Watch Trump ask Russians to Commit Espionage Against US, by begging them to hack Hillary's email!

Trump jokingly asked the Russians to find and release the evidence Hillary was hiding, that they had been digging for since 2014 and which the FBI ended up finding.

Evidence has NEVER been found that Trump did anything the Liberals claim.

During the election Hillary asked Trump to bow to honor the election results.. He said he would have to wait to see if there was any cheating / election rigging. There was - lots of it...but he still beat her anyway.

Hillary and Obama mocked Trump for suggesting the election could be stolen. Obama declared there was no way the election could be stolen. Obama told Trump to stop whining and start getting some votes.

Hillary declared that ANYONE who refused to accept election results was a threat to our democracy.

When the smoke cleared, Barry and Hillary were the ones whining and screaming about how the election had been stolen...something, again, they had declared could not happen.

In the end, Trump had gotten the votes he needed while Hillary arrogantly chose to skip entries states she thought she would win.

In the end, it was Hillary who refused to accept the results of the elections, refused to accept her defeat. In the end, it was Hillary who whined and botched and complained and blamed everyone, even her fellow Democrats. She hasn't stopped yet...

According to her own WORDS, Hillary and the Democrats are a threat to our Democracy.

According to her ACTIONS, aCCORDING YO HER CRIMES, according to her COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY, according to her ELECTION RIGGING / DEBATE CHEATING... Hillary is a threat to our democracy...
And according to Rosenstein, that just happened to be the first day the Russians tried to access her e-mails
yeah his mocking of the media and establishment for not prosecuting a serious crime was nothing but a coded message to Putin, Jesus you guys are retarded
"Trump critic checklist:

If he cancels the Putin meeting, say he caved to pressure

If he has a private conversation with Putin, say that’s where real collusion talk happened

If others attend, say Trump was scared to face Putin alone

It’s almost like Trump can’t win with the left"
Another nail in Trumps coffin! Video provided by Politico below!!

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

View attachment 204607

You know what's fucking sad? The way that her and the DNC's servers weren't seized in the manner Michael Cohen's office was raided.

Apparently there's 2 sets of laws or something. :th_BlackHelicopter:

Again for ESPIONAGE to happen one has to hack a Government server, the DNC and Hillary were not and are not in the Government.
"Trump critic checklist:

If he cancels the Putin meeting, say he caved to pressure

If he has a private conversation with Putin, say that’s where real collusion talk happened

If others attend, say Trump was scared to face Putin alone

It’s almost like Trump can’t win with the left"

Almost? :D
Another nail in Trumps coffin! Video provided by Politico below!!

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email
View attachment 204607

How someone could hack something that is already deleted from server that was professionally wiped out?

The Russians were hacking the DNC and Hillary's unsecured secret server in 2016 and probably long before those dates. They probably do have Hillary's illegally erased emails.

Yet lefties here claim that according to Rosenstein, hacking started the day Trump asked if they have emails to release them.

Second, if she didn't have "secret server", there would be nothing to hack, especially not confidential information.

Third, neither Hillary or DNC are part of government,therefore their hacking cannot be considered meddling. If we're to ask, than NSA probably have all their emails/metadata stored somewhere in Utah.
Another nail in Trumps coffin! Video provided by Politico below!!

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

View attachment 204607
It is amazing how dishonest our fake news media is for spinning a story about this

But what is even more amazing is that there are people that are actually stupid enough to believe that is is true

I mean. I would never have thought Anyone was that gullible and dumb

I'll try not to overestimate the intelligence of leftists moving forward ..

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