Watch out Democrats, Youngkin is doing it right

Your Democrats are NOT the far left. They're barely on the left at all. Americans have weird ideas of what constitutes constitutes "far left". NOTHING is the Democratic platform is anything more than "centre left". Universal health care, free post secondary education, and maternity and family leave, even child tax credits, are all fixtures of every centre left democracy in the world.
Too much of the Democratic messaging focuses on the far left. They can take the same policies and articulate them better to approach a greater audience.
I think we just have to accept that unfortunately some people can't be told. It is what it is.
You cannot paint all people with the same brush. You need tailor your message to who you are talking to. Trumpsters are a lost cause but there are many moderate Republicans and Independents.
Your Democrats are NOT the far left. They're barely on the left at all. Americans have weird ideas of what constitutes constitutes "far left". NOTHING is the Democratic platform is anything more than "centre left". Universal health care, free post secondary education, and maternity and family leave, even child tax credits, are all fixtures of every centre left democracy in the world.
The Democratic party includes many who I would define as far left and many who are more moderate. Why did Biden have such a hard time getting his bills through a Democratic legislator. Look at Seattle city politics. The city government was controlled by the far left. The most recent election put moderate Democrat against far left Democrat in many races. The moderate Democrat won the vast majority of races.
The Republican party has true Trump ass kissers, reluctant Trump ass kissers and those who are anti-Trump.
The far left is why the Republicans (Trump's party) did so well in the November elections. Trump is the most disgusting human to ever be President. How can the Republican party be doing so well with his name still attached to the party. Many look at the far left as bad or worse.
I am for working towards universal healthcare. But you must be realistic on getting there.
I am against defunding the police as are a majority of Americans. Too often the far left advocated for the neediest among us over everyone else. We have to take care of the neediest among us but not ignoring the needs of the middle class and the average productive American. The far left is out of balance. The opposite of the far right who are out of balance by only caring about their needs, not the needs of those down and out and the general needs of the country. We need balance in our politics. Both the far left and the far right are out of balance.

Your OP is based on a lot of premises that simply are not true, starting with, both parties are NOT the same. Both parties don't have "kooks" or insurrectionists. The followers of one party are living in the real world, and the followers of the other party have been consistently lied to and mislead by the PARTY.

There is nothing kooky or radical about the Democratic Party - and that includes the Squad, which Donald Trump has attacked and denigrated, calling them "radical" and "crazy" because they're women of colour. Trump attacked minority women with such vehemence and hate.

Republicans have demonstrated in spades that they have no interest in governing. TheIR goal is to maintain power and give tax cuts to rich people. Infrastructure, health care, education, are systemically being destroyed by Republicans and they've been trying for decades to end taxpayer funded education in the USA.
The Democratic party includes many who I would define as far left and many who are more moderate. Why did Biden have such a hard time getting his bills through a Democratic legislator. Look at Seattle city politics. The city government was controlled by the far left. The most recent election put moderate Democrat against far left Democrat in many races. The moderate Democrat won the vast majority of races.
The Republican party has true Trump ass kissers, reluctant Trump ass kissers and those who are anti-Trump.

Because Joe Manchin is an economic idiot, that's why, and he's so conservative that he's protecting billionaires, even though there isn't a single billionaire in his state, and his state is the poorest in the nation.
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We are dealing wth nutcases on the extreme right Dragonlady. They have no clue that their own ideology is clasic liberalism. That is how clueless, brainwashed and radicalized they are due to extremist propaganda.

Who would you define as a "nutcase" on the far left?
Who would you define as a "nutcase" on the far left?
That's a good question. Because I won't say it's any of the politicians because their policies are not really extreme left and the American socialist party really is a non factor.
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Republicans have demonstrated in spades that they have no interest in governing. TheIR goal is to maintain power and give tax cuts to rich people. Infrastructure, health care, education, are systemically being destroyed by Republicans and they've been trying for decades to end taxpayer funded education in the USA.
Nailed it
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States can, do and should tax accordingly for the welfare state they want for their citizens and never have the Federal Government to do their job…
No, we don't need states rights.

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