Watching a real President

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Just watched it. Very good speech. Glad I voted for Joe!
President -elect Biden will be a great president.
lets hope he will be a better president than he was senator....
Let's hope not. :heehee:
why? want the country to suffer?...

No. I know what Biden has done as a Senator.

um. . . the Omnibus terror legislation which was the blueprint for the Patriot Act. The Crime Bill. etc. etc. etc.

He is a pawn of the stake holders that want more control over your life, and less freedom and liberty for all.

If he IS a better president than he was a Senator, THAT is the point, the nation WILL suffer. :sigh2:

he did not do much as a senator he was pretty how will the nation suffer if he becomes a better president than he was a senator?.....all you are telling me is you dont like the guy....that is the same shit the trump haters do,they did not like him but very seldom said why....
Looks like Corrupt Joe is real insecure about his people getting exposed about stealing this election for him. Otherwise he wouldn't be dwelling how these lawsuits should overturn the illegal results.
Exactly. Sounds more like he is trying to convince everyone that he is the president.

Fake election, fake president.
Biden did a fine speech considering how the right wing tried to convince that he was a bungling old fool. Trump could never be the equal of Biden. Trump just brags about himself, lies, and insults others. It'll be nice having an adult in the oval office again.
Lets look at the record:

That shithead Biden got billions from the Chinese. This was when the Obama/Biden administration were sending American jobs and technology to the Chicoms.

Millions from the Russians. The Mayor of Moscow's wife was the bag lady.

Millions from the Ukrainians. We all know that story.

God only knows what else that hasn't been exposed.

That sonofabitch will sell out this country in a heartbeat.

He even bragged about how he was going to punish the Ukrainians if they investigated his family corruption.

"Real President" LOL!

Anybody that voted for him was an idiot. Sick in the mind.
Put the country first Republicans
Sen. Lamar Alexandar (R-TN) on Monday urged President Donald Trump to accept the fact he lost the 2020 presidential election.
“The presidential election is over,” Alexander noted. “States have certified the votes.”
“Courts have resolved disputes,” he continued. “The electors have voted.”
“I hope President Trump will put the country first and help president-elect Biden get off to a good start,” Alexander continued.

Sen. Lamar Alexander

My statement on the presidential election.

why would anybody lend a hand to a treasonist piece of shit? or a home wrecking whore? you are very stupid, delusional, and deranged. normal people do not assist crooks
Put the country first Republicans
Sen. Lamar Alexandar (R-TN) on Monday urged President Donald Trump to accept the fact he lost the 2020 presidential election.
“The presidential election is over,” Alexander noted. “States have certified the votes.”
“Courts have resolved disputes,” he continued. “The electors have voted.”
“I hope President Trump will put the country first and help president-elect Biden get off to a good start,” Alexander continued.

Sen. Lamar Alexander

My statement on the presidential election.

why would anybody lend a hand to a treasonist piece of shit? or a home wrecking whore? you are very stupid, delusional, and deranged. normal people do not assist crooks
What a spoiled lot we are in this nation. It is being taken away from the people and you revel in it.
When the price of energy rises for the American people due to this jackass Biden's stupid Green Environmental Wacko policies it will be a tax on the stupidity of the American people.

A tax on both the Useful Idiots that voted for the asshole and the people that let him him get away with stealing the election.
Biden did a fine speech considering how the right wing tried to convince that he was a bungling old fool. Trump could never be the equal of Biden. Trump just brags about himself, lies, and insults others. It'll be nice having an adult in the oval office again.
i would hope nobody wants to be like the china bought geriatric piece of shit....hopefully they both die very soon, then AMERICA will flourish. i couldve read that off a screen also, whats your point? xiden didnt write that, hes being told what to say.....and you brain dead asswipe demonRATS want this, huh? you are all fucked up in the head....go shoot yourselves and do society a favor
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles
Trump hasn't lost yet. Oh and you can thank the biggest fraudulent election in history for Biden's supposed win.
Good gawd, come on.

Well he hasn't. As long as the suites are out there he hasn't lost. Of course you support Biden who won in the biggest fraudulent election in history.

If Biden does get sworn in you will be regretting your vote big time once he starts doing what's on his list.

You know good and well that is not true. Counts and recounts. 51 lawsuits thrown out of Court by Trump appointed Judges. Electoral. Votes accredited by Republican officials.

You guys should hide in shame trying to destroy the Democracy so many died for to carry on your worship for a 4 combover liar with bad pancake make up.
Trump hasn't lost yet. Oh and you can thank the biggest fraudulent election in history for Biden's supposed win.
Good gawd, come on.

Well he hasn't. As long as the suites are out there he hasn't lost. Of course you support Biden who won in the biggest fraudulent election in history.

If Biden does get sworn in you will be regretting your vote big time once he starts doing what's on his list.

You know good and well that is not true. Counts and recounts. 51 lawsuits thrown out of Court by Trump appointed Judges. Electoral. Votes accredited by Republican officials.

You guys should hide in shame trying to destroy the Democracy so many died for to carry on your worship for a 4 combover liar with bad pancake make up.
This won't be going away for many of them. I suspect some will peel off over time, leaving the rest to back to where they came from, the fringe.
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

I am not a Biden worshiper. Much too old for that kind of crap.

I want someone leading our Country who is capable of putting people in place that are compenent to run the agencies they are chosen to run.

You dislike that fine, I do not! You will never hear me rant about any Politician the way the right has about Trump. This Country needs to respect the system of Government we have.
Trump hasn't lost yet. Oh and you can thank the biggest fraudulent election in history for Biden's supposed win.
Good gawd, come on.

Well he hasn't. As long as the suites are out there he hasn't lost. Of course you support Biden who won in the biggest fraudulent election in history.

If Biden does get sworn in you will be regretting your vote big time once he starts doing what's on his list.

You know good and well that is not true. Counts and recounts. 51 lawsuits thrown out of Court by Trump appointed Judges. Electoral. Votes accredited by Republican officials.

You guys should hide in shame trying to destroy the Democracy so many died for to carry on your worship for a 4 combover liar with bad pancake make up.

You are so full of shit you are laughable.

All kinds of evidence out there which you just ignore.

For a 4 combover liar with bad pancake makeup Trump has done real well. All you care about is Biden. He's sucked off the tax payer tit for 50 years and never accomplished a damned thing. That's your Hero. Lets see what you have to say about your hero if he makes it into the WH and starts implementing his list.

America is in for four years of misery and we can thank idiots like you who voted for his useless ass.
I can understand why Trumpers are confused. Having someone speak to the nation as a president should, is blowing up your brains.
bUt mOrE PeOPLe WerE aT mAgA rAlLiEs
Of course! Trump always has the biggest, best whatever!

Now he just earned the biggest lose in election History!
you must mean the fraud created by the demonRATs election.

Just remember this. You lost to this guy and this guy is 1000 times better than your guy. Sheesh, and you actually show up and take credit for it? You got a lot of guts.

Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

jack the ripper could have beaten your guy with the boston strangler as the VP pick.

All Biden had to do is sit there and keep saying, Rump,keep hitting yourself. Over and Over and
Rump beat himself bloody. Imagine getting beat by Biden. Wow.......

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