Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

I get so confused in this day and age, and it looks like I'm not the only one.


The Babylon Bee's Man Of The Year Is Rachel Levine

I was taught in school that up was up, and down was down.
The democrats are now teaching in school that up is down, and down is up
In a land of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Funny -- you said sexuality.

You are very brave to be so forthcoming in referencing the sexuality of three year olds. Most people who are interested in the sexuality of young children that age would be more circumspect.
Fuck off troll!
Adults should never, in any way, see children sexually, as sexual partners, as a source of sexual gratification and pleasure. Children, especially when they're prepubescent and young, aren't psychologically or physiologically developed to be sexual in a way that won't injure them, potentially even kill them. It can lead to serious psychological and physical trauma, even catastrophic injury to a child's body, leading to death. If you're proposing sexualizing children, and encouraging sexual behavior among prepubescent children, especially between adults and children, that's sick and criminal. Children shouldn't be burdened with sex, they should be focusing on other things.
If you think that anything that I said has, in any way, supported the sexualization of children, there is something seriously wrong with you. Other than that, I fully agree with you
If you think that anything that I said has, in any way, supported the sexualization of children, there is something seriously wrong with you.

How is it not sexualizing children to speak of them in this manner, attributing sick sexual perversions to them.

There is something very, very, very wrong with any creature that thinks that a three-year-old is a faggot, a tranny, or some other kind of fucked-up sexual deviant.

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child, and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he most likely is transsexual.
You misunderstand.

I give you full credit for having more professional experience on the issue of toddler sexuality than any other poster here.
You have been misrepresenting me as someone who see young children as sexual, when I have been talking about gender identity which is entirely different
You have been misrepresenting me as someone who see young children as sexual, when I have been talking about gender identity which is entirely different
You should not refer to toddler sexuality if you do not wish to be seen as referring to toddler sexuality, then.

Even if you are only addressing gender, your referring to a three year old boy as a girl is an act of grooming in and of itself. You claim to have great experience in this, so how many boys have you told they are really pretty little girls, instead, anyway?

Telling a child that impressionable that they are a member of the opposite sex is child abuse. There is NO justification for referring to a 3 year old boy as a girl, especially as you posit yourself as an authority figure who has access to other people's children.
You have been misrepresenting me as someone who see young children as sexual…

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child [a THREE-YEAR-OLD boy], and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he most likely is transsexual.
Retired. He's 75 years old.

Still, who are we to judge his obvious interest in very young boys? After all, “Love is love.”, right?
75? He had access to children for that long?

"Billy, here is Uncle Progressive here to see you again. I know you are only three, but you know how happy it makes you when he calls you a pretty, pretty girl! Now, mommy is going out to shop, now, but Uncle Progressive will be staying with you to talk about your feelings. He's going to help teach you how to be the very BEST little girl you can possibly be"
You should not refer to toddler sexuality if you do not wish to be seen as referring to toddler sexuality, then.

Even if you are only addressing gender, your referring to a three year old boy as a girl is an act of grooming in and of itself. You claim to have great experience in this, so how many boys have you told they are really pretty little girls, instead, anyway?

Telling a child that impressionable that they are a member of the opposite sex is child abuse. There is NO justification for referring to a 3 year old boy as a girl, especially as you posit yourself as an authority figure who has access to other people's children.
I have not had any occaision to talk about any of this with minors. I retired fron social services about 15 years ago when the transgender thing was not an issue. None of the kids brought up anything about homosexuality either.

If I were back there now I certainly would not suggest to a minor that they were gay or trans, even if they appeared to be. If any any of that were to be brought up by a child, I would just listen. I would not encourage or discourage it. I would not condone or condemn it Young people need permission to explore who they are. The feeling that they have are real and to allow them to express it is not grooming.

You all use that word way to much and it has become meaningless as a result. , people who acknowledge the reality of what kids are experiencing are not the groomers. But by constantly bleating "groomer" you are diverting attention away from thereal groomers- those who are working to gain the trust of kids inorder to take sexual advantage of them. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

To reject them, to tell then to just get over it is not helpful or useful and infact harmful. They need support, not riddicule. THAT would be child abuse. They need to be respeted. If a boy wants to experiment with a female gender role or use a different pronoun than the one that is expected they should be able to do so. If you are concerned about mental health issues, you should do some reading on the subject before you pass judgement
I have not had any occaision to talk about any of this with minors. I retired fron social services about 15 years ago when the transgender thing was not an issue. None of the kids brought up anything about homosexuality either.

If I were back there now I certainly would not suggest to a minor that they were gay or trans, even if they appeared to be. If any any of that were to be brought up by a child, I would just listen. I would not encourage or discourage it. I would not condone or condemn it Young people need permission to explore who they are. The feeling that they have are real and to allow them to express it is not grooming.

You all use that word way to much and it has become meaningless as a result. , people who acknowledge the reality of what kids are experiencing are not the groomers. But by constantly bleating "groomer" you are diverting attention away from thereal groomers- those who are working to gain the trust of kids inorder to take sexual advantage of them. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

To reject them, to tell then to just get over it is not helpful or useful and infact harmful. They need support, not riddicule. THAT would be child abuse. They need to be respeted. If a boy wants to experiment with a female gender role or use a different pronoun than the one that is expected they should be able to do so. If you are concerned about mental health issues, you should do some reading on the subject before you pass judgement
The fact that you refer to three year old boys as girls belies the claims you are making. Referring to a three year boy old toddler as a female is an act of confirmation, not benign neutrality.
Kids that young do not experience deviant sexual urges unless pedophilic groomers are planting that shit in their heads.
I have two sons, quite a bit apart in age and both were in preschool and day care. I have heard several kids that age say they wished they were the opposite sex. The daycare/preschool providers told me they have head it out of kids for years. They always just ignored that talk as they knew it was a phase. These children did NOT grow up to be trans, either.

What is different today, is when kids say these things, there are woke idiots jumping all over it and Reinforcing the notion. Heck, nowadays wokesters are actually ENCOURAGING tiny little kids to question whether they might really be a different gender.

They just can't leave the kids alone to be kids and react to the things they say in sensible ways.
I have two sons, quite a bit apart in age and both were in preschool and day care. I have heard several kids that age say they wished they were the opposite sex. The daycare/preschool providers told me they have head it out of kids for years. They always just ignored that talk as they knew it was a phase. These children did NOT grow up to be trans, either.

What is different today, is when kids say these things, there are woke idiots jumping all over it and Reinforcing the notion. Heck, nowadays wokesters are actually ENCOURAGING tiny little kids to question whether they might really be a different gender.

They just can't leave the kids alone to be kids and react to the things they say in sensible ways.
There is a reason that groomers use the Orwellian term "gender affirming care"

The first time a toddler says they wish they were of the opposite sex, the groomers step in and AFFIRM that their actual gender is the wrong one and other gender is the right one..
The fact that you refer to three year old boys as girls belies the claims you are making. Referring to a three year boy old toddler as a female is an act of confirmation, not benign neutrality.
I provided you with an honest, thoughtful and I think reasonable answer. However, this response indicatws to me that you are unwill or unable to move beyond your well rehersed, pat answers with no consideration for how delicate and complicated the issue is.
I provided you with an honest, thoughtful and I think reasonable answer. However, this response indicatws to me that you are unwill or unable to move beyond your well rehersed, pat answers with no consideration for how delicate and complicated the issue is.
Referring a three-year-old boy as a girl is delicate and complicated?

Most sane people would have quite different words they would use to describe that.
I have two sons, quite a bit apart in age and both were in preschool and day care. I have heard several kids that age say they wished they were the opposite sex. The daycare/preschool providers told me they have head it out of kids for years. They always just ignored that talk as they knew it was a phase. These children did NOT grow up to be trans, either.

What is different today, is when kids say these things, there are woke idiots jumping all over it and Reinforcing the notion. Heck, nowadays wokesters are actually ENCOURAGING tiny little kids to question whether they might really be a different gender.

They just can't leave the kids alone to be kids and react to the things they say in sensible ways.
Bullshit! No one is encouraging kids to be anything or to question their identity. You immaginged horrors of "woke" is nothing more than giving kids permission to explore and discover who they are without condemnation. The fact is that you are hung up on traditional concepts of binary gender and threatened by any deviation from it, that you would rather feed on the histionics and bigotry of https://www.usmessageboard.com/members/bob-blaylock.55534/ than actually learn anything

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