Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

I'm not in the least bit religious.

You make the same mistake as Zinc in framing the entire world as two extremely simplistic forces that are squared off in battle, and there are only three two simple choices.ely projecting.

Just because your own views are those of a fundamentalist, that does not mean those who oppose this child grooming are ALSO fundamentalist.

You are merely projecting.
I'm not religious either, but most conservatives are, especially here on this forum.
I'm not religious either, but most conservatives are, especially here on this forum.
So what.

You have no fucking idea what I support or don't support. I support gay marriage, I do not support gay conversion therapy, and I have no problem with adults making decisions for themselves.

Some of you are simply so extreme that you think anybody who is not as extreme as you is extreme in the other direction.

For about the zillionth time - this is about protecting childhood and wanting children to be able to grow up normally without a bunch of idiots trying to indoctrinate them sexually FAR before they are ready.
The new laws will outlaw "transitioning" youth who say they want to change genders. No more sex change operations for minors, no more hormone treatments for kids either. Period. Against the law, malpractice waged against any so-called "medical professional" who would administer such an atrocity.
Idea for idea we ae quickly getting to the point where Democrat positions are more extreme that ISIS.


They tell the sheeple that their war against the innocence of childhood has something to do with gay rights. It doesn't. It has to do with breaking the bonds of family and creating a generation of proles loyal to the state.
So what.

You have no fucking idea what I support or don't support. I support gay marriage, I do not support gay conversion therapy, and I have no problem with adults making decisions for themselves.

Some of you are simply so extreme that you think anybody who is not as extreme as you is extreme in the other direction.

For about the zillionth time - this is about protecting childhood and wanting children to be able to grow up normally without a bunch of idiots trying to indoctrinate them sexually FAR before they are ready.
I agree with your concern for children on this issue but you and other conservatives don't care if those same children are living in a homeless shelter with their parents. The irony of conservatism. Supposedly they're pro-life because they fight for fetuses in other people's wombs but don't care if the pregnant woman is dirt poor and can't raise her child once it is born. They defund social programs that help single mothers raise their children. There's a contradiction there. An inconsistency.
I agree with your concern for children on this issue but you and other conservatives don't care if those same children are living in a homeless shelter with their parents. The irony of conservatism. Supposedly they're pro-life because they fight for fetuses in other people's wombs but don't care if the pregnant woman is dirt poor and can't raise her child once it is born. They defund social programs that help single mothers raise their children. There's a contradiction there. An inconsistency.
How am I a conservative?

I am seeking to protect innocent children from being exploited by adults with a sexual/political agenda.

Protecting the vulnerable against exploitation arising from those in power is a LIBERAL notion dumb shit
I am sure you wish that were true.

Of those molesting a child under six, 50 percent were family members. Family members also accounted for 23 percent of those abusing children ages 12 to 17xi. More than 90 percent of girls in juvenile justice systems self-disclose trauma.


Why make it easier?
I agree with your concern for children on this issue but you and other conservatives don't care if those same children are living in a homeless shelter with their parents. The irony of conservatism. Supposedly they're pro-life because they fight for fetuses in other people's wombs but don't care if the pregnant woman is dirt poor and can't raise her child once it is born. They defund social programs that help single mothers raise their children. There's a contradiction there. An inconsistency.
What "social programs that help single mothers raise their children" has seen actual cuts that were not the result of it being folded into another program? IOW, where have "conservatives" done this?
How am I a conservative?

I am seeking to protect innocent children from being exploited by adults with a sexual/political agenda.

Protecting the vulnerable against exploitation arising from those in power is a LIBERAL notion dumb shit

Because your punk ass is against the working class. You've already expressed to me that you don't give a fuck about the poor or the working class. You think you're hot shit, but you're just a piece of shit.
How am I a conservative?

I am seeking to protect innocent children from being exploited by adults with a sexual/political agenda.

Protecting the vulnerable against exploitation arising from those in power is a LIBERAL notion dumb shit
To the simple-minded, liberal = good, conservative = bad. If you take a position in any way contrary to theirs, you are bad and therefore a conservative. That's just how their minds work.
Montana has the same population as a cruise ship, ok maybe two...
A low population density area is the perfect place for few to no restrictions on firearm ownership. BTW, there are over a million people living in Montana. Really big cruise ships there.
What "social programs that help single mothers raise their children" has seen actual cuts that were not the result of it being folded into another program? IOW, where have "conservatives" done this?
He's just tossing out everything but the kitchen sink, here, with the usual litany of cliche's that have NOTHING to do with the subject matter.

It's easier for him to be the one who defines what other people think on a bunch of complely different issues than argue any sort of point germane to the actual subject.

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