WCNSF: Wounded Child No Surviving Family

WTF is Hay-mass?
Freedom fighters opposing ethnic cleansing by greedy Zionists: :stir:


"The acronym 'Hamas' first appeared in 1987 in a leaflet that accused the Israeli intelligence services of undermining the moral fiber of Palestinian youth as part of Mossad's recruitment of what Hamas termed 'collaborators.'

"Nonetheless, Israeli military and intelligence was still focused on Fatah, and continued to maintain contacts with Gaza Islamic activists.

"Numerous Islamist leaders, including senior Hamas founder Mahmoud Zahar, met with Yitzhak Rabin as part of 'regular consultations' between Israeli officials and Palestinians not linked to the PLO.[19]"
Maybe next time the Gazans/Palastinians will think twice about letting their leadership Hamas convince them that ISRAEL is their sworn enemy, and that it must be annihilated....
Palestinians have experienced 75 years of ethnic cleansing at the hands of Israeli Jews; do you really believe they need to think even once about what their sworn enemy really is?

Palestinians have a legal right to violently resist an illegal occupation/blockade. Israel has no legal right to inflict such an occupation/blockade.

Next time Palestinians kill their occupiers in Palestine they may have some significant help:
VIDEO : Fact-check: Have Turkey and Iran declared war on Israel?
Palestinians have experienced 75 years of ethnic cleansing at the hands of Israeli Jews; do you really believe they need to think even once about what their sworn enemy really is?

Palestinians have a legal right to violently resist an illegal occupation/blockade. Israel has no legal right to inflict such an occupation/blockade.

Next time Palestinians kill their occupiers in Palestine they may have some significant help:
VIDEO : Fact-check: Have Turkey and Iran declared war on Israel?

Your cutting and pasting the silly ''ethnic cleansing'' slogan from wiki suggests you're just lazy and ignorant.

Search wiki for the population increase in the enclaves occupied by the Islamic terrorists.
The footage of the Gazans/Palastinians hitting and spitting on the dead raped body of that young beautiful music festival goer, that was seen laying lifeless on the back of that pick up truck, was somehow a just thing to do ????????????? She was someone's daughter too ya know, but that didn't matter to the Palastinians of GAZA when Hamas brought their Trophy for them to spit on and hit on did it ???
War crimes like the one you allege would not have happened without the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israeli Jews. Hundreds of thousands of someone else's daughters have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by Jews intent on stealing the land of Gaza. If you had any real concern for peace in Palestine, you would be calling for Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestine. But you won't, will you?
Another thing of interest, where as it is found out possibly that their are journalists who are now under scrutiny by the IDF/Israeli security force's, because of stock footage that is highly disturbing and concerning because they may have had prior knowledge of the attack due to the photos or camera footage of the attack before hand, and during the attack.
Why would you believe anything the IDF says?
War crimes like the one you allege would not have happened without the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israeli Jews. Hundreds of thousands of someone else's daughters have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by Jews intent on stealing the land of Gaza. If you had any real concern for peace in Palestine, you would be calling for Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestine. But you won't, will you?

There is no Palestine. Never has been, never will be.
Hamas crosses the border launches attacks against civilians not military targets and now they are paying the price. Yes innocent civilians are being killed in Gaza but let’s be honest the rockets being fired into Israel are at civilians. This is war innocent civilians die in war they always have if you are not prepared to pay this price don’t start a war.
Jews started this war in 1948 when they began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by displacing 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts. Palestinians know this, and they will never stop fighting against the ethnic cleansing; what would you do in their place?

Hamas overran the Israeli military base inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza on October 7th, killing hundreds of IDF forces; hundreds more were killed by "friendly fire" while retaking the facility. Hamas also killed civilians, many of whom have been living on stolen Arab land for generations.

Israel is inflicting an illegal occupation on Palestine.
Hamas is resisting that war crime.
Why do you side with the aggressor?
War crimes like the one you allege would not have happened without the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israeli Jews. Hundreds of thousands of someone else's daughters have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by Jews intent on stealing the land of Gaza. If you had any real concern for peace in Palestine, you would be calling for Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestine. But you won't, will you?

There is no occupation, illegal or otherwise, of a place you call Palestine.

As a frantic wiki cut and paster, it should be easy for you to identify the sovereign territory of the place you call Palestine and identify what portions of that territory are occupied..

Yet, you continually fail to do so, choosing instead to cut and paste the same false slogans.
Jews started this war in 1948 when they began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by displacing 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts. Palestinians know this, and they will never stop fighting against the ethnic cleansing; what would you do in their place?

Hamas overran the Israeli military base inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza on October 7th, killing hundreds of IDF forces; hundreds more were killed by "friendly fire" while retaking the facility. Hamas also killed civilians, many of whom have been living on stolen Arab land for generations.

Israel is inflicting an illegal occupation on Palestine.
Hamas is resisting that war crime.
Why do you side with the aggressor?

Nonsense. The combined Arab-Moslem armies started the war when they crossed the frontier to attack Israel. In doing so, they pushed aside and displaced Arab-Moslem squatters.

Ignorance of history is a result of your mindless cutting and pasting from wiki.
Jews started this war in 1948 when they began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by displacing 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts. Palestinians know this, and they will never stop fighting against the ethnic cleansing; what would you do in their place?

Hamas overran the Israeli military base inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza on October 7th, killing hundreds of IDF forces; hundreds more were killed by "friendly fire" while retaking the facility. Hamas also killed civilians, many of whom have been living on stolen Arab land for generations.

Israel is inflicting an illegal occupation on Palestine.
Hamas is resisting that war crime.
Why do you side with the aggressor?
The expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran – an untold history - World Jewish Congress
Jews started this war in 1948 when they began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by displacing 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts. Palestinians know this, and they will never stop fighting against the ethnic cleansing; what would you do in their place?

Hamas overran the Israeli military base inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza on October 7th, killing hundreds of IDF forces; hundreds more were killed by "friendly fire" while retaking the facility. Hamas also killed civilians, many of whom have been living on stolen Arab land for generations.

Israel is inflicting an illegal occupation on Palestine.
Hamas is resisting that war crime.
Why do you side with the aggressor?

The Palestinians have more people now, than at any time in their history.

Your claim of ethnic cleansing is laughable.
Last edited:
No. Like Carthage. Nowhere with one stone atop another. No living things in Gaza.
Was Hannibal a Jew?

Hannibal Directive - Wikipedia.

"According to statements by several Israeli officials, the aim of the (Hannibal) directive is to prevent the capture of an IDF soldier by enemy forces, even by risking the soldier's life or the lives of scores of non-Israeli civilians.

"Israeli spokespersons claim that IDF forces are forbidden to attempt to kill a captured soldier, rather than having him captured.

"Many testimonies from IDF soldiers and other sources contradict this claim and suggest that the IDF in practice adheres to the principle that a dead soldier is better than a captive soldier."

In case you're confused (or new to this subject), the Jews of Israel are NOT the good guys.
Was Hannibal a Jew?

Hannibal Directive - Wikipedia.

"According to statements by several Israeli officials, the aim of the (Hannibal) directive is to prevent the capture of an IDF soldier by enemy forces, even by risking the soldier's life or the lives of scores of non-Israeli civilians.

"Israeli spokespersons claim that IDF forces are forbidden to attempt to kill a captured soldier, rather than having him captured.

"Many testimonies from IDF soldiers and other sources contradict this claim and suggest that the IDF in practice adheres to the principle that a dead soldier is better than a captive soldier."

In case you're confused (or new to this subject), the Jews of Israel are NOT the good guys.

Who cares. Hamass tortures and murders Israeli soldiers who surrender.

Hamass set the rules. They get to DIE by them too.
Who cares. Hamass tortures and murders Israeli soldiers who surrender.

Hamass set the rules. They get to DIE by them too.
These terrorist apologists love to overwhelm the board with endless cut and paste from their lying propaganda sources.

They make it hard to refute everything and they count on that.

Like the saying goes, a lie travels half way around the world before truth can get it's shoes on.

The Palestinians/Hamas aren't "victims.". I think this time Israel won't stop until they complete the mission
There is no Palestine. Never has been, never will be.
If that were true (it isn't), there would be no Jewish homeland (not state) in Palestine today.:

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia.

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a 'national home for the Jewish people' in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population."

Got it?
Israel was established in Palestine.
If that were true (it isn't), there would be no Jewish homeland (not state) in Palestine today.:

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia.

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a 'national home for the Jewish people' in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population."

Got it?
Israel was established in Palestine.

The Jews have lived in Israel for over 4,000 years. The pali's invaded a little less than 200 years ago. Their original home land is the southern tip of the Sinai.

THEY are the invaders.

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