Watching Brexit Debate in Parliament by my British Cousins. Liberals are Obstructionist There Too


May 23, 2014
The British people have voted to leave the socialist, demanding, and anti-British EU. But the Labour Party and other obstructionist parties are just plain chickenshit to let the voters decide. I now can see liberals in Europe are just like liberals in the United States in regards to the fact they are narcissistic and think they know more than the common people. I hope Conservative Party stands it’s ground and does what is right by the previous vote of the people.
Labour to do 'everything necessary' to stop no-deal Brexit - Reuters
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I can't believe the Brits want to be ruled from afar....where is their pride?....what has happened to British men? pitiful.....
I can't believe the Brits want to be ruled from afar....where is their pride?....what has happened to British men? pitiful.....
Exactly. The Labour Party are a bunch of Marxist. Our Democratic Party twin.
I can't believe the Brits want to be ruled from afar....where is their pride?....what has happened to British men? pitiful.....
Labour cries foul...after a popular vote of the leave the EU...they accuse Conservatives of ramming the legislative action through. Guess they never saw how Democrats rammed Obamacare up everyone’s ass without even a full reading of the bill.
The Brits need to hurry up. Trump trade raping them will be his greatest accomplishment.
Pity Hitler isn't alive today. He could walk right over today's "Britain".
Labour keeps talking about a “deal.” The people voted to leave the shit EU deal or no deal. LEAVE was the vote. It’s wasn’t complicated.
Coming soon:

Red Jeremy as PM.
Decisive vote for BREXIT ignored by puppet parliament
Britain becomes a vassal state of Communist Europe
Strike upon strike cripples British industry, trade and travel.
German tanks crush workers rebellion.
France smiles.
Red Jeremy no longer PM - now appointed Gauleiter by his EU masters.
Britain adopted as new model of perfection by American Democrat Party.

Yes, in your lifetime.
The Brits need to hurry up. Trump trade raping them will be his greatest accomplishment.
What are you babbling about?
A lone, desperate country begging for Donnie's table scraps. That writing's already on the wall.
I think Labour just want’s a one world communist government.

Corbyn is running scared now.

Just as his dream is on the verge of coming true.

He wouldn't have a clue what to do about Brexit.
The Brits need to hurry up. Trump trade raping them will be his greatest accomplishment.
What are you babbling about?
A lone, desperate country begging for Donnie's table scraps. That writing's already on the wall.
I think Labour just want’s a one world communist government.

Corbyn is running scared now.

Just as his dream is on the verge of coming true.

He wouldn't have a clue what to do about Brexit.
Exactly. Why does Labour fear a vote of the people.

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