Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America
The faster and harder these freaks and perverts are pushed back into the closet the better... for the Republic, and for society at-large. #End the Depravity.
This is exactly what the taliban does. Such people live to control and force others to live by their narrow beliefs.

These people hate freedom.
You are on record as being an ignorant jerk who has the understanding of human sexuality below that of a turnip
Adults should never, in any way, see children sexually, as sexual partners, as a source of sexual gratification and pleasure. Children, especially when they're prepubescent and young, aren't psychologically or physiologically developed to be sexual in a way that won't injure them, potentially even kill them. It can lead to serious psychological and physical trauma, even catastrophic injury to a child's body, leading to death. If you're proposing sexualizing children, and encouraging sexual behavior among prepubescent children, especially between adults and children, that's sick and criminal. Children shouldn't be burdened with sex, they should be focusing on other things.
I'm against the working class, now am I? Where in this thread, or anywhere else for that matter, have I disparaged the working class?

You are simply incapable of discussing an issue as an issue instead of running everything through that juvenile communist cliche generator, now, aren't you little Mr. junior communist?
We've talked before and you shit all over working-class people, I'm just stating a fact. Your smug capitalist persona will eventually reveal itself here, just keep posting.
Define monstrous what some consider monstrous others consider common sense.

“all Men are created equal”

They want to control peoples lives...

Hard to be an "enabler" when I'm literally doing nothing.

All of this gender confusion is caused by a combination of liberal claptrap bullshit

So, we are now 5 pages into this and have yet to determine what "monstrous" legislation has been passed.

Its about fear that somehow being around Da Gayz will make more Da Gayz.

It is all part of their hyper-partisan, black and white thinking.

When some of you go for false equivalences, you really go for it!!!!!

You seem to be confusing gender with sexuality,

The entire gist of these legislations attempts to address gender equality by way of confusing them seems the crux of the issue

Boys and girls are different, Gays and straights are different
Obfuscating us all into some homogenized borg like reality is simply denying those differences

You're allowed to be different in America , yet the concept of being different AND equal is being taken off the table , and replaced with a counter productive animal farm mentality

ask why this is....

We've talked before and you shit all over working-class people, I'm just stating a fact. Your smug capitalist persona will eventually reveal itself here, just keep posting.
Wanting small businesses to remain open so people can have their jobs is shitting on the working class?

You really are one delusional little fuck, aren't you?
The new laws will outlaw "transitioning" youth who say they want to change genders. No more sex change operations for minors, no more hormone treatments for kids either. Period. Against the law, malpractice waged against any so-called "medical professional" who would administer such an atrocity.

Its sad and a testament to our depraved society that a law must be made to stop doctors from chopping off minors breasts and peckers.
Were those priests gay or straight?
Not to mention that the hysterical creature's analogy is bogus to begin with. Nobody here is advocating eliminating an entire institution. They are only wanting to address those within the institution who groom children.

The TRUE analogy would involve addressing those priests who DO molest children and taking measures to try to prevent them from doing so. I'm sure neither you nor I or any others arguing against child grooming and genital mutilation would be against any measure to prevent this sexual predation, but since this stormlover creature supports grooming in schools, he/she/it is simply looking for an excuse to distract away from the issue.

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