Watching a real President

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

A true pedo who hates this country.
So I read about 8 pages of back-and-forth.

Does not look like things will change.

It's just that the shoe is on the other foot (for both sides now).

My only questions are...what is a real president ?

Was Trump any less "real" than Biden ?

If so, how so ?
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

I’m not seeing nor have I seen leadership from Biden, he is another good ol’ white boy. It seems America has elected them for a long long time. I’m not surprised the hypocritical Democrats nominated him, they are always looking out for party over people.
We both know JL is mentally ill.
If anyone is sick and confused you are. Insisting in calling yourself “Indeependent” when you are nothing but a Trump buttlicker and always have been. European leaders talk to their people like 2 year olds? This coming from a Trumpster? LOL.Save us your stupidity. If anyone knows about two year old discourse it is you. Your avatar is a perfect example of who you are. A joke.
Perhaps I like Trump because my platform is the same as Trump's.
It's obvious you love sending jobs overseas, bringing in cheap business visas that destroy the careers of US citizens and love Illegals because their rate id $5.00/hour.
Trump ran against both parties, which is something you don't know because I doubt you ever watched any candidate for more than 1 second.
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
The constant clearing of the throat is annoying as fuck.

It wasn't a "great speech". It was a painful call for a lozenge...
So I read about 8 pages of back-and-forth.

Does not look like things will change.

It's just that the shoe is on the other foot (for both sides now).

My only questions are...what is a real president ?

Was Trump any less "real" than Biden ?

If so, how so ?

There is a difference.

The "shoe was on the other foot" in 2016 because Trump won the election fair and square. The Moon Bats may not have like that he didn't win the popular vote but those were the rules.

In 2020 "the shoe is on the other foot" because Biden pulled off a thievery of the election with massive voter fraud in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes in the swing states. False mail in ballots, no voter ID requirements, no signature verification, voting stopping when Trump was ahead and miraculously resuming with enough Biden votes, hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots with no other candidates checked, Republican poll watchers prevented from observing, different rules for different precincts, Trump ballots being thrown away, etc.

Big difference between the two.

Biden and the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department stole the election and Biden will never be a legitimate President.

As long as the Democrats control the vote counting in the big city shitholes they will always come up with enough votes to win an election. Our Republic has been compromised and we are fucked because of it.

These stupid greedy uneducated low information Useful idiot Moon Bats don't give a shit that our Republic is lost becuse they think they are going to get a bigger welfare check out of the deal.
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
My apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.
Biden's mind is going, going, going....soon to be gone.

Cripes the senile asshole is chasing his damn dog while naked. What's up with that?

No tweens around?
So I read about 8 pages of back-and-forth.

Does not look like things will change.

It's just that the shoe is on the other foot (for both sides now).

My only questions are...what is a real president ?

Was Trump any less "real" than Biden ?

If so, how so ?

There is a difference.

The "shoe was on the other foot" in 2016 because Trump won the election fair and square. The Moon Bats may not have like that he didn't win the popular vote but those were the rules.

In 2020 "the shoe is on the other foot" because Biden pulled off a thievery of the election with massive voter fraud in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes in the swing states. False mail in ballots, no voter ID requirements, no signature verification, voting stopping when Trump was ahead and miraculously resuming with enough Biden votes, hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots with no other candidates checked, Republican poll watchers prevented from observing, different rules for different precincts, Trump ballots being thrown away, etc.

Big difference between the two.

Biden and the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department stole the election and Biden will never be a legitimate President.

As long as the Democrats control the vote counting in the big city shitholes they will always come up with enough votes to win an election. Our Republic has been compromised and we are fucked because of it.

These stupid greedy uneducated low information Useful idiot Moon Bats don't give a shit that our Republic is lost becuse they think they are going to get a bigger welfare check out of the deal.
A little cheese with that whine?

how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
My apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.

I was being sarcastic. Trump hasn't done shit about anything to do with 22lcidw's post.
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
My apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.

I was being sarcastic. Trump hasn't done shit about anything to do with 22lcidw's post.
Trump reformed the criminal code.
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
My apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.

I was being sarcastic. Trump hasn't done shit about anything to do with 22lcidw's post.
Trump reformed the criminal code.

He signed a bipartisan bill. Ok. What does that have to do with 22lcidw's post?
how can anyone in their right mind support a pedophile, crooked, do nothing, geriatric dementia patient, let alone a home wrecking whore? you demonRATs are very sick, deranged idiots
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread,I could not have said it better word for word myself,so sense this is the most accurate best post in the thread,no sense in sticking around anymore after this little truth on Biden got told.:up:

Calling Trump a 'home wrecking whore' is pretty severe but he is geriatric and crooked. I don't think Trump is a pedo, more like pedo-adjacent considering the sick shit he's said about his daughters but that's another story.
actually asshole, that was all about the china bought xiden. hows main stream coming along with the laptop investigation? and now, i will claim you are a pedophile lover...anybody that voted for beijing xiden must love the pedophiles

So, you're not taking the loss well then? Consider therapy.
Using words against others does not take away the fact that we are moving towards tyranny more and more exists. To start, tell your Prog social justice warriors to eradicate the massive surveillance state we have. And to get rid of the Patriot Act. And to reform Homeland Security and the TSA. And then the riots over Law Enforcement. Reduce the criminal code. And that include fees and fines and tie ins with auto insurance scamming. They won't do a damn thing. Biden is a Corporate tool.

Sure glad Trump fixed all that.
What legislation did Trump sign into law that limited your freedom?

When have I ever made the claim he had? Why are you changing the subject? 22lcidw had a decent enough of a post and you're diverting from it.
My apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.

I was being sarcastic. Trump hasn't done shit about anything to do with 22lcidw's post.
Trump reformed the criminal code.
Thanks for the laughs...
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

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