Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right

Read my post again...I deliberately made it very short for the short-attention-span crowd.
There was no equal representation within the Committee at anytime as ordered by Pelosi A 7 to 2 majority as I indicated is not bipartisan. Even the original 8 Democrats to 5 Republicans in the Committee was biased and loaded leading to one conclusion.
" Speaker Nancy Pelosi views the committee as a hammer to use against Republicans in 2022, and her veto of the two GOP members proves it, writes The Editorial Board
Even the Speaker admits her veto of GOP members is ‘unprecedented."

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There was no equal representation within the Committee at anytime as ordered by Pelosi A 7 to 2 majority as I indicated is not bipartisan. Even the original 8 Democrats to 5 Republicans in the Committee was biased and loaded leading to one conclusion.
" Speaker Nancy Pelosi views the committee as a hammer to use against Republicans in 2022, and her veto of the two GOP members proves it, writes The Editorial Board
Even the Speaker admits her veto of GOP members is ‘unprecedented."

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Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.
Youngkin is an Open Borders piece of shit...that's why you're rooting for him.
Look up his career.
The far left is why the Republicans (Trump's party) did so well in the November elections. Trump is the most disgusting human to ever be President. How can the Republican party be doing so well with his name still attached to the party. Many look at the far left as bad or worse.
I am for working towards universal healthcare. But you must be realistic on getting there.
I am against defunding the police as are a majority of Americans. Too often the far left advocated for the neediest among us over everyone else. We have to take care of the neediest among us but not ignoring the needs of the middle class and the average productive American. The far left is out of balance. The opposite of the far right who are out of balance by only caring about their needs, not the needs of those down and out and the general needs of the country. We need balance in our politics. Both the far left and the far right are out of balance.
trumps pro usa stance was disgusting to rich liberal elites who hate the usa btw someone change joes depends it stinks, like joe its full of shit
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trumps pro usa stance was disgusting to rich liberal elites who hate the usa btw someone change joes depends it stinks, like joe its full of shit
Trump's statements were, mostly, lies. But desperate Americans bought the lies because the Democrats were not reaching out to them.
Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right.
Youngkin has Republicans and Democrats on his transition team and slated in for the appointed positions. That is unlike, too many, partisan politicians, both Democrat and Republican, that are loyal to the party over country or getting the job done efficiently.
The Democrats are letting the far left take over their party. Many are almost as bad as Trumpers.

Take the far left and the Trumpers and flush them down the toilet.

Your Democrats are NOT the far left. They're barely on the left at all. Americans have weird ideas of what constitutes constitutes "far left". NOTHING is the Democratic platform is anything more than "centre left". Universal health care, free post secondary education, and maternity and family leave, even child tax credits, are all fixtures of every centre left democracy in the world.
Good sign. Baby steps. I'll take pretty much anything at this point.

I want to hope that we've had enough of the lunatics controlling the asylum, but we'll see.
When you figure out who the lunatyics are insteadd of claiming people who oppose the lunacy are the same as the lunatics, you will have found reality.
Trump's statements were, mostly, lies. But desperate Americans bought the lies because the Democrats were not reaching out to them.
Trump lost 2 elections. Desperate Americans didn't by the lies, desperate white Americans did.
Universal health care, free post secondary education, and maternity and family leave, even child tax credits, are all fixtures of every centre left democracy in the world.
Yes, but they are defined as 'far left' in deplorable lexicons.
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Your Democrats are NOT the far left. They're barely on the left at all. Americans have weird ideas of what constitutes constitutes "far left". NOTHING is the Democratic platform is anything more than "centre left". Universal health care, free post secondary education, and maternity and family leave, even child tax credits, are all fixtures of every centre left democracy in the world.
We are dealing wth nutcases on the extreme right Dragonlady. They have no clue that their own ideology is clasic liberalism. That is how clueless, brainwashed and radicalized they are due to extremist propaganda.
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When you figure out who the lunatyics are insteadd of claiming people who oppose the lunacy are the same as the lunatics, you will have found reality.
Those who oppose lunacy can be lunatic in their own right, in their own way.

And that's what we have with the two ends (ends, not sides) of our political spectrum.

The rest of us, the majority, have to deal with it.
Trump lost 2 elections. Desperate Americans didn't by the lies, desperate white Americans did.
You are way off. Desperate? I know the future if we keep this up. 2nd and 3rd world status. America must be taken down a few pegs to be blended into world government. Those ghettos will never be gone then. And in fact many more will sprout up with less resources going for all.
Those who oppose lunacy can be lunatic in their own right, in their own way.

And that's what we have with the two ends (ends, not sides) of our political spectrum.

The rest of us, the majority, have to deal with it.

The only thing I would add is that the extreme on the right is the larger issue than the one on the left. It seems we have those who believe they are completely equal which isn’t true.

That being said, to argue there is no extreme left is risible. They do exist and should be called out when it’s appropriate.
The only thing I would add is that the extreme on the right is the larger issue than the one on the left. It seems we have those who believe they are completely equal which isn’t true.

That being said, to argue there is no extreme left is risible. They do exist and should be called out when it’s appropriate.
Bingo. What was happening on the Left was bad, divisive and counterproductive enough, but what has happened on the Right is just on another level.

Personally, I look at this as outside the previous Left vs. Right narrative. This is different than that, a third and bigger problem. An alternate reality. This country has never had to deal with this before.
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The only thing I would add is that the extreme on the right is the larger issue than the one on the left. It seems we have those who believe they are completely equal which isn’t true.

That being said, to argue there is no extreme left is risible. They do exist and should be called out when it’s appropriate.
One other thing: What has happened on the Right, or TO the Right, is a direct (if absurd) response to what the Left was doing.

It is, as usual, a ridiculous overcompensation. That appears to be an American specialty -- the lunatics feeding off each other.
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Youngkin is going to trash Virginia the way abbott has trashed Texas. He's a scumbag.
What is far left about wanting universal healthcare when practically every other 1st world country has it, even those run by right wingers? LOL you have absolutely NO clue what the far left is.

He's talking about you. You're a radicalized religious zealot, and no one wants people like you in charge of anything.

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