Watch Donald Trump Wishing He Was ‘A Black’ Because They Have It So Much Easier

Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Was that before 1978 or after? Since you didn't read the link I will post the critical and damning essence of it:

Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas.

Keep in mind these are not my words, they are from the link and they have nailed your lying ass!
Then the problem was compounded when slavery was abolished but inter racial sex and marriage was still frowned upon. We literally need to breed the stupid out of black Americans.

Another example of your Fair and Balanced opinions ;)

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Was that before 1978 or after? Since you didn't read the link I will post the critical and damning essence of it:

Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas.

Keep in mind these are not my words, they are from the link and they have nailed your lying ass!

That was before , obviously. I thought we were talking from a historical perspective, not what is actually happening today.
Then the problem was compounded when slavery was abolished but inter racial sex and marriage was still frowned upon. We literally need to breed the stupid out of black Americans.

Another example of your Fair and Balanced opinions ;)

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

What" That's exactly what I fucking said 6 pages ago and you scoffed at me. I mean EXACTLY what I said.
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
Naw it is you "conservative" white cry babies that are hooked on handouts. You were given free land. You were given preference over women and minorities in hiring and education for several hundred years. Then when other Americans got tired of being 2nd class citizens and fought to win equality, your hegemony was fractured and your latent hate sprang forth leaving bodies everywhere.
But we steadfastly weathered the storm and the tide of battle for equality is slowly turning in our favor.
Another example of your Fair and Balanced opinions ;)

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

What" That's exactly what I fucking said 6 pages ago and you scoffed at me. I mean EXACTLY what I said.

Another ridiculous lie....One when asked for you to prove it you again melt away like the Wicked Witch when trying to take a bath
Don't be mad at the truth.
The Man keepin' you down, boy?
No, things are great for me. I was raised by TWO parents, never went to prison, I'm employed and I have a nice amount of disposable income. Life is good when you come from a superior culture.

--- especially when you enclose yourself in a bubble that thinks that way....

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Was that before 1978 or after? Since you didn't read the link I will post the critical and damning essence of it:

Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas.

Keep in mind these are not my words, they are from the link and they have nailed your lying ass!

That was before , obviously. I thought we were talking from a historical perspective, not what is actually happening today.

Historical perspective???? Just how old do you think Affirmative Action IS? It is a contemporary phenomenon. The Bakke decision made quotas illegal and that landmark decision has not been overturned…have a nice day… see ya, wouldn't want to be ya!
It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

What" That's exactly what I fucking said 6 pages ago and you scoffed at me. I mean EXACTLY what I said.

Another ridiculous lie....One when asked for you to prove it you again melt away like the Wicked Witch when trying to take a bath

It's not a lie, I POINTEDLY said that yes White Americans are too blame for black american's inability to keep up with their peers.

You just lied about what I did or did not say sir.
The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.

That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Was that before 1978 or after? Since you didn't read the link I will post the critical and damning essence of it:

Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas.

Keep in mind these are not my words, they are from the link and they have nailed your lying ass!

That was before , obviously. I thought we were talking from a historical perspective, not what is actually happening today.

Caught again lying when someone posts actual facts, eh? This seems like a pattern for you.

Everytime you're caught you bend over and move those goal posts
That's simply not true. When first implemented AA was absolutely neccesary to allow qualified blacks (primarily at the time) to get an equal chance. Of course that system has been perverted beyond recognition to the point where in many cases unqualified blacks are chosen over qualified non blacks for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't negate the original intention of the program. It merely proves that government programs will ALWAYS exceed their mandates.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Was that before 1978 or after? Since you didn't read the link I will post the critical and damning essence of it:

Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas.

Keep in mind these are not my words, they are from the link and they have nailed your lying ass!

That was before , obviously. I thought we were talking from a historical perspective, not what is actually happening today.

Caught again lying when someone posts actual facts, eh? This seems like a pattern for you.

Everytime you're caught you bend over and move those goal posts

No, you and your friends are just illiterate and dishonest. Clearly in my post he quoted I was referring to where AA morphed into quotas. I even used past tense verbiage. At NO time did I suggest that quotas were still used today.
Stop lying. Affirmative Action was neutered by the Bakke decision. A Black won't even be considered for a position if he/she is "unqualified " for it. Any Black hired is chosen from a pool of "QUALIFIED" candidates. No employer is going to lose money by hiring someone who doesn't add to his profit margins.

Lying? LOL It's fact that the offshoot of AA , known as hiring quotas, FORCED companies to bypass more qualified candidates to hire minorities if they needed to meet a certain quota.
Was that before 1978 or after? Since you didn't read the link I will post the critical and damning essence of it:

Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas.

Keep in mind these are not my words, they are from the link and they have nailed your lying ass!

That was before , obviously. I thought we were talking from a historical perspective, not what is actually happening today.

Caught again lying when someone posts actual facts, eh? This seems like a pattern for you.

Everytime you're caught you bend over and move those goal posts

No, you and your friends are just illiterate and dishonest. Clearly in my post he quoted I was referring to where AA morphed into quotas. I even used past tense verbiage. At NO time did I suggest that quotas were still used today.
After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

Can you explain those "hundreds of years of headstart"?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

What" That's exactly what I fucking said 6 pages ago and you scoffed at me. I mean EXACTLY what I said.

Another ridiculous lie....One when asked for you to prove it you again melt away like the Wicked Witch when trying to take a bath

It's not a lie, I POINTEDLY said that yes White Americans are too blame for black american's inability to keep up with their peers.

You just lied about what I did or did not say sir.
Another example of your Fair and Balanced opinions ;)

It's absolutely the truth man. Historic evidence PROVES that slave owners purposely bred slaves to be big, strong, and stupid. And scientific evidence proves that on the whole blacks are not as intelligent as whites. This is further proven by the fact that blacks lag behind whites in EVERY social measure. EVERY single one.

Now you take an attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old black male and then take another attractive 22 year old black woman and let her marry and have kids with an average 22 year old white male and you tell me which woman's kids are likely to be more successful in life than the others?
Wow....just wow......

I know , it is amazing that the average american black is so far behind their peers.

After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

What" That's exactly what I fucking said 6 pages ago and you scoffed at me. I mean EXACTLY what I said.

Go ahead and post where you said having land and ownnig slaves were an advantage. Oops I did it again, I threw facts water on old F&B again

Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
Naw it is you "conservative" white cry babies that are hooked on handouts. You were given free land. You were given preference over women and minorities in hiring and education for several hundred years. Then when other Americans got tired of being 2nd class citizens and fought to win equality, your hegemony was fractured and your latent hate sprang forth leaving bodies everywhere.
But we steadfastly weathered the storm and the tide of battle for equality is slowly turning in our favor.

I guess i should've warn that my previous post comes with trigger warning. :D
Don't be mad at the truth.
The Man keepin' you down, boy?
No, things are great for me. I was raised by TWO parents, never went to prison, I'm employed and I have a nice amount of disposable income. Life is good when you come from a superior culture.
Then millions of Blacks living in the same or better circumstances than you are must come from a superior culture too.
After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

Can you explain those "hundreds of years of headstart"?

Sure, its in a gottdam book. If you dont know this then you need to start at level 1.

I'm not here to explain simple concepts to you. And no, I wont explain what simple concepts or books are either.
Affirmative action means blacks have a MUCH easier time getting into college and getting a scholarship and getting a job. Black privilege is everywherer and yet they are still failures!

The only people who benefit from affirmative action tyranny are those who believe that being black, or being woman is their only marketable skill.

When they realize their "skills" have no value, they're so hooked on handouts that is very hard for them to try anything on their own.
Naw it is you "conservative" white cry babies that are hooked on handouts. You were given free land. You were given preference over women and minorities in hiring and education for several hundred years. Then when other Americans got tired of being 2nd class citizens and fought to win equality, your hegemony was fractured and your latent hate sprang forth leaving bodies everywhere.
But we steadfastly weathered the storm and the tide of battle for equality is slowly turning in our favor.

I guess i should've warn that my previous post comes with trigger warning. :D
If your previous post is as dumb as your present one, it needs an" idiot crossing" sign nailed to it not a trigger warning.
After hundreds of years of a headstart? The only person this should surprise is someone who thinks not having the same opportunities as others doesnt matter.

Thats you...Mr Fair and Balanced.

Sure whites had all the land and owned people as property and ran America....but there is no advantage in that. Its all fair and balanced, right?

Can you explain those "hundreds of years of headstart"?

Dude, it's this simple.

The original slaves in America were already behind the 8 ball, I mean they are the ones who were too stupid not to get caught by other blacks who sold them into slavery. So they were already dumber than average to begin with.

Then whitey bred them to be stupid. I mean blacks used to have to hide the fact that they could read, if indeed they could, because whitey didn't want smart slaves who might figure out that in most cases they out numbered their captors and could have escaped at any time if they thought about it.

Now you pass on those genes for 200 years and yes, you're going to have some stupid descendants.

THAT is what Closed Caption is saying.

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