Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.


Wait a minute, Nazis are socialists, as in LIBERALS?
So all those tiki torch carrying khaki pants wearing goose stepping Nazis went to the WRONG RALLY?
You need to demand a refund for your education.
(It was called the "Unite the Right" rally)

It might help if your education didn't come from internet memes.
1. Hitler didn't make that quote, it came from Gregor Strasser.
2. Strasser paid for that quote with his LIFE.
Gregor Strasser (31 May 1892 – 30 June 1934) was an early prominent German Nazi official and politician who was murdered during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

He also said this about Adolt Hitler:
"He is such a hysteric that they need not take him seriously, and so he will not carry out his threat unfortunately. But it is all or nothing for him now. If I know him, he will make one desperate attempt to get into power. If this fails and he does not get his way, he is finished. He will burst into pieces like a frog."

Gregor Strasser was an early member of the Nazi Party. During Adolf Hitler's imprisonment Strasser attempted to take the Nazi Party in a different ideological direction. He failed in this and in 1934 Strasser paid the price for what Hitler considered a betrayal.


The fact remains, the Nazi party is/was socialist and they hate/hated capitalism and embraced socialism.
Not a fact, dumbass.
It's amazing how Trumpbots convolute Liberalism and democratic socialism with communist dictatorships.

First they declare any idea to the left of Mussolini as socialist, then they cite the failures of communist dictatorships to debunk those ideas.

Bait & switch much?

Actually, those who have escaped Communist countries and come to the US tend to be Republican because they are able to see that the obvious end result of liberal policies is Socialism into Communism, from which they escaped. It is liberals in this country that are far too ignorant and spoiled to recognize the correlation. I am beginning to think Liberals have an area of their brain that simply doesn't function at all.
yep,but one could use the same play book with a slight adjustment wiiht diferent results.
Because, THIS TIME, socialism will work because we will do it the right way.....THIS TIME.


Fuck you, commie. The evidence AGAINST your commie shit is overwhelming. We're not doing it.

hey fucik you bitch! Ill split your bitch ass wig. Not a commie and do not agree with hitler. he was how ever pretty successfull which is a fact. I will tell your bitch ass right where I am, internet tough guy. Then you can come see me and I will plit your bitch ass wig.
It's amazing how Trumpbots convolute Liberalism and democratic socialism with communist dictatorships.

First they declare any idea to the left of Mussolini as socialist, then they cite the failures of communist dictatorships to debunk those ideas.

Bait & switch much?

Actually, those who have escaped Communist countries and come to the US tend to be Republican because they are able to see that the obvious end result of liberal policies is Socialism into Communism, from which they escaped. It is liberals in this country that are far too ignorant and spoiled to recognize the correlation. I am beginning to think Liberals have an area of their brain that simply doesn't function at all.
Yeah, the area between their ears.
yep,but one could use the same play book with a slight adjustment wiiht diferent results.
Because, THIS TIME, socialism will work because we will do it the right way.....THIS TIME.


Fuck you, commie. The evidence AGAINST your commie shit is overwhelming. We're not doing it.

hey fucik you bitch! Ill split your bitch ass wig. Not a commie and do not agree with hitler. he was how ever pretty successfull which is a fact. I will tell your bitch ass right where I am, internet tough guy. Then you can come see me and I will plit your bitch ass wig.
bitch ass wig

What wig? This?

Split that bitch ass wig.

Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
well had hitler not opened up a two front war we wouold have all been speaking german.
So it appears you believe all ridiculous right wing propaganda.... Nazis were socialists only in Nazi garbage propaganda just like the Communists were in Communist propaganda.

Socialism has always been defined to have some democracy involved. That lets Communists and Nazis out. The modern definition everywhere but English speaking conservative propaganda is that socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Nazism and communism have never been put in except through violent revolution. I believe democracy will always give us capitalism and Justice in the end. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed....

try asking a socialist what socialism is instead of listening to ridiculous right wing propaganda about it. Or for that matter ridiculous far left-wing communist propaganda....

Great, let's hear from CNN.

What is your point? sanctions have ruined Venezuela the last 20 years.
Captain Queeg | fictional character

"We have a very serious Captain Queeg problem in the White House, and we simply can't continue exposing what we've all been exposing about the runaway pharmaceutical industry going to Asia for maximum profits and bringing them back here where we don't even have a company producing penicillin or antibiotics in the United States.

"Talk about leaving us defenseless.

"We have to focus on what's going on in the White House."

Time for Trump to resign.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
well had hitler not opened up a two front war we wouold have all been speaking german.
So it appears you believe all ridiculous right wing propaganda.... Nazis were socialists only in Nazi garbage propaganda just like the Communists were in Communist propaganda.

Socialism has always been defined to have some democracy involved. That lets Communists and Nazis out. The modern definition everywhere but English speaking conservative propaganda is that socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Nazism and communism have never been put in except through violent revolution. I believe democracy will always give us capitalism and Justice in the end. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed....

try asking a socialist what socialism is instead of listening to ridiculous right wing propaganda about it. Or for that matter ridiculous far left-wing communist propaganda....

Great, let's hear from CNN.

What is your point? sanctions have ruined Venezuela the last 20 years.

Sure, never take responsibility...dumbass.
No, U.S. Sanctions Are Not Killing Venezuela. Maduro Is
yep,but one could use the same play book with a slight adjustment wiiht diferent results.
Because, THIS TIME, socialism will work because we will do it the right way.....THIS TIME.


Fuck you, commie. The evidence AGAINST your commie shit is overwhelming. We're not doing it.

hey fucik you bitch! Ill split your bitch ass wig. Not a commie and do not agree with hitler. he was how ever pretty successfull which is a fact. I will tell your bitch ass right where I am, internet tough guy. Then you can come see me and I will plit your bitch ass wig.
bitch ass wig

What wig? This?

Split that bitch ass wig.


Nah, it's gotta be this.
So it appears you believe all ridiculous right wing propaganda.... Nazis were socialists only in Nazi garbage propaganda just like the Communists were in Communist propaganda.

Socialism has always been defined to have some democracy involved. That lets Communists and Nazis out. The modern definition everywhere but English speaking conservative propaganda is that socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Nazism and communism have never been put in except through violent revolution. I believe democracy will always give us capitalism and Justice in the end. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed....

try asking a socialist what socialism is instead of listening to ridiculous right wing propaganda about it. Or for that matter ridiculous far left-wing communist propaganda....
The modern definition everywhere but English speaking conservative propaganda is that socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.
That is not, nor has it EVER been the definition of socialism.

Socialsim - Merriam-Webster

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Collective control means democracy. Socialism can also be pure socialism and I dictatorship that owns all business and industry pure socialism is communism and has been proven to not be socialism because there is no democracy as promised by the Soviets or committees. we are all socialists now!, President of Finland when ObamaCare passed. English-speaking conservatives have been conflating communism and socialism for a hundred years. The leaders and being capitalist swine that long also. the French Germans Scandinavians Italian Spanish etc etc have had communist and socialist parties and they know the difference. Democracy-that is why communist parties are gone now for all practical purposes.
What is your point? sanctions have ruined Venezuela the last 20 years.
You mean, right around the time that fat commie, Hugo Chaves took over and "nationalized" the country's #1 export industry, petroleum?

But, had NOTHING at all to do with Fat Commie's theft. It's those damn Americans!!!

By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?
It supported the monarchy in the Spanish civil war. That's as right wing as can be. Supporting the monarchy is where the term came from originally, the French monarchy, before Madame had her say.
So the fascists installed the king when they won the war? . . . er, no.

One more leftwing idiocy shot down.
Right-wingers love kings and queens. Yes Franco brought in the king to take over from him. And yes I lived under Franco. A lot of right-wingers liked it because it was so safe. Spanish citizens and expats.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
well had hitler not opened up a two front war we wouold have all been speaking german.
So it appears you believe all ridiculous right wing propaganda.... Nazis were socialists only in Nazi garbage propaganda just like the Communists were in Communist propaganda.

Socialism has always been defined to have some democracy involved. That lets Communists and Nazis out. The modern definition everywhere but English speaking conservative propaganda is that socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Nazism and communism have never been put in except through violent revolution. I believe democracy will always give us capitalism and Justice in the end. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed....

try asking a socialist what socialism is instead of listening to ridiculous right wing propaganda about it. Or for that matter ridiculous far left-wing communist propaganda....

Great, let's hear from CNN.

What is your point? sanctions have ruined Venezuela the last 20 years.

Sure, never take responsibility...dumbass.
No, U.S. Sanctions Are Not Killing Venezuela. Maduro Is

Forbes editorials are garbage GOP propaganda. Venezuela can't even sell their oil and there have been many covert attempts at coups. The Republicans are always doing that Iran 1953 Honduras Latin Americ Chile Honduras Argentina. Always a catastrophe in the long run.. Mainly because they think socialism is communism while the rest of the world doesn't. So stupid- ask a socialist not a high school grad x cokehead DJ like Sean or Rush. If the GOP weren't such assholes they would probably ask for help with their oil industry. What a mess great job! Venezuela never wanted communism. and the socialists are still more popular than the old GOP puppet people....
Last edited:
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?
It supported the monarchy in the Spanish civil war. That's as right wing as can be. Supporting the monarchy is where the term came from originally, the French monarchy, before Madame had her say.
So the fascists installed the king when they won the war? . . . er, no.

One more leftwing idiocy shot down.
Right-wingers love kings and queens. Yes Franco brought in the king to take over from him. And yes I lived under Franco. A lot of right-wingers liked it because it was so safe. Spanish citizens and expats.
Spain didn't have a king until the 1975, moron
What is your point? sanctions have ruined Venezuela the last 20 years.
You mean, right around the time that fat commie, Hugo Chaves took over and "nationalized" the country's #1 export industry, petroleum?

But, had NOTHING at all to do with Fat Commie's theft. It's those damn Americans!!!

We definitely wrecked Latin America and by we I mean Republicans mainly. We should have negotiated a deal where they got their oil back and we got paid. But with the GOP it's always easier to stage a revolution... Of course this has nothing to do with weather socialism is a good form of government and economy. Which is simply Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net except in this stupid country. For the billionth time Canada New Zealand Australia etcetera healthcare cheap college etc taxing the rich. You GOP voters are The walking Dead......
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
They think they do. Unbelievable brain wash with you people.
By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?
It supported the monarchy in the Spanish civil war. That's as right wing as can be. Supporting the monarchy is where the term came from originally, the French monarchy, before Madame had her say.
So the fascists installed the king when they won the war? . . . er, no.

One more leftwing idiocy shot down.
Right-wingers love kings and queens. Yes Franco brought in the king to take over from him. And yes I lived under Franco. A lot of right-wingers liked it because it was so safe. Spanish citizens and expats.
Spain didn't have a king until the 1975, moron
By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?
It supported the monarchy in the Spanish civil war. That's as right wing as can be. Supporting the monarchy is where the term came from originally, the French monarchy, before Madame had her say.
So the fascists installed the king when they won the war? . . . er, no.

One more leftwing idiocy shot down.
Right-wingers love kings and queens. Yes Franco brought in the king to take over from him. And yes I lived under Franco. A lot of right-wingers liked it because it was so safe. Spanish citizens and expats.
Spain didn't have a king until the 1975, moron.
Of course not moron. That was the year generalissimo Francisco Franco died. He had been keeping Juan Carlos around for years to take over when he died. Jeese.

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