some bigot says 'Ya can't trust 'em' --- what they mean is 'I don't know any'" -- Ellen McIlwaine

Every person on Earth is prejudiced you dumb fuck, and off topic or not, that's where the thread went and of course you won't touch it, if you could name ONE area where American blacks are performing equally to other ethnic groups in this country, you would have posted it, and everyone reading this thread notes your failure.

The definition of message board incompetence is running the same deflection over and over, expecting different results. You're just on a definitional roll today. :rock:

No, "every person on Earth" is not prejudiced. Only the narrowminded.
Of course when you're stuck in that particular quicksand I guess it's expected for the lazy thinkers to imagine therefore the whole world is made of quicksand.

Which returns us once again right back to ---- you need to get out more.
And just how often do you personally interact with this black community?

Yeah, thought so.

About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.

I won't touch that because, first and foremost, it's COMPLETELY off the topic of where we just were, and your deflection attempt cannot be more obvious, second because it's a bullshit question that makes no point aside from being in its ignorance some springboard you'd wish to use to outright racism, and third because there would be no way to measure such bullshit parameters anyway. Your examples completely ignore context in your ignorant quest to find some ethnic/racial group "inferior".

Well, fuck that. These games are way old.

Now then, if you care to address what I actually posted, have at it. You won't because I already proved my point, and you confirmed it. You fuel on vague impressions of some comic-book figure based on ass-umptions. But the reality behind them is an entity with which you have no intimate experience at all.

As I said, you just nailed the definition of prejudice.

"When some bigot says 'Ya can't trust 'em' --- what they mean is 'I don't know any'" -- Ellen McIlwaine

Every person on Earth is prejudiced you dumb fuck, and off topic or not, that's where the thread went and of course you won't touch it, if you could name ONE area where American blacks are performing equally to other ethnic groups in this country, you would have posted it, and everyone reading this thread notes your failure.
May I intervene? I'd just like to point out that Black(s) occupy the highest office in the land…the US presidency. And I have to admit that American Blacks as a group aren't faring as well in academics as African Immigrants are but HECK< neither is any other demographic..heh heh heh!
About as often as I personally interact with shitty white people. Which is to say, not often as I try my best to avoid shitty people.

:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

If you assume that white people wouldn't possibly interact with black people, that means youre a racist. Plus you're just plain dumb. This is the US. No one has zero interaction with black people, moron.

Not that you need to interact in order to have an understanding of them. Most people have never been to Somalia, yet somehow we all know it's a shit show over there.

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.

I won't touch that because, first and foremost, it's COMPLETELY off the topic of where we just were, and your deflection attempt cannot be more obvious, second because it's a bullshit question that makes no point aside from being in its ignorance some springboard you'd wish to use to outright racism, and third because there would be no way to measure such bullshit parameters anyway. Your examples completely ignore context in your ignorant quest to find some ethnic/racial group "inferior".

Well, fuck that. These games are way old.

Now then, if you care to address what I actually posted, have at it. You won't because I already proved my point, and you confirmed it. You fuel on vague impressions of some comic-book figure based on ass-umptions. But the reality behind them is an entity with which you have no intimate experience at all.

As I said, you just nailed the definition of prejudice.

"When some bigot says 'Ya can't trust 'em' --- what they mean is 'I don't know any'" -- Ellen McIlwaine

Every person on Earth is prejudiced you dumb fuck, and off topic or not, that's where the thread went and of course you won't touch it, if you could name ONE area where American blacks are performing equally to other ethnic groups in this country, you would have posted it, and everyone reading this thread notes your failure.

The definition of message board incompetence is running the same deflection over and over, expecting different results. You're just on a definitional roll today. :rock:

No, "every person on Earth" is not prejudiced. Only the narrowminded.
Of course when you're stuck in that particular quicksand I guess it's expected for the lazy thinkers to imagine therefore the whole world is made of quicksand.

Which returns us once again right back to ---- you need to get out more.

LOL you are so stupid prejudiced =/= racist, or anything else, and yes YOU certainly are prejudiced against conservatives , for example. Don't even pretend otherwise.

Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.
Oh the irony. An entitled elitist born-rich snob who has literally never had or needed a job in his life because he's been handed everything from birth, waxing eloquent on the "job market".

Think I'll go write a scientific paper on brain neurosurgery. Because why not.
...Its called "white guilt!" You see blacks as victims since slavery. Liberal whites amending for past sins and allowing blacks to play the race card. This is practicing white superiority by saying blacks cannot make it on their own because they are inferior, so you stereotype blacks as ignorant and incapable compared to you. Therefore, as the bigot you are, your strawman logical fallacy believe blacks are not competent enough to be at your level without your help. Blacks don't need your white pity, so you can be the white hero saving the blacks.

Good, if blacks don't need our help anymore, I guess we could stop all those government checks we give, thanks I was wondering if we would ever get blacks payed off
Now we can start paying off the illegals .

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Then the problem was compounded when slavery was abolished but inter racial sex and marriage was still frowned upon. We literally need to breed the stupid out of black Americans.

Another example of your Fair and Balanced opinions ;)

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......
:eusa_clap: Congratulations. You just nailed the definition of the word "prejudice".

Okay, you get an honorable mention. The other one was just more direct so he edged you out.
But you do get points for bringing in the "Everybody Knows" fallacy. I haven't seen that one for... oh, a good fifteen minutes.

Pogo, go ahead and list all of the cultural , economic, and educational marks that black americans on average are on par with other american ethnicities.

You of course won't touch that, because there is none. They go to jail more often, they have children out of wedlock more often, they drop out of high school more often, they earn less, they have lower IQs, etc etc etc right on down the list.

I won't touch that because, first and foremost, it's COMPLETELY off the topic of where we just were, and your deflection attempt cannot be more obvious, second because it's a bullshit question that makes no point aside from being in its ignorance some springboard you'd wish to use to outright racism, and third because there would be no way to measure such bullshit parameters anyway. Your examples completely ignore context in your ignorant quest to find some ethnic/racial group "inferior".

Well, fuck that. These games are way old.

Now then, if you care to address what I actually posted, have at it. You won't because I already proved my point, and you confirmed it. You fuel on vague impressions of some comic-book figure based on ass-umptions. But the reality behind them is an entity with which you have no intimate experience at all.

As I said, you just nailed the definition of prejudice.

"When some bigot says 'Ya can't trust 'em' --- what they mean is 'I don't know any'" -- Ellen McIlwaine

Every person on Earth is prejudiced you dumb fuck, and off topic or not, that's where the thread went and of course you won't touch it, if you could name ONE area where American blacks are performing equally to other ethnic groups in this country, you would have posted it, and everyone reading this thread notes your failure.

The definition of message board incompetence is running the same deflection over and over, expecting different results. You're just on a definitional roll today. :rock:

No, "every person on Earth" is not prejudiced. Only the narrowminded.
Of course when you're stuck in that particular quicksand I guess it's expected for the lazy thinkers to imagine therefore the whole world is made of quicksand.

Which returns us once again right back to ---- you need to get out more.

LOL you are so stupid prejudiced =/= racist, or anything else, and yes YOU certainly are prejudiced against conservatives , for example. Don't even pretend otherwise.


So you concede defeat.
Bye, Loser.
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Then the problem was compounded when slavery was abolished but inter racial sex and marriage was still frowned upon. We literally need to breed the stupid out of black Americans.

Another example of your Fair and Balanced opinions ;)

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

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