Watching the Sunday shows today is shaking my thoughts of leaning Cruz

:lalala: Trump, Trump, Trump! Thinking is for losers! Trump, Trump, Trump! :lalala:

And that is the extent of it for them...


I spend my time "just imagining" things that are likely to happen . . . such as these shallow puswads someday confronting the reality of whichever idiot they worshiped. I have started a file of their Trump paeans and Hillary/Sanders rhapsodies. I may not be able to stop stupidity from forcing yet another disastrous presidency on us, but I sure as hell can marry them to their culpability for it. You know, just in case they decide a year down the road to "forget" in whose butt they so firmly had their noses planted.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Electing a major Hillary campaign donor is a surefire way to get her investigated and prosecuted. You brilliant fiends, you!

Your logic is not like our Earth logic.
He said he would investigate and prosecute her, but I could care less if he actually does.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Electing a major Hillary campaign donor is a surefire way to get her investigated and prosecuted. You brilliant fiends, you!

Your logic is not like our Earth logic.
He said he would investigate and prosecute her, but I could care less if he actually does.
His investigators in Hawaii did such a bang up job getting dirt on Obama....
:lalala: Trump, Trump, Trump! Thinking is for losers! Trump, Trump, Trump! :lalala:

And that is the extent of it for them...


I spend my time "just imagining" things that are likely to happen . . . such as these shallow puswads someday confronting the reality of whichever idiot they worshiped. I have started a file of their Trump paeans and Hillary/Sanders rhapsodies. I may not be able to stop stupidity from forcing yet another disastrous presidency on us, but I sure as hell can marry them to their culpability for it. You know, just in case they decide a year down the road to "forget" in whose butt they so firmly had their noses planted.
Most Trump supporters are voting for him to change the Republican Party and change politics. It doesn't matter what he does in office.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.
The robo calls were about gay marriage. And they worked. Well. For the first time in Trump's campaign he was humbled and stated that after they ran he felt he was "fighting for his life" to save his campaign:

Cue to 44-1:12 Trump discusses how "tough" "very tough" the gay-marriage/transgender bathroom robo calls were at the last minute in SC. At 2:38-2:53 Trump says, in stark contrast with all of his other consistent boasting "we're winning!...on top of the world!" to date, instead,... "I'm fighting for my life" in the his telltale demeanor throughout the interview is devoid of the Trump bravado and filled instead with an exceedingly rare Trump humility and sheepishness. The man is wearing black and appears even to be grieving throughout.

For more on Trump's actual views on gay marriage, listen to his friend and gay activist George Takai describe what he knows about Trump's leanings:

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....
Ted Cruz lies. He tells bald-faced, straightforward lies.

Ted Cruz is also a master of the lie of omission.

I will give an example of each.

1) The bald faced lie: Ted Cruz says his tax plan will abolish the IRS. But his tax plan still has an income tax, and so of course the IRS will not be abolished. But the "abolish the IRS" is a big applause line for Ted.

2) The lie of omission: Ted likes to rebut Rubio's and Trump's accusations about being a liar by claiming that all he does is show them speaking their own words. Ted likes to quote Rubio's statements on illegal immigrants and his "gang of eight" bill, which Ted says would have granted amnesty to illegals. He then likes to point out Rubio has since changed his position.

The lie of omission is that Ted also supported amnesty and has since changed his position! In fact, Ted spoke about the gang of eight's legislation in 2013: In 2013 interview, Ted Cruz suggests openness to legalization

Ted's own words:
Secure the border first and then legalization.

Pop that in an ad, and watch Ted burst into flames.

What's more, Ted attacked Chuck Schumer for trying to keep illegals in the shadows and not giving them work permits! For real.

Ted's own words:
And most tellingly, he's willing to do nothing, zero, for the 11 million people who are here illegally today. What Chuck Schumer is telling them is, I'd rather you stay in the shadows, not have a legal work permit, because the only thing we, the Democratic Party, is interested in is our political objective, and if we don't get that we'll take our marbles on this and go home.

Ted Cruz on Meet The Press this past Sunday:

And there's a reason why they scream "Liar." Because when you point to their own records, their own voting records, their own words, they don't like their records because their records are inconsistent with what they're running on.

That's the lie of omission. Cruz is referring to ads he has run about Rubio's flip flop on amnesty.
I would like Cruz a lot more if he wasn't such a weaseling, lying, pandering asshole. But I guess that's true for every politician.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
You should be more worried about Rubio campaign. Rubio has been lying his ass off about his activities with regard to the "Gang of Eight" and his stance on amnesty. The guy is a reptile.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
You should be more worried about Rubio campaign. Rubio has been lying his ass off about his activities with regard to the "Gang of Eight" and his stance on amnesty. The guy is a reptile.
See post 86. Cruz also supported amnesty and the gang of eight bill, with some amendments he added which allowed for legalization but not citizenship.

So when he attacks Rubio for being pro-amnesty, Cruz is being a total weaseling asshole by failing to mention he was, too.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
You should be more worried about Rubio campaign. Rubio has been lying his ass off about his activities with regard to the "Gang of Eight" and his stance on amnesty. The guy is a reptile.
See post 86. Cruz also supported amnesty and the gang of eight bill, with some amendments he added which allowed for legalization but not citizenship.

So when he attacks Rubio for being pro-amnesty, Cruz is being a total weaseling asshole by failing to mention he was, too.

Cruz never supported Amnesty. That's a cheap sleazy Rubio lie. Cruz's amendments were designed to kill the bill, and they did.

You're a Rubio tool.
Cruz & Rubio ought to join nations and fight the "Martian" Trump with the one issue they know will scatter his flock to the right...


..The robo calls referred to in this thread's OP were about gay marriage. And they worked. Well. For the first time in Trump's campaign he was humbled and stated that after they ran he felt he was "fighting for his life" to save his campaign:

Cue to 44-1:12 Trump discusses how "tough" "very tough" the gay-marriage/transgender bathroom robo calls were at the last minute in SC. At 2:38-2:53 Trump says, in stark contrast with all of his other consistent boasting "we're winning!...on top of the world!" to date, instead,... "I'm fighting for my life" in the his telltale demeanor throughout the interview is devoid of the Trump bravado and filled instead with an exceedingly rare Trump humility and sheepishness. The man is wearing black and appears even to be grieving throughout.

For more on Trump's actual views on gay marriage, listen to his friend and gay activist George Takai describe what he knows about Trump's leanings:

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
You should be more worried about Rubio campaign. Rubio has been lying his ass off about his activities with regard to the "Gang of Eight" and his stance on amnesty. The guy is a reptile.
See post 86. Cruz also supported amnesty and the gang of eight bill, with some amendments he added which allowed for legalization but not citizenship.

So when he attacks Rubio for being pro-amnesty, Cruz is being a total weaseling asshole by failing to mention he was, too.

Cruz never supported Amnesty. That's a cheap sleazy Rubio lie. Cruz's amendments were designed to kill the bill, and they did.

You're a Rubio tool.
See post 68, willfully blind monkey.

Ted's own words: "Secure the border first and then legalization."
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
You should be more worried about Rubio campaign. Rubio has been lying his ass off about his activities with regard to the "Gang of Eight" and his stance on amnesty. The guy is a reptile.
See post 86. Cruz also supported amnesty and the gang of eight bill, with some amendments he added which allowed for legalization but not citizenship.

So when he attacks Rubio for being pro-amnesty, Cruz is being a total weaseling asshole by failing to mention he was, too.

Cruz never supported Amnesty. That's a cheap sleazy Rubio lie. Cruz's amendments were designed to kill the bill, and they did.

You're a Rubio tool.
See post 68, willfully blind monkey.

Ted's own words: "Secure the border first and then legalization."

Post # 68 doesn't say that, numskull.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Electing a major Hillary campaign donor is a surefire way to get her investigated and prosecuted. You brilliant fiends, you!

Your logic is not like our Earth logic.
He said he would investigate and prosecute her, but I could care less if he actually does.

He says a lot of shit. The question so few of his followers have the grey matter to ask is, why should we BELIEVE him?

Do you believe everything you're told?
:lalala: Trump, Trump, Trump! Thinking is for losers! Trump, Trump, Trump! :lalala:

And that is the extent of it for them...


I spend my time "just imagining" things that are likely to happen . . . such as these shallow puswads someday confronting the reality of whichever idiot they worshiped. I have started a file of their Trump paeans and Hillary/Sanders rhapsodies. I may not be able to stop stupidity from forcing yet another disastrous presidency on us, but I sure as hell can marry them to their culpability for it. You know, just in case they decide a year down the road to "forget" in whose butt they so firmly had their noses planted.
Most Trump supporters are voting for him to change the Republican Party and change politics. It doesn't matter what he does in office.

Actually, I've never heard any Trump supporter claim they don't care what he does in office. To the contrary, they're all convinced he's going to do whatever pet project of theirs that they've projected onto his vague, meaningless "GREAT!" rhetoric.

Anyone who would actually vote for a candidate with no interest in or concern for what they'll do in office should do the entire nation a favor and keep their mouthbreathing ass home on Election Day.
Cruz is very intelligent, but he's not running a smart campaign. Now that evangelicals have abandoned him, he may not even win Texas.

Hopefully he'll stay in the race until Trump has it locked up. He is infinitely better than Rube--ee-i-ee-i- owe.
:lalala: Trump, Trump, Trump! Thinking is for losers! Trump, Trump, Trump! :lalala:

And that is the extent of it for them...


I spend my time "just imagining" things that are likely to happen . . . such as these shallow puswads someday confronting the reality of whichever idiot they worshiped. I have started a file of their Trump paeans and Hillary/Sanders rhapsodies. I may not be able to stop stupidity from forcing yet another disastrous presidency on us, but I sure as hell can marry them to their culpability for it. You know, just in case they decide a year down the road to "forget" in whose butt they so firmly had their noses planted.
Most Trump supporters are voting for him to change the Republican Party and change politics. It doesn't matter what he does in office.

Actually, I've never heard any Trump supporter claim they don't care what he does in office. To the contrary, they're all convinced he's going to do whatever pet project of theirs that they've projected onto his vague, meaningless "GREAT!" rhetoric.

Anyone who would actually vote for a candidate with no interest in or concern for what they'll do in office should do the entire nation a favor and keep their mouthbreathing ass home on Election Day.
This is all about destroying the political system. Trump can't do anything to further that goal as president.

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