Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.
Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.
What is far left about wanting universal healthcare when practically every other 1st world country has it, even those run by right wingers? LOL you have absolutely NO clue what the far left is.
Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.
Remember when Obama put Republicans in his cabinet and morons like you didn't give a fuck??
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Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.
Good sign. Baby steps. I'll take pretty much anything at this point.

I want to hope that we've had enough of the lunatics controlling the asylum, but we'll see.
Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.

Sounds like a recipe for getting a knife in the back. Democrats will do it every time.
What is far left about wanting universal healthcare when practically every other 1st world country has it, even those run by right wingers? LOL you have absolutely NO clue what the far left is.
The far left is why the Republicans (Trump's party) did so well in the November elections. Trump is the most disgusting human to ever be President. How can the Republican party be doing so well with his name still attached to the party. Many look at the far left as bad or worse.
I am for working towards universal healthcare. But you must be realistic on getting there.
I am against defunding the police as are a majority of Americans. Too often the far left advocated for the neediest among us over everyone else. We have to take care of the neediest among us but not ignoring the needs of the middle class and the average productive American. The far left is out of balance. The opposite of the far right who are out of balance by only caring about their needs, not the needs of those down and out and the general needs of the country. We need balance in our politics. Both the far left and the far right are out of balance.
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And yet, Republicans refused to participate on the Jan 6 commission when offered equal representation...and then complained that there wasn't equal representation on the Jan 6 commission.
That Republican party means they will be losers in 2022. But Republicans who do not totally kiss Trump's ass and show bipartisanship could be winners.
The far left is why the Republicans (Trump's party) did so well in the November elections. Trump is the most disgusting human to ever be President. How can the Republican party be doing so well with his name still attached to the party. Many look at the far left as bad or worse.
I am for working towards universal healthcare. But you must be realistic on getting there.
I am against defunding the police as are a majority of Americans. Too often the far left advocated for the neediest among us over everyone else. We have to take care of the neediest among us but not ignoring the needs of the middle class and the average productive American. The far left is out of balance. The opposite of the far right who are out of balance by only caring about their needs, not the needs of those down and out and the general needs of the country. We need balance in our politics. Both the far left and the far right are out of balance.
how did they do so well? Because they calling those on the left "communists". Nobody wants to outright defund police. But what is wrong, with say, legalizing drugs then using some of the money used by law enforcement to fight illegal drugs and using that towards, say, addiction? That is what people are talking about when they say "defund" the police. But of course having a nuanced discussion about such things with your average joe American is an impossibility due to their stupidity.
Youngkin is avoiding trump.

That's doing it right.
McCauliffe is a corrupted hack. Progs do not play the bipartisan game. That is why children of parents are getting raped. Progs keep pushing the envelope into the destruction of civilization using social causes driving people insane.
And yet, Republicans refused to participate on the Jan 6 commission when offered equal representation...and then complained that there wasn't equal representation on the Jan 6 commission.
Obviously seven Democrats and two Republicans on the Committee is lopsided. If it were truly bipartisan. why wasn't the committee composed of a 5-4 ratio?
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Obviously seven Democrats and two Republicans on the Committee is lopsided. If it were truly bipartisan. why wasn't the committee composed of a 5-4 ratio?
Read my post again...I deliberately made it very short for the short-attention-span crowd.
how did they do so well? Because they calling those on the left "communists". Nobody wants to outright defund police. But what is wrong, with say, legalizing drugs then using some of the money used by law enforcement to fight illegal drugs and using that towards, say, addiction? That is what people are talking about when they say "defund" the police. But of course having a nuanced discussion about such things with your average joe American is an impossibility due to their stupidity.
The Democrats messaging has been horrible. Defund the police turns people off. Talk about revising and improving the police department.
Democrats have been disrespecting Joe America and they feel it. How else could a scum bucket like Trump ever get elected.
I totally disrespect anyone who supports Trump. The man is immoral, unethical. narcist, the worst of the worst.
But Democrats have to acknowledge a group of people in middle America who have lost jobs in manufacturing and farming. They have to give them hope. Many have ethics and morals I disagree with. Do not engage their immorality but engage their economic suffering.

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