Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
They think they do. Unbelievable brain wash with you people.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production. They can think all they want but what they implement is big social programs paid for by capitalism. People like yourself aren't brainwashed, just plain ignorant.
So you think that we don't notice you guys screaming SOCIALISM whenever more government is advocated or utilized. As it is in those countries.

Go ahead and list the countries that you think are ACTUALLY socialist. We'll agree, they're lousy.

The rest, the social democratic countries listed above, are ACTUALLY the goal. Not Venezuela.

You guys just refuse to acknowledge that.

Good thing the socialist you voted for didnt win isn’t it? Hello Venezuela.
More like Canada dumbass. so who would destroy our economy like we have Venezuela's?
They just blurt whatever pops to mind at the moment, facts or reality not required, per what they hear on talk radio. Like their hero and role model.

One small problem. Like Capitalism, Socialism is an Economic Model and NOT a Government model. America is NOT a Democratic Nation and never has been. The original USSR was NOT a Communist nor a Socialist Country and never will be. Venzuela is NOT a Socialist Country, it's a Dictatorship. Cuba is NOT a socialist country, it's a Dictatorship. The proper name for some of the most successful countries in the world is Democratic Social Government. And the ONLY difference between a Democratic Social Government and a Federal Republic (what the US once was) is how much control over National Corporate Businesses they exibit. The Federal Republic regulates more and the Democratic Social Government controls more. But both controls things that affect the majority of the populace. The US has gone from a Democratic Social Government to a near Fascist Government and all parts in between. Unlike the other nations, the Constitution of the United States leaves that option and the US grows strong from it.

So you uneducated Party of the Rump needs to keep doing what you are doing. Less and Less are buying the lies that you are spewing. But you have my permission to continue.
Um, are you addressing me?

I don't think the shoe fits you. But if the shoe doesn't fit, don't try it on. I am, once again, trying to educate the "Party of the Rump" which I doubt you are a due pay member.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

The USA. The federal government will, within a couple of weeks, be the biggest shareholder in American Airlines. They will also own parts of Southwest, Jet Blue, United, and other airlines. Meantime, they are sending out checks for $1,200 to everybody , as well as propping up private industry with $2.2 trillion dollars, not to mention the billions already given to farmers. In short, Trump makes Karl Marx look like a fiscal conservative.

I agree. Which of your candidates proposes dramatically cutting government spending?
You are crazy. First, half of those countries don't even have access to the newest medications we have in the US. Yeah, they don't pay as much, when they can't get medications we have at all?

Second, most of those countries, are paying double, to in some cases triple what we do in taxes.

Pay less? They are paying more. Much more. They lose half their income, in order to "pay less" for medications.

Lastly, many of those countries, have people coming here to get care, because their own health care system sucks.
Deplorable delusions.

100% accurate. The delusional here, is the one claiming facts are delusions.
Socialism - state ownership of the means of production and distribution.
Socialism - where ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

Only things like commercial transportation like Busses, Trains and Planes or anything that directly affects the majority of the population. It doesn't include most manufacturing or small bussinesses. In the US, we subsidize the same types of businesses and services that a Democratic Social Government may take control of. So there isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference. The Tax payers pays either way especially from the bailouts. If a company is too big fail and needs to be bailed out then I question two things. Do they really need to be in business or should we socialize them since We, the Taxpayer, are dumping money into it anyway and they pay zero taxes.
Socialism - state ownership of the means of production and distribution.
Socialism - where ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

Only things like commercial transportation like Busses, Trains and Planes or anything that directly affects the majority of the population. It doesn't include most manufacturing or small bussinesses. In the US, we subsidize the same types of businesses and services that a Democratic Social Government may take control of. So there isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference. The Tax payers pays either way especially from the bailouts. If a company is too big fail and needs to be bailed out then I question two things. Do they really need to be in business or should we socialize them since We, the Taxpayer, are dumping money into it anyway and they pay zero taxes.

There is no such thing as "too big to fail". That's mythology made up largely by socialists to justify interfering in the private market.

When Enron failed, the assets were simply sold off. The world did not come to an end.
When Chrysler failed, the companies was simply put into bankruptcy, bad parts sold off, good parts were sold in a merger. The world did not come to an end.
When Lehman Brothers failed, the company was simply liquidated. Which means everything was sold on the market. Good accounts were sold. Others were spun down. The world did not come to an end.

Companies go broke all the time. The average time of a major corporation on the S&P 500, is only 30 years.

There is no such thing as "too big to fail". When a company fails, let it. That's how Capitalism works.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

The USA. The federal government will, within a couple of weeks, be the biggest shareholder in American Airlines. They will also own parts of Southwest, Jet Blue, United, and other airlines. Meantime, they are sending out checks for $1,200 to everybody , as well as propping up private industry with $2.2 trillion dollars, not to mention the billions already given to farmers. In short, Trump makes Karl Marx look like a fiscal conservative.

I agree. Which of your candidates proposes dramatically cutting government spending?

Rigth now, the real question is s which one will NOT increase the government spending at the rate of the Rump. The US will be in serious trouble (before the Virus) by 2025 and if we continued (without the virus) and past the point of no return. Now, enter the 1200 buck and more per citizen check and we have to do something fast. Not only do we need to trim the fat at the Government, it's going to take higher taxes for everyone. Otherwise, the US joins Greece. And the last thing I would care to see is for the EU to call the shots in America like they do in Greece. Rump is NOT the President to go into 2021 with financially.
Socialism - state ownership of the means of production and distribution.
Socialism - where ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

Only things like commercial transportation like Busses, Trains and Planes or anything that directly affects the majority of the population. It doesn't include most manufacturing or small bussinesses. In the US, we subsidize the same types of businesses and services that a Democratic Social Government may take control of. So there isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference. The Tax payers pays either way especially from the bailouts. If a company is too big fail and needs to be bailed out then I question two things. Do they really need to be in business or should we socialize them since We, the Taxpayer, are dumping money into it anyway and they pay zero taxes.

There is no such thing as "too big to fail". That's mythology made up largely by socialists to justify interfering in the private market.

When Enron failed, the assets were simply sold off. The world did not come to an end.
When Chrysler failed, the companies was simply put into bankruptcy, bad parts sold off, good parts were sold in a merger. The world did not come to an end.
When Lehman Brothers failed, the company was simply liquidated. Which means everything was sold on the market. Good accounts were sold. Others were spun down. The world did not come to an end.

Companies go broke all the time. The average time of a major corporation on the S&P 500, is only 30 years.

There is no such thing as "too big to fail". When a company fails, let it. That's how Capitalism works.

I agree. But it appears we allow X companies to go under while we use tax payer money to keep others afloat. Case in point, Amtrack. It hasn't made a friggin dime for decades and has federal and state money dumped into the pit. But we NEED Amtrack to stay in operation. This is where the Demicratic Social government model comes into play. If we absolutely need the services, etc., and the privately or Corporate held managers can't do it without Susidise then we should just cut out the middle man even if it means the Government hiring a 3rd party to run it.

I am sick to death about companies like GM that accept HUGE tax breaks and then shut down 5 factories so they can move more overseas. Yes, those cars were not good sellers but they could have expanded their Truck lines since, let's face it, the best trucks are built in America (Detroit Iron). Toyota has decided to try and stay competitive with their Pickups by moving the plants to Mexico. Guess what, the quality went down. American Manufacturing Workers are some of the best in the World. I believe that a couple of German Companies are right up there as well. But if you EVER see a test where the Big 3 Trucks don't win hands down (1,2,3) then don't buy that mag or listen to that clip ever again. They are shilling for one of the Overseas owned companies.

IF GM no longer exists, the buyers will be buying Fords and Dodges. Not Mexican Toyotas.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
They think they do. Unbelievable brain wash with you people.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production. They can think all they want but what they implement is big social programs paid for by capitalism. People like yourself aren't brainwashed, just plain ignorant.
So you think that we don't notice you guys screaming SOCIALISM whenever more government is advocated or utilized. As it is in those countries.

Go ahead and list the countries that you think are ACTUALLY socialist. We'll agree, they're lousy.

The rest, the social democratic countries listed above, are ACTUALLY the goal. Not Venezuela.

You guys just refuse to acknowledge that.

Good thing the socialist you voted for didnt win isn’t it? Hello Venezuela.
More like Canada dumbass. so who would destroy our economy like we have Venezuela's?
They just blurt whatever pops to mind at the moment, facts or reality not required, per what they hear on talk radio. Like their hero and role model.

One small problem. Like Capitalism, Socialism is an Economic Model and NOT a Government model. America is NOT a Democratic Nation and never has been. The original USSR was NOT a Communist nor a Socialist Country and never will be. Venzuela is NOT a Socialist Country, it's a Dictatorship. Cuba is NOT a socialist country, it's a Dictatorship. The proper name for some of the most successful countries in the world is Democratic Social Government. And the ONLY difference between a Democratic Social Government and a Federal Republic (what the US once was) is how much control over National Corporate Businesses they exibit. The Federal Republic regulates more and the Democratic Social Government controls more. But both controls things that affect the majority of the populace. The US has gone from a Democratic Social Government to a near Fascist Government and all parts in between. Unlike the other nations, the Constitution of the United States leaves that option and the US grows strong from it.

So you uneducated Party of the Rump needs to keep doing what you are doing. Less and Less are buying the lies that you are spewing. But you have my permission to continue.
You're good bro....You get it
I'd better clarify a bit. There are 2 parties. None of us are invited. Tax filing deadline update to be posted soon

Yes, there are two parties. The Dems which are a bit over the top but can be reigned in and the Party of the Rump is just plain insane. Step one, get rid of Rump and the Party of Rump then get the Republicans balls reattached. When the Clintons left the whitehouse, they took all the W's from the computer keyboards. When Rump leaves, we are going to have to frisk him to recover many Republican's balls.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

The USA. The federal government will, within a couple of weeks, be the biggest shareholder in American Airlines. They will also own parts of Southwest, Jet Blue, United, and other airlines. Meantime, they are sending out checks for $1,200 to everybody , as well as propping up private industry with $2.2 trillion dollars, not to mention the billions already given to farmers. In short, Trump makes Karl Marx look like a fiscal conservative.

I agree. Which of your candidates proposes dramatically cutting government spending?

Rigth now, the real question is s which one will NOT increase the government spending at the rate of the Rump. The US will be in serious trouble (before the Virus) by 2025 and if we continued (without the virus) and past the point of no return. Now, enter the 1200 buck and more per citizen check and we have to do something fast. Not only do we need to trim the fat at the Government, it's going to take higher taxes for everyone. Otherwise, the US joins Greece. And the last thing I would care to see is for the EU to call the shots in America like they do in Greece. Rump is NOT the President to go into 2021 with financially.

Great.. which of your candidates will reduce the increase in spending on Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Social Security, and the endless entitlements that make up 3/4ths of the Federal Budget? Which one?

Greece had drastically higher tax rates than the US, and they went bankrupt. Increasing taxes is not the solution, or Greece should be the economic leader of Europe.
Socialism - state ownership of the means of production and distribution.
Socialism - where ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

Only things like commercial transportation like Busses, Trains and Planes or anything that directly affects the majority of the population. It doesn't include most manufacturing or small bussinesses. In the US, we subsidize the same types of businesses and services that a Democratic Social Government may take control of. So there isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference. The Tax payers pays either way especially from the bailouts. If a company is too big fail and needs to be bailed out then I question two things. Do they really need to be in business or should we socialize them since We, the Taxpayer, are dumping money into it anyway and they pay zero taxes.

There is no such thing as "too big to fail". That's mythology made up largely by socialists to justify interfering in the private market.

When Enron failed, the assets were simply sold off. The world did not come to an end.
When Chrysler failed, the companies was simply put into bankruptcy, bad parts sold off, good parts were sold in a merger. The world did not come to an end.
When Lehman Brothers failed, the company was simply liquidated. Which means everything was sold on the market. Good accounts were sold. Others were spun down. The world did not come to an end.

Companies go broke all the time. The average time of a major corporation on the S&P 500, is only 30 years.

There is no such thing as "too big to fail". When a company fails, let it. That's how Capitalism works.

I agree. But it appears we allow X companies to go under while we use tax payer money to keep others afloat. Case in point, Amtrack. It hasn't made a friggin dime for decades and has federal and state money dumped into the pit. But we NEED Amtrack to stay in operation. This is where the Demicratic Social government model comes into play. If we absolutely need the services, etc., and the privately or Corporate held managers can't do it without Susidise then we should just cut out the middle man even if it means the Government hiring a 3rd party to run it.

I am sick to death about companies like GM that accept HUGE tax breaks and then shut down 5 factories so they can move more overseas. Yes, those cars were not good sellers but they could have expanded their Truck lines since, let's face it, the best trucks are built in America (Detroit Iron). Toyota has decided to try and stay competitive with their Pickups by moving the plants to Mexico. Guess what, the quality went down. American Manufacturing Workers are some of the best in the World. I believe that a couple of German Companies are right up there as well. But if you EVER see a test where the Big 3 Trucks don't win hands down (1,2,3) then don't buy that mag or listen to that clip ever again. They are shilling for one of the Overseas owned companies.

IF GM no longer exists, the buyers will be buying Fords and Dodges. Not Mexican Toyotas.

But we NEED Amtrack to stay in operation.

Why? There is no evidence whatsoever, that Amtrak has been anything but a money pit, just as you pointed out. Why do we need a company that destroys wealth, to remain in business?

If we absolutely need the services, etc., and the privately or Corporate held managers can't do it without Susidise then we should just cut out the middle man even if it means the Government hiring a 3rd party to run it.

I don't know of a single service we "absolutely need", that can't survive without subsidies. If we absolutely need it, then it can operate without subsidies. If it can't operate without subsidies, then it is not something we absolutely need.

These are mutually exclusive claims. One is not true. Either it can operate without subsidies, or it is not a service we absolutely need.

Toyota has decided to try and stay competitive with their Pickups by moving the plants to Mexico. Guess what, the quality went down.

Factually not true. The manufacturing plant making the Tacoma was operating in 2002. The decline in quality happened in 2016, which was due to a redesign that went badly. The second manufacturing plant that they opened, was last year, a full three years after the decline in quality that started in 2016.

American Manufacturing Workers are some of the best in the World.

If people are not willing to pay as much money for the product, as the cost of labor required by Unions, then it doesn't matter how good they are.

You could hire the absolute best cheffs on the face of the planet.... I'm still not paying you $40 for a burrito. If customer isn't willing to pay tons of money for a given product, then you have to either A: Not make the product at all, or B: make the product somewhere cheaper.

I am sick to death about companies like GM that accept HUGE tax breaks and then shut down 5 factories so they can move more overseas.

Do you believe that if GM had NOT gotten a reduction in taxes, that they would have not moved the factory over seas?
Again, if you can't make the product profitably in the US, then you have to move to where you can.

So do you believe that increasing taxes on GM would cause them keep their factory here?

Now obviously Taxes are not the sole reason GM would move a factory. There are other reason, as I mentioned above. If the cost of labor is too high, it doesn't matter what the taxes are.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
They think they do. Unbelievable brain wash with you people.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production. They can think all they want but what they implement is big social programs paid for by capitalism. People like yourself aren't brainwashed, just plain ignorant.
So you think that we don't notice you guys screaming SOCIALISM whenever more government is advocated or utilized. As it is in those countries.

Go ahead and list the countries that you think are ACTUALLY socialist. We'll agree, they're lousy.

The rest, the social democratic countries listed above, are ACTUALLY the goal. Not Venezuela.

You guys just refuse to acknowledge that.

Good thing the socialist you voted for didnt win isn’t it? Hello Venezuela.
More like Canada dumbass. so who would destroy our economy like we have Venezuela's?
They just blurt whatever pops to mind at the moment, facts or reality not required, per what they hear on talk radio. Like their hero and role model.

One small problem. Like Capitalism, Socialism is an Economic Model and NOT a Government model. America is NOT a Democratic Nation and never has been. The original USSR was NOT a Communist nor a Socialist Country and never will be. Venzuela is NOT a Socialist Country, it's a Dictatorship. Cuba is NOT a socialist country, it's a Dictatorship. The proper name for some of the most successful countries in the world is Democratic Social Government. And the ONLY difference between a Democratic Social Government and a Federal Republic (what the US once was) is how much control over National Corporate Businesses they exibit. The Federal Republic regulates more and the Democratic Social Government controls more. But both controls things that affect the majority of the populace. The US has gone from a Democratic Social Government to a near Fascist Government and all parts in between. Unlike the other nations, the Constitution of the United States leaves that option and the US grows strong from it.

So you uneducated Party of the Rump needs to keep doing what you are doing. Less and Less are buying the lies that you are spewing. But you have my permission to continue.
You're good bro....You get it
I'd better clarify a bit. There are 2 parties. None of us are invited. Tax filing deadline update to be posted soon

Yes, there are two parties. The Dems which are a bit over the top but can be reigned in and the Party of the Rump is just plain insane. Step one, get rid of Rump and the Party of Rump then get the Republicans balls reattached. When the Clintons left the whitehouse, they took all the W's from the computer keyboards. When Rump leaves, we are going to have to frisk him to recover many Republican's balls.

It's ironic you mention Clinton's, since it is exactly because of Clinton and Obama, that Trump was ever elected.
Someone needs to refund this fool his college tuition. He doesn't know what socialism is nor who is socialist.

Can you name a nation that is socialist, as you define the term?



Have a nice day.

Ridiculous. Learn some history.

Pre-1978 China was marked by object poverty. Prior to 1978, under strict Socialist control, a worker in China, earned on average, $85.... per YEAR. PER.... YEAR... That's not even two dollars a week.

Under Deng Xiaoping, in 1978 and going forward, China engaged in a slow but steady Capitalist Market reforms.

Under the Socialists, the entire economy was dominated by state owned enterprises. Today that has reversed.


Instead of 90% being run by the government, by 2009, almost 2/3rds of the economy was private, capitalist, for-profit companies.

That was true in 2009, and likely far more private/capitalist now, than it was in 2009.


Private firms back in 2009, accounted for 80% of the profits in the economy.

The experience of China, is a clear cut text book of example of exactly that Socialism fails, and Capitalism always wins.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
They think they do. Unbelievable brain wash with you people.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production. They can think all they want but what they implement is big social programs paid for by capitalism. People like yourself aren't brainwashed, just plain ignorant.
So you think that we don't notice you guys screaming SOCIALISM whenever more government is advocated or utilized. As it is in those countries.

Go ahead and list the countries that you think are ACTUALLY socialist. We'll agree, they're lousy.

The rest, the social democratic countries listed above, are ACTUALLY the goal. Not Venezuela.

You guys just refuse to acknowledge that.

Good thing the socialist you voted for didnt win isn’t it? Hello Venezuela.
More like Canada dumbass. so who would destroy our economy like we have Venezuela's?
They just blurt whatever pops to mind at the moment, facts or reality not required, per what they hear on talk radio. Like their hero and role model.

One small problem. Like Capitalism, Socialism is an Economic Model and NOT a Government model. America is NOT a Democratic Nation and never has been. The original USSR was NOT a Communist nor a Socialist Country and never will be. Venzuela is NOT a Socialist Country, it's a Dictatorship. Cuba is NOT a socialist country, it's a Dictatorship. The proper name for some of the most successful countries in the world is Democratic Social Government. And the ONLY difference between a Democratic Social Government and a Federal Republic (what the US once was) is how much control over National Corporate Businesses they exibit. The Federal Republic regulates more and the Democratic Social Government controls more. But both controls things that affect the majority of the populace. The US has gone from a Democratic Social Government to a near Fascist Government and all parts in between. Unlike the other nations, the Constitution of the United States leaves that option and the US grows strong from it.

So you uneducated Party of the Rump needs to keep doing what you are doing. Less and Less are buying the lies that you are spewing. But you have my permission to continue.
Um, are you addressing me?

I don't think the shoe fits you. But if the shoe doesn't fit, don't try it on. I am, once again, trying to educate the "Party of the Rump" which I doubt you are a due pay member.

Remember when you wrote those long winded posts to educate us on how Trump was going to be removed? How John Roberts would step in? How just enough Republican senators were wavering? Remember all the Fifth Amendment pleas you predicted? How John Roberts would drag in criminal after criminal to testify against Trump and hold McConnell ”in contempt “ and make his “ chin quiver” if he tried to stop it?
As a matter of fact you stated Trumps only option was to resign. I’ll quote you if you like.

Yeah...I remember. And so do you. That’s the kind of “education” you do.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.


We're a mixed economy

(that's socialism)


Same way Sweden is (which hasn't shut down bless their little money grubbing hearts) and every other developed nation on earth left standing.....?
Last edited:
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

The USA. The federal government will, within a couple of weeks, be the biggest shareholder in American Airlines. They will also own parts of Southwest, Jet Blue, United, and other airlines. Meantime, they are sending out checks for $1,200 to everybody , as well as propping up private industry with $2.2 trillion dollars, not to mention the billions already given to farmers. In short, Trump makes Karl Marx look like a fiscal conservative.

I agree. Which of your candidates proposes dramatically cutting government spending?

Rigth now, the real question is s which one will NOT increase the government spending at the rate of the Rump. The US will be in serious trouble (before the Virus) by 2025 and if we continued (without the virus) and past the point of no return. Now, enter the 1200 buck and more per citizen check and we have to do something fast. Not only do we need to trim the fat at the Government, it's going to take higher taxes for everyone. Otherwise, the US joins Greece. And the last thing I would care to see is for the EU to call the shots in America like they do in Greece. Rump is NOT the President to go into 2021 with financially.

Great.. which of your candidates will reduce the increase in spending on Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Social Security, and the endless entitlements that make up 3/4ths of the Federal Budget? Which one?

Greece had drastically higher tax rates than the US, and they went bankrupt. Increasing taxes is not the solution, or Greece should be the economic leader of Europe.

Rump is decreasing medicare, Medicaid, SS. And my SS is NOT an entitlement. I paid into that fund for decades and it's MY MONEY. I pay every month for Medicare. I don't qualify for Medicaid since I make too much and don't really miss it anyway. And Medicaid is a State Run program. As for the VA, I am watching my Tricare go to hell in a hand basket these days. Like Medicare, the cost of it is progged to go up in 2021 if Rump get's his way.

Greece made some serious economical blunders. Taxes didn't cover it and the people refused to pay any more tax increases. In affect, Greece was bailed out by the rest of the EU. It's a forgone conclusion that the year 2025 (without that 1200 bucks that just showed up in my account this morning) is the point of no return if the US continues the same path under Rump's guidance. No Economist has had the balls to come out with exactly when the US will be bankrupt or drop to a triple B credit rating (which means no more loans and it's pay as you go). But in 2025, that is exactly what will happen. Not the end of the world but you can definitely see the end of the world from there.

Now, enter the Virus and the Stimulus money. 2025 doesn't change but unless there is a HUGE change somewhere the end is nearer than before. Rump is NOT the brilliant Economist he claims to be. Not to say he hasn't had the brilliant economists available to him, he just ignores them. Time to let the Grownups take over. And NO, I am not saying Biden is a Grownup but he knows and listens to a whole hell of a lot of the grownups.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
None of those countries practice socialism.
They think they do. Unbelievable brain wash with you people.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production. They can think all they want but what they implement is big social programs paid for by capitalism. People like yourself aren't brainwashed, just plain ignorant.
So you think that we don't notice you guys screaming SOCIALISM whenever more government is advocated or utilized. As it is in those countries.

Go ahead and list the countries that you think are ACTUALLY socialist. We'll agree, they're lousy.

The rest, the social democratic countries listed above, are ACTUALLY the goal. Not Venezuela.

You guys just refuse to acknowledge that.

Good thing the socialist you voted for didnt win isn’t it? Hello Venezuela.
More like Canada dumbass. so who would destroy our economy like we have Venezuela's?
They just blurt whatever pops to mind at the moment, facts or reality not required, per what they hear on talk radio. Like their hero and role model.

One small problem. Like Capitalism, Socialism is an Economic Model and NOT a Government model. America is NOT a Democratic Nation and never has been. The original USSR was NOT a Communist nor a Socialist Country and never will be. Venzuela is NOT a Socialist Country, it's a Dictatorship. Cuba is NOT a socialist country, it's a Dictatorship. The proper name for some of the most successful countries in the world is Democratic Social Government. And the ONLY difference between a Democratic Social Government and a Federal Republic (what the US once was) is how much control over National Corporate Businesses they exibit. The Federal Republic regulates more and the Democratic Social Government controls more. But both controls things that affect the majority of the populace. The US has gone from a Democratic Social Government to a near Fascist Government and all parts in between. Unlike the other nations, the Constitution of the United States leaves that option and the US grows strong from it.

So you uneducated Party of the Rump needs to keep doing what you are doing. Less and Less are buying the lies that you are spewing. But you have my permission to continue.
You're good bro....You get it
I'd better clarify a bit. There are 2 parties. None of us are invited. Tax filing deadline update to be posted soon

Yes, there are two parties. The Dems which are a bit over the top but can be reigned in and the Party of the Rump is just plain insane. Step one, get rid of Rump and the Party of Rump then get the Republicans balls reattached. When the Clintons left the whitehouse, they took all the W's from the computer keyboards. When Rump leaves, we are going to have to frisk him to recover many Republican's balls.

It's ironic you mention Clinton's, since it is exactly because of Clinton and Obama, that Trump was ever elected.

Rump put on one hell of a Carnie Side Show. he fed the fears and hates of many. He should not have even come close to winning the Primary. He turned the 2016 election into exactly what he is, a Reality Show. And he hasn't changed one bit since. You are just caught up in the Entertainment factor. Well, the chips are down and Rump is a total failure now. We need to pay heed to the lesson, don't repeat it and move on. And as much as I dislike Pence, Pence would make a far better President than Rump ever could.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
The United Empire of Immigrants? AKA California

The UEoIs can buy all of the Red States cash on the barrel head. Meanwhile, if you pool all the extra funds from all the Red States you might be able to buy a single city park in California. Maybe California should start purchasing the Red States. It would be one hell of a low bidding auction.

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