Watching a real President

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Biden absolutely obliterated Trump and his toadies and praised those not willing to engage in Trump's dangerous hoax. Good stuff. That was his defining and likely final message on the pathetic Team Trump effort to steal the election. He didn't sink to Trump's level and "punch down". He framed all of his remarks within the legal framework and institutions of the country. These two "old white rich men, hahahahah", as the more cynical among us like to point out, could not be more ideologically, intellectually, ethically, or morally contrasted as they now are. Biden knows what the is doing, and he knows affirming America's choice as the correct one is of utmost importance. And he does so not by classlessly and shamelessly saying "I am the best, I know the best words, I have the best people", but by showing it. Show, not tell.

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

You think that senile child molester WROTE that speech?

You're dumber than he is.

Why didn't he mention that HIS OWN SON forgot to report at least 400 grand in income from Burisma?
That was what was skimmed off the top for The Big Guy.
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
My apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.

I was being sarcastic. Trump hasn't done shit about anything to do with 22lcidw's post.
Trump reformed the criminal code.

He signed a bipartisan bill. Ok. What does that have to do with 22lcidw's post?
You stated that Trump did nothing amongst what 22lcidw stated Trump did.
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

At least he is not married to a former naked poser who can not speak English. Of course Trump can’t either.
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

At least he is not married to a former naked poser who can not speak English. Of course Trump can’t either.

Cripes you're stupid. She speaks five languages while you struggle with basic English
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

No, the hair dye was a different day, I was referring to Rudy-tooty farting in a public hearing...twice.
Why is it that one side feels that blind devotion to their particular leader is any less asinine than the other sides devotion?
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

Trump is the one who poops in his Depends according to people who worked on his TV show.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

Trump is the one who poops in his Depends according to people who worked on his TV show.

Now you're just lying
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

Trump is the one who poops in his Depends according to people who worked on his TV show.

Now you're just lying

I'm not sure how much I trust this source but hearing that Trump may be incontinent is not something new.

I don't endorse that this is true, but it wasn't invented on this board.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

Trump is the one who poops in his Depends according to people who worked on his TV show.
Hmmmm think thats yet another libber lie......
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

At least he is not married to a former naked poser who can not speak English. Of course Trump can’t either.

I can't figure out why stupid people have to drag the First Lady into the drama. That goes for any First Lady, previous First Lady or future First Lady.

It is a totally classless move and shows how moronic and ignorant people are.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Did you hear his NAACP call?


He went into old man mode and started attacking the people on the zoom call before they even got a chance to say something rude.

The best part about this is that Biden won't do these sorts of things so often. So the shock factor will be back.

Just listen to that leaked audio, amazing.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

I stopped watch Joe's-ill-Yen Biden 5 seconds in. You're so sad.

You cocks voted for this.......Dark times Biden says, first time he's ever been honest.

PROGS are &(*^)^^.They entertain weakness and victim roles, and then they rape you.

Tell us PROGS, what do you find attractive about a leader who tells stories of doom and gloom to gather your support? That look like a leader to you?

Fucker can't even breathe right.
Yeah and your POS was afraid to Tell America how serious the virus is How many died because of the f-ers lack of leadership?
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

At least he is not married to a former naked poser who can not speak English. Of course Trump can’t either.

I can't figure out why stupid people have to drag the First Lady into the drama. That goes for any First Lady, previous First Lady or future First Lady.

It is a totally classless move and shows how moronic and ignorant people are.
Not to mention she speaks many languages and the fact she has been attacked for a heavy accent leans more toward bigotry rather than actual criticism.

Modern politics is deep in the mud now though. No one is interested in actual criticism over the continuous stream of personal attacks. I STILL hear a constant flow of bitching about Trump's personality with the plethora of valid, real and easy as hell things of substance to attack him on. Same shit went on with Obama.

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