Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

Referring a three-year-old boy as a girl is delicate and complicated?

Most sane people would have quite different words they would use to describe that.
If a child who is experiencing gender dysphoria asked to be addresses as the gender that they felt that they are, what would your response be? Be specific. Being dismissive and riddiculing them is not an option. That is why some of these kids kill themsleves. I would fear for the emtional well being of any child who is experiencing any doubts about gender who might confide in you seeking comfort
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Bullshit! No one is encouraging kids to be anything ot to question their identity. You immaginged horrors of "woke" is nothing more than giving kids permission to explore and discover who they are without condemnation. The fact is that you are hung up on traditional concepts of binary gender and threatened by any deviation from it, that you would rather feed on the histionics and bigotry of https://www.usmessageboard.com/members/bob-blaylock.55534/ than actually learn anything
Ah -- so you are still all about helping three year old boys to discover their inner girl.

Got it.
Bullshit! No one is encouraging kids to be anything or to question their identity. You immaginged horrors of "woke" is nothing more than giving kids permission to explore and discover who they are without condemnation. The fact is that you are hung up on traditional concepts of binary gender and threatened by any deviation from it, that you would rather feed on the histionics [sic] and bigotry of https://www.usmessageboard.com/members/bob-blaylock.55534/ than actually learn anything

If a child who is experiencing gender dysphoria asked to be addresses as the gender that they felt that they are, what would your response be? Be specific. Being dismissive and riddiculing them is not an option. That is why some of these kids kill themsleves. I would fear for the emtional well being of any child who is experiencing any doubts about gender who might confide in you seeking comfort
Three year olds are not experiencing gender dysphoria. They do not come to adults "seeking comfort" over it. Three year olds are at an age where they speculate on many things. One day they might day they are a doggie and the next day they might say they are a pirate and the day after that might say they are a girl.

LET THEM BE CHILDREN you fucking freak.
Three year olds are not experiencing gender dysphoria. They do not come to adults "seeking comfort" over it. Three year olds are at an age where they speculate on many things. One day they might day they are a doggie and the next day they might say they are a pirate and the day after that might say they are a girl.

LET THEM BE CHILDREN you fucking freak.
You are not as smart as you think you are
Bullshit! No one is encouraging kids to be anything or to question their identity. You immaginged horrors of "woke" is nothing more than giving kids permission to explore and discover who they are without condemnation. The fact is that you are hung up on traditional concepts of binary gender and threatened by any deviation from it, that you would rather feed on the histionics and bigotry of https://www.usmessageboard.com/members/bob-blaylock.55534/ than actually learn anything
Bullshit! My son's school system has actually sent home literature advertising their "alternative sexuality safe-zone/workshop". They very passive-agressively threw that out there. Most of these kids are just barely discovering their sexuality. And these enablers are already putting it out there to them like "hello! over here!" :hhello:🌈 Look we even have a flag!

Many kids will gravitate out of curiosity. While there, they are prime targets for both pedophilic teachers and other students who may be a little older, perhaps discovered something about themselves and start trying to coax the same thing out of other kids. Already another boy made some kind of strange advance on my son on the bus that the school counselor told me about because my son complained. These people are enabling this and making kids think that it's normal and ok. Thank God the school counselor wasn't in on it too. Nothing but simple biological science and social facts (such as yes, "homosexuality exists") should be taught in a public school.

Things like this may also be indirectly related to the very high rate of teenage suicides these days. These m************s really need to be called out on this and proponents of this disgusting attempt to influence the sexuality of children need to resign or be fired and never work in the education system again.
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What bull. You talk about the sexual awakening of 2 and 3 year olds, refer to their idle speculations as evidence of gender dysphoria and characterize those who actually understand kids as ridiculing them if they do not immediately act to reinforce it.

They definitely have an agenda. I don't think that pedophilia is really part of the agenda, it's just a byproduct. But the fact of the matter is that these people think that they will someday be able to control society by controlling the sexual unfolding of people. A very good friend of mine is a retired juvenile mental health facility administrator. She said that because of the sexual segregation many children's first experiences have been homosexual.. they learn it and they don't really unlearn it. They continue that behavior when they are moved to another level or released. It is the hopes of these mainstream educators or at least of their union and politician puppetmasters that these young people can someday be controlled by this as adults, the whole matter can be exploited for political gain and a future voter base. The fact that some real pedophiles along the way manage to feed off of it is not really the goal. But it still goes to show the horrible levels of endangerment and corruption these kids go through because of this agenda.
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Bullshit! My son's school system has actually sent home literature advertising their "alternative sexuality safe-zone/workshop". They very passive-agressively threw that out there. Most of these kids are just barely discovering their sexuality. And these enablers are already putting it out there to them like "hello! over here!" :hhello:🌈 Look we even have a flag!
Well obviously you find that threatening. I see it as an attempt to let kids- who may have an issue with their gender identity -know that the school will be suportive of them
Many kids will gravitate out of curiosity. While there, they are prime targets for both pedophilic teachers and other students who may be a little older, perhaps discovered something about themselves and start trying to coax the same thing out of other kids.
I will grant you that kids are impressionable and may experiment based on what they see others doing. Again, that is nothing to be threatened by. If they are not really trans or gay they will get past it in time.
Already another boy made some kind of strange advance on my son on the bus that the school counselor told me about because my son complained. These people are enabling this and making kids think that it's normal and ok. Thank God the school counselor wasn't in on it too. Nothing but simple biological science and social facts (such as yes, "homosexuality exists") should be taught in a public school.
Who is enabling or encouraging that behavior.? How?
Well obviously you find that threatening. I see it as an attempt to let kids- who may have an issue with their gender identity -know that the school will be suportive of them
Since you have identified children as being transexual as young as 3, one would assume that by the time they have entered kindergarten you would have them well on their way already.
The fact that you refer to three year old boys as girls belies the claims you are making. Referring to a three year boy old toddler as a female is an act of confirmation, not benign neutrality.
Interesting, during the Victorian Era all children were viewed as girls until five. Because they had a ton of them and it saved on clothing. Pink was also a definite boy's color.

When they hit five the boys when given their first pants. They even had a party - "breeching day" (for breeches). It was a celebration primarily that the kid wasn't worm food and could now be treated as someone who might make it.
Things like this may also be indirectly related to the very high rate of teenage suicides these days. These m************s really need to be called out on this and proponents of this disgusting attempt to influence the sexuality of children need to resign or be fired and never work in the education system again.
They are not trying to influence sexuality. They are trying to be supportive of kids who have issues with sexuality in order to PREVENT suicdes

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