Watching a real President

President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

The liars never stop.
We know! So why don’t you knock it off?
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

watching a real president? you BEEN watching one the last four years,get off that deserted island you been living on idiot.:auiqs.jpg::disbelief:
It will be such a relief not to listen to a loud mouth, blowhard liar. It is already getting better. You guys can now settle down for a long winter nap! Cable TV gonna take a big hit without hourly tweets. Something tells me Biden will be too busy cleaning up another Republican mess to tweet much. And I understand Twitter is going to silence Trump after he leaves the WH!
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

You can have him I won't.
President-elect Biden will be OUR President.
Yes he will do a fine job representing the best interests of China, Iran, Cuba and any illegal who wants to dash across our border. He's all yours.
Ya we will take him over the blob you got is bull on your side none of which will come to pass that you described. However when it comes to Trump right in public kissed putins and Kim jon unsure ass. Wanna talk about Chinese influence? How many properties does Trump own over there. Wanna talk about other places that orange fool owns properties? Further more the orange blob wants ya to inject cleaners in your veins fo a virus thats a hoax. You just cant make this shit up. Whats really sad is you seem smart enough to know better than follow such a fool.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

You can have him I won't.
President-elect Biden will be OUR President.
Yes he will do a fine job representing the best interests of China, Iran, Cuba and any illegal who wants to dash across our border. He's all yours.
Ya we will take him over the blob you got is bull on your side none of which will come to pass that you described. However when it comes to Trump right in public kissed putins and Kim jon unsure ass. Wanna talk about Chinese influence? How many properties does Trump own over there. Wanna talk about other places that orange fool owns properties? Further more the orange blob wants ya to inject cleaners in your veins fo a virus thats a hoax. You just cant make this shit up. Whats really sad is you seem smart enough to know better than follow such a fool.
Do not forget the light up your,ah, er!:)

No matter I am actually looking forward to the Holiday and New Year.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

You can have him I won't.
President-elect Biden will be OUR President.
Yes he will do a fine job representing the best interests of China, Iran, Cuba and any illegal who wants to dash across our border. He's all yours.
Ya we will take him over the blob you got is bull on your side none of which will come to pass that you described. However when it comes to Trump right in public kissed putins and Kim jon unsure ass. Wanna talk about Chinese influence? How many properties does Trump own over there. Wanna talk about other places that orange fool owns properties? Further more the orange blob wants ya to inject cleaners in your veins fo a virus thats a hoax. You just cant make this shit up. Whats really sad is you seem smart enough to know better than follow such a fool.
Do not forget the light up your,ah, er!:)

No matter I am actually looking forward to the Holiday and New Year.
No lighting anything up for me. I get drug tested, and physicals. The coast guard is for freaking real. They will shove a microscope up your rear in wa
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

You can have him I won't.
President-elect Biden will be OUR President.
Yes he will do a fine job representing the best interests of China, Iran, Cuba and any illegal who wants to dash across our border. He's all yours.
Ya we will take him over the blob you got is bull on your side none of which will come to pass that you described. However when it comes to Trump right in public kissed putins and Kim jon unsure ass. Wanna talk about Chinese influence? How many properties does Trump own over there. Wanna talk about other places that orange fool owns properties? Further more the orange blob wants ya to inject cleaners in your veins fo a virus thats a hoax. You just cant make this shit up. Whats really sad is you seem smart enough to know better than follow such a fool.
Do not forget the light up your,ah, er!:)

No matter I am actually looking forward to the Holiday and New Year.
My old but keeps passing the physicals and tests. My boats keep passing also. I sure do fear those inspections. Less lately I finally hired a retired coast guard guy to help prepare for them. Big things at risk there! Like my morning view.


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President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Yeah it's all about the speeches for you Liberals, isn't it? Meanwhile when the cameras are off, China Joe will be selling us out faster than you can say "Cash or check"?

Of course it's all about the speeches. Leftists don't care about results; they care that they're told comforting, self-flattering lies about what the results are, so that they can feel like good people without the bother of actually being good people.

The Battle is worthless. You lost the war. Now it's gone from honorable battle to terrorism. Kno when to move on. Your handler's sayings don't mean anything anymore. You have nothing to gain since even Moscow Mitch has made up with Biden.
Notice Trump fires head of cyber security and we get cyber attacked Face the truth Trump is an AH putting people in charge that don't know s--t about what they're doing as long as they kiss his butt they can stay
Why didn't he mention that HIS OWN SON forgot to report at least 400 grand in income from Burisma?
Looks like Corrupt Joe is real insecure about his people getting exposed about stealing this election for him. Otherwise he wouldn't be dwelling how these lawsuits should overturn the illegal results.
Exactly. Sounds more like he is trying to convince everyone that he is the president.

Fake election, fake president.
Not everyone. Just the insane trump cult.
and the retarded xiden follewers will remain clueless and in denial
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

I stopped watch Joe's-ill-Yen Biden 5 seconds in. You're so sad.

You cocks voted for this.......Dark times Biden says, first time he's ever been honest.

PROGS are &(*^)^^.They entertain weakness and victim roles, and then they rape you.

Tell us PROGS, what do you find attractive about a leader who tells stories of doom and gloom to gather your support? That look like a leader to you?

Fucker can't even breathe right.
Yeah and your POS was afraid to Tell America how serious the virus is How many died because of the f-ers lack of leadership?
go find your brain, if it still exists
Has he close to a thousand viewers yet?

He has 305 electors - well over the 270 needed. who cares about how many viewers Biden has.

That is irrelevant. Like you are with your continued support for a loser and a failure.
like you are with your support of a pedophile, treasonist piece of shit xiden?

jack the ripper could have beaten your guy with the boston strangler as the VP pick.

All Biden had to do is sit there and keep saying, Rump,keep hitting yourself. Over and Over and
Rump beat himself bloody. Imagine getting beat by Biden. Wow.......
Trump was the only Republican Biden might have defeated.


Biden would have lost to any other Republican.

Just like Rump was the only Republican(?) that could have defeated Hillary. It's pretty close to the bottom of the barrel for the lot of them.
After 8 years of the whiny Muslim in Chief real Americans wanted a non politician to get back to American values.
Real Americans ?? The traitorous scum you call real Americans ? The toothless fat POS you call real Americans ? The pos you want to fu our elections ?? Die you MF and go to hell
its much better than idolizing a chinese bought, lying, cheating, geriatric, treasonist piece of shit, and a home wrecking whore
Looks like Corrupt Joe is real insecure about his people getting exposed about stealing this election for him. Otherwise he wouldn't be dwelling how these lawsuits should overturn the illegal results.

And Harris still hasn't resigned from the senate Obama, was gone by now.

And? Biden didn't resign from the senate until 5 days prior to the inauguration. Anything to start yet another conspiracy I guess.

Biden stayed in his basement & he somehow got more votes than 45, 44 & Hillary?

So, when you're point is proven to not have any merit you just move onto the next thing? Pathetic.
Looks like Corrupt Joe is real insecure about his people getting exposed about stealing this election for him. Otherwise he wouldn't be dwelling how these lawsuits should overturn the illegal results.

And Harris still hasn't resigned from the senate Obama, was gone by now.

And? Biden didn't resign from the senate until 5 days prior to the inauguration. Anything to start yet another conspiracy I guess.

Biden stayed in his basement & he somehow got more votes than 45, 44 & Hillary?

So, when you're point is proven to not have any merit you just move onto the next thing? Pathetic.

Hey, don't take that away from them. Then they will have nothing but vile, obscene posts about the rest of us. Leave them something.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

watching a real president? you BEEN watching one the last four years,get off that deserted island you been living on idiot.:auiqs.jpg::disbelief:
It will be such a relief not to listen to a loud mouth, blowhard liar. It is already getting better. You guys can now settle down for a long winter nap! Cable TV gonna take a big hit without hourly tweets. Something tells me Biden will be too busy cleaning up another Republican mess to tweet much. And I understand Twitter is going to silence Trump after he leaves the WH!
Stop posting then, lesbo.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Yeah it's all about the speeches for you Liberals, isn't it? Meanwhile when the cameras are off, China Joe will be selling us out faster than you can say "Cash or check"?

Of course it's all about the speeches. Leftists don't care about results; they care that they're told comforting, self-flattering lies about what the results are, so that they can feel like good people without the bother of actually being good people.
The speech was about the election results. How about those results? Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

Were you expecting me to congratulate you on the amazing job your masters did at rigging the election? 'Cause I have to tell you, I'm not a leftist scumbag who's impressed by that sort of thing.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Yeah it's all about the speeches for you Liberals, isn't it? Meanwhile when the cameras are off, China Joe will be selling us out faster than you can say "Cash or check"?

Of course it's all about the speeches. Leftists don't care about results; they care that they're told comforting, self-flattering lies about what the results are, so that they can feel like good people without the bother of actually being good people.
The speech was about the election results. How about those results? Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

Were you expecting me to congratulate you on the amazing job your masters did at rigging the election? 'Cause I have to tell you, I'm not a leftist scumbag who's impressed by that sort of thing.

Nah, you are just a regular scumbag that finally found a home.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Yeah it's all about the speeches for you Liberals, isn't it? Meanwhile when the cameras are off, China Joe will be selling us out faster than you can say "Cash or check"?

Of course it's all about the speeches. Leftists don't care about results; they care that they're told comforting, self-flattering lies about what the results are, so that they can feel like good people without the bother of actually being good people.
The speech was about the election results. How about those results? Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

Were you expecting me to congratulate you on the amazing job your masters did at rigging the election? 'Cause I have to tell you, I'm not a leftist scumbag who's impressed by that sort of thing.

Nah, you are just a regular scumbag that finally found a home.
How will Biden help the guy in your avatar when Biden wants H1-Bs?
Looks like Corrupt Joe is real insecure about his people getting exposed about stealing this election for him. Otherwise he wouldn't be dwelling how these lawsuits should overturn the illegal results.

And Harris still hasn't resigned from the senate Obama, was gone by now.

And? Biden didn't resign from the senate until 5 days prior to the inauguration. Anything to start yet another conspiracy I guess.

Biden stayed in his basement & he somehow got more votes than 45, 44 & Hillary?

I actually don't have a problem believing that, since literally everyone knows that no one voted for him at all. He was in the election what he will be in the Presidency: a figurehead placeholder. The Democrats could have just taken the next little half-step and run a cardboard cutout of a person and gotten the same result, because every single vote cast for The Usurper was either a vote against Trump or a vote for the power behind the throne and whatever agenda goodies the voter thought he was going to get out of them.

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