Watching a real President

how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
The Republic has been lost with the voter fraud.
Since there is no voter fraud it means there is no loss of the republic.

If you think that there is not massive Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud then you an idiot. A Useful Idiot. Shame on you for selling out our country because of your stupidity! The eveidence for it is overwelming. You must spend all you time listening to CNN. That is typical for Moon Bat. Not only uneducated but low information.
I can understand why Trumpers are confused. Having someone speak to the nation as a president should, is blowing up your brains.
bUt mOrE PeOPLe WerE aT mAgA rAlLiEs
Of course! Trump always has the biggest, best whatever!

Now he just earned the biggest lose in election History!
you must mean the fraud created by the demonRATs election.

Just remember this. You lost to this guy and this guy is 1000 times better than your guy. Sheesh, and you actually show up and take credit for it? You got a lot of guts.

View attachment 429444

if we voted for Biden we should get the credit!:thewave:
The Republic has been lost with the voter fraud.
Since there is no voter fraud it means there is no loss of the republic.

If you think that there is not massive Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud then you an idiot. A Useful Idiot. Shame on you for selling out our country because of your stupidity! The eveidence for it is overwelming. You must spend all you time listening to CNN. That is typical for Moon Bat. Not only uneducated but low information.

I think I will trust the many Republicans who certified the Electoral votes to follow the law. They deserve credit.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

I especially liked the fact that he finally let it rip about how dangerous this BS is.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

A real President?? Don't make us laugh. Hell Biden has been sucking off the tax payer tit for 50 years and hasn't accomplished a damned thing.

If he does what he says he will do you and the other lefty idiots on this board will be regretting your Biden vote big time. Find the list of what that bat shit crazy man wants to do and then let us know what you really think. LOL
Lets look at the record:

That shithead Biden got billions from the Chinese. This was when the Obama/Biden administration were sending American jobs and technology to the Chicoms.

Millions from the Russians. The Mayor of Moscow's wife was the bag lady.

Millions from the Ukrainians. We all know that story.

God only knows what else that hasn't been exposed.

That sonofabitch will sell out this country in a heartbeat.

He even bragged about how he was going to punish the Ukrainians if they investigated his family corruption.

"Real President" LOL!

Anybody that voted for him was an idiot. Sick in the mind.
:thankusmile: You nailed it.
The Republic has been lost with the voter fraud.
Since there is no voter fraud it means there is no loss of the republic.

If you think that there is not massive Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud then you an idiot. A Useful Idiot. Shame on you for selling out our country because of your stupidity! The eveidence for it is overwelming. You must spend all you time listening to CNN. That is typical for Moon Bat. Not only uneducated but low information.
This stupid ass troll is obviously a paid shill not worth the effort flash.
....nice backpedal.
You're the only one who back-peddles here.

And no one said that Joe only campaigned for 3 weeks.
You did. I said Joe had no campaign to speak of and you told me he had a schedule of 21 days.

I gave you his campaign stats for the last 3 weeks before the election. Your reading comprehension needs as much work as your empty claims.
You never said anything about any of that so you must be hallucinating again and talking about people needing to read your mind to fill in all of the missing blocks of lost info you never provided then pack-peddle trying to blame other for.

And obvious, you do get 81 million votes doing that. As demonstrated by the election results.
By your logic then, if I break into your house and steal your TV without paying for it, I can claim you're giving away free TV sets? You just claimed that the RESULT always speaks for HOW you arrived there!

No one gets 81 million votes. Not even the most popular president in the history of the USA, Donald Trump. That is indisputable.

The funny thing about assholes like you is that the dumber and more transparent they are, the more clever they always delude themselves into believing they are.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Just watched it. Very good speech. Glad I voted for Joe!
President -elect Biden will be a great president.
The groundwork is already being laid for his resignation. It will be president Kamala Ho Harris and her appointed vp Gavin Newsom. He's about to be run out of California politics and needs somewhere to go.

That will give communist democrats an unelectable slate in 2024.
Two big lessons in this election is that the Democrats will commit massive voter fraud and that the Republicans will sit on their ass and let them do it.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Unfortunately for you, Biden's personal dingleberry groomer, Joe Biden is a Fraud, who is being appointed by Fraud, and was not elected to office.

Biden is no more legitimate in 2020 as Hitler was in 1933.
Why didn't he mention that HIS OWN SON forgot to report at least 400 grand in income from Burisma?
Looks like Corrupt Joe is real insecure about his people getting exposed about stealing this election for him. Otherwise he wouldn't be dwelling how these lawsuits should overturn the illegal results.
Exactly. Sounds more like he is trying to convince everyone that he is the president.

Fake election, fake president.
Not everyone. Just the insane trump cult.
Two big lessons in this election is that the Democrats will commit massive voter fraud and that the Republicans will sit on their ass and let them do it.

Are you a Republican? Why are you sitting on your ass doing nothing but whining and bitching on a message board about Republicans doing nothing about the massive voter fraud that you know so much about and have all the clear, consistent and easily presentable evidence that any judge in any courtroom in every state that Biden won -
Will see the merit and stop the process now.

Get off your ass loser and take your evidence and at least put it into TRumPO’s small hands.

Get off your ass dude and be your generation’s Patrick Henry. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME A MESSAGE BOARD.

For God, for America for liberty, for Trumpism!!!!! .

or stay here making a fool of yourself pretending you have evidence that Biden stole the election under the dumbass sitting president was too weak and powerless to stop it.

And all Trump had to do was call you! You are hilarious! You may be the only Trump goon who stays relevant after Jan 20. making us laugh..
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I can understand why Trumpers are confused. Having someone speak to the nation as a president should, is blowing up your brains.
bUt mOrE PeOPLe WerE aT mAgA rAlLiEs
Of course! Trump always has the biggest, best whatever!

Now he just earned the biggest lose in election History!
you must mean the fraud created by the demonRATs election.

Just remember this. You lost to this guy and this guy is 1000 times better than your guy. Sheesh, and you actually show up and take credit for it? You got a lot of guts.

View attachment 429444

if we voted for Biden we should get the credit!:thewave:
The Republic has been lost with the voter fraud.
Since there is no voter fraud it means there is no loss of the republic.

If you think that there is not massive Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud then you an idiot. A Useful Idiot. Shame on you for selling out our country because of your stupidity! The eveidence for it is overwelming. You must spend all you time listening to CNN. That is typical for Moon Bat. Not only uneducated but low information.

I think I will trust the many Republicans who certified the Electoral votes to follow the law. They deserve credit.

After the last episode, I am seeing more and more Rump voters that admit to voting for Rump not having too many good things to say about him. It was only a matter of time.

how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.
Two big lessons in this election is that the Democrats will commit massive voter fraud and that the Republicans will sit on their ass and let them do it.
You have not a shred of evidence of any fraud, you insufferable little baby. Fuck your feelings. You lost. Vote again in 2022 and shut up dummy.
Two big lessons in this election is that the Democrats will commit massive voter fraud and that the Republicans will sit on their ass and let them do it.
You have not a shred of evidence of any fraud, you insufferable little baby. Fuck your feelings. You lost. Vote again in 2022 and shut up dummy.

He can't vote unless Ivan finds a way into the election computers and can smuggle in a matching paper ballot.

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