Watching a real President

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Trump is gone, and thankfully so.

However bad Biden might be, he'll be better than Trump.
Not for those of us who depend on our jobs to support our families and your SNAP bennies doofus.
Oh look, another fat welfare hillbilly crying because his orange god got his ass kicked.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

You can have him I won't.
President-elect Biden will be OUR President.

Won't be my President. He'll always be a pedo child sniffer though.
And I'll do all I can to resist the Chinese agent named Joe Biden.

Besides, Harris will take his place with 6 months an NO, Harris won't be my president either.

For the next 4 years, Trump will remain MY the voters chose.
Would you feel the same if you saw pictures of Trump getting pissed on in Russia?? I hear putin has the pictures
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Trump is gone, and thankfully so.

However bad Biden might be, he'll be better than Trump.
Not for those of us who depend on our jobs to support our families and your SNAP bennies doofus.
Oh look, another fat welfare hillbilly crying because his orange god got his ass kicked.
Who is crying? You are the ones who elected the dementia patient who wears two diapers.
Why is that Chinese hands dark? You guys are humiliating yourself for a narcissistic nut that would not wipe his a** on you!

^^^ :rolleyes-41:

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Trump is gone, and thankfully so.

However bad Biden might be, he'll be better than Trump.
Not for those of us who depend on our jobs to support our families and your SNAP bennies doofus.
Oh look, another fat welfare hillbilly crying because his orange god got his ass kicked.
Who is crying? You are the ones who elected the dementia patient who wears two diapers.
Yes, let those trump cult tears flow. You should collect them and sell them.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

No, the hair dye was a different day, I was referring to Rudy-tooty farting in a public hearing...twice.
You mean Jerry Nadler.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

No, the hair dye was a different day, I was referring to Rudy-tooty farting in a public hearing...twice.
You mean Jerry Nadler. really have nothing better than to make stuff up? How pathetic.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

No, the hair dye was a different day, I was referring to Rudy-tooty farting in a public hearing...twice.
You mean Jerry Nadler. really have nothing better than to make stuff up? How pathetic.
CandyCorn continuously refers to Trump as The Blob and I notice you never let CC know she's making stuff up.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

The liars never stop.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

No, the hair dye was a different day, I was referring to Rudy-tooty farting in a public hearing... a wice.
You mean Jerry Nadler. really have nothing better than to make stuff up? How pathetic.
You saying he's a leftist?
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....

No, the hair dye was a different day, I was referring to Rudy-tooty farting in a public hearing... a wice.
You mean Jerry Nadler. really have nothing better than to make stuff up? How pathetic.
You saying he's a leftist?
We all know FFI is an idiot.
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

jack the ripper could have beaten your guy with the boston strangler as the VP pick.

All Biden had to do is sit there and keep saying, Rump,keep hitting yourself. Over and Over and
Rump beat himself bloody. Imagine getting beat by Biden. Wow.......
Trump was the only Republican Biden might have defeated.


Biden would have lost to any other Republican.

Just like Rump was the only Republican(?) that could have defeated Hillary. It's pretty close to the bottom of the barrel for the lot of them.
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

jack the ripper could have beaten your guy with the boston strangler as the VP pick.

All Biden had to do is sit there and keep saying, Rump,keep hitting yourself. Over and Over and
Rump beat himself bloody. Imagine getting beat by Biden. Wow.......
Trump was the only Republican Biden might have defeated.


Biden would have lost to any other Republican.

Just like Rump was the only Republican(?) that could have defeated Hillary. It's pretty close to the bottom of the barrel for the lot of them.
After 8 years of the whiny Muslim in Chief real Americans wanted a non politician to get back to American values.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader. he drops doodies in his wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Trump is gone, and thankfully so.

However bad Biden might be, he'll be better than Trump.
Not for those of us who depend on our jobs to support our families and your SNAP bennies doofus.
Oh look, another fat welfare hillbilly crying because his orange god got his ass kicked.
Who is crying? You are the ones who elected the dementia patient who wears two diapers.
Yes, let those trump cult tears flow. You should collect them and sell them.
Nope, I have a job.....but you can sell them you will need the dough.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

All I just heard was, "OMG, he has a (D) next to his name!!! I'm creaming my pants!!!! Who cares what he does, I'll think it's wonderful because HE'S A DEMOCRAT!!!!!"

Just FYI, if you throw your panties at him from a crowd, the Secret Service WILL bodyslam you. You might want to calm down.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

I stopped watch Joe's-ill-Yen Biden 5 seconds in. You're so sad.

You cocks voted for this.......Dark times Biden says, first time he's ever been honest.

PROGS are &(*^)^^.They entertain weakness and victim roles, and then they rape you.

Tell us PROGS, what do you find attractive about a leader who tells stories of doom and gloom to gather your support? That look like a leader to you?

Fucker can't even breathe right.

Honey, leftists don't care if things are ACTUALLY good or bad. How would they even know, since that requires the ability to think and process facts. What they care about is that someone tells them to THINK things are wonderful because a Democrat is in office.

The Usurper's gloom and doom is fine for them right now, because he's telling them they can blame Trump for it, and he's "rescued" them from whatever-the-fuck he's told them to believe. And they know that two months from now, whatever REALLY happens, he'll tell them that life is really great and he's fixing things for them, and they'll believe that, too.

Conservatives vote on what they want to get done. Leftists vote on what they want to be told to believe.
I can understand why Trumpers are confused. Having someone speak to the nation as a president should, is blowing up your brains.

What I want explained is what prevented you from having a brain to blow up. Ancephaly is the only explanation for your belief that we're going to be impressed by your "Being a Democrat makes you a good President!!!!" schtick.

I'm very happy for you that you're safely back in your slave chains, though. I know the prospect of having to be free and personally responsible was terrifying to you.
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

jack the ripper could have beaten your guy with the boston strangler as the VP pick.

All Biden had to do is sit there and keep saying, Rump,keep hitting yourself. Over and Over and
Rump beat himself bloody. Imagine getting beat by Biden. Wow.......
Trump was the only Republican Biden might have defeated.


Biden would have lost to any other Republican.

Just like Rump was the only Republican(?) that could have defeated Hillary. It's pretty close to the bottom of the barrel for the lot of them.
After 8 years of the whiny Muslim in Chief real Americans wanted a non politician to get back to American values.
Real Americans ?? The traitorous scum you call real Americans ? The toothless fat POS you call real Americans ? The pos you want to fu our elections ?? Die you MF and go to hell
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Fuck him...He's a userper....

It's spelled "usurper". Normally, I wouldn't bother to correct your spelling, but I know we'll all be using that word a lot in the near future, so might as well get settled in properly. :)
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Yeah it's all about the speeches for you Liberals, isn't it? Meanwhile when the cameras are off, China Joe will be selling us out faster than you can say "Cash or check"?

Of course it's all about the speeches. Leftists don't care about results; they care that they're told comforting, self-flattering lies about what the results are, so that they can feel like good people without the bother of actually being good people.

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