WCNSF: Wounded Child No Surviving Family

If that were true (it isn't), there would be no Jewish homeland (not state) in Palestine today.:

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia.

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a 'national home for the Jewish people' in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population."

Got it?
Israel was established in Palestine.

Cutting and pasting from wiki leaves you at a disadvantage.

What you cut and paste from wiki doesn't identify that the loosely defined geographic area you call 'Palestine' was, for more than a thousand years before WW1, a Vilayet of Syria, ruled by the Ottoman Empire. There was never any sovereign territory of any 'Palestinian' entity. So, do some more wiki cutting and pasting and identify for us when your imagined ''Magical Kingdom of Pallyland'' ever existed.
War crimes like the one you allege would not have happened without the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israeli Jews. Hundreds of thousands of someone else's daughters have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by Jews intent on stealing the land of Gaza. If you had any real concern for peace in Palestine, you would be calling for Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestine. But you won't, will you?
…….and women wearing short skirts promote rape, right?
Jews started this war in 1948 when they began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by displacing 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts. Palestinians know this, and they will never stop fighting against the ethnic cleansing; what would you do in their place?

Hamas overran the Israeli military base inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza on October 7th, killing hundreds of IDF forces; hundreds more were killed by "friendly fire" while retaking the facility. Hamas also killed civilians, many of whom have been living on stolen Arab land for generations.

Israel is inflicting an illegal occupation on Palestine.
Hamas is resisting that war crime.
Why do you side with the aggressor?
What happened in 1948 has nothing to do with what happened on October 7th 2023. When you start a war there is going to be death and destruction which includes civilians anyone who doesn’t understand this is either a fool a liar or both.
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That kid ins going to grow up hating the Israelis. Just like the Iranian Mullahs want him to do.

Thank you President Potatohead for empowering the Mullahs. This is what your stupidity bought.
Palestinians have experienced 75 years of ethnic cleansing at the hands of Israeli Jews; do you really believe they need to think even once about what their sworn enemy really is?

Palestinians have a legal right to violently resist an illegal occupation/blockade. Israel has no legal right to inflict such an occupation/blockade.

Next time Palestinians kill their occupiers in Palestine they may have some significant help:
VIDEO : Fact-check: Have Turkey and Iran declared war on Israel?
Always remember - ISRAEL was attacked, and it's response in regards to that attack is very much justified, so bringing up the history is just an excuse to justify the horrendous attack.

If the Arab world figures that Israel was abusing the so called Palastinian's, then it had a responsibility to unite year's ago in order to bring the case as a unified group, but something is wrong isn't there ? It's the same wrong that caused these Arab nation's to not open their arms to the refugees, and in Egypt's case it was not to open the Jaffa gate. Now tell the class what's wrong with the Palastinian's ??

Why did the Muslim brotherhood get struck down in Egypt, and Morsi got arrested with his comrades in Egypt ?

Yes tell us why the Arab nation's are split between Suni and Shiite etc. If you can't unify under one umbrella, then why is this ? The word is that a family that prays together stays together, but a house divided will fall.

Stop blaming Israel for the problems in the Islamic world, and making Israel to have to deal with those problems in these ways. You think Israel likes war ?? You are wrong if you say yes, but Israel isn't coward's if a war comes knocking at their door ...
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What happened in 1948 has nothing to do with what happened on October 7th 2023. When you start a war there is going to be death and destruction which includes civilians anyone who doesn’t understand this is either a fool a liar or both.
Think about it this way - what if all of a sudden the anti-white activist black population here in the USA, had staged an attack on the white race from inside their (let's use the term hoods in this hypothetical), and then the next thing ya know - surprise - the white's, blacks, and other races made up of those identifying as Americans (being unified as Americans who are of course color blind), went quickly to destroy the anti-white hateful black racist (those guilty), and did so against those who were identified as combatants within the hoods who attacked the whites for some outdated reasoning, otherwise by locking each and everyone of them up that were involved in the attack....

Now would the excuse fly as is being used in the case of the Palastinians, otherwise that they did it because they were just attacking the white oppressor's for the 200 year's of oppression and slavery ????

No it wouldn't, because time changes everything, and the new generations are not the same as the generations that came 75, 100 or 200 year's ago. It's ludicrous to use excuses like this. Period.

Everything and everyone is a work in progress, even though forces are always trying to seduce people to war, chaos, and disorder, the people must resist them.
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We are watching one of the greatest war crimes in recent memory. Appallingly many Americans support it.

Thankfully 66% of Americans want a ceasefire, but their politicians and corporate media oppose it. So much for the US being a democracy.
Majority of Americans, Republicans Support Israel Ceasefire: Poll

The majority of fucking Americans couldn't find Israel on a map.

They say what they are told to say. NOBODY I know thinks Israel should stop until Hamas is gone or Gaza is glass.
The majority of fucking Americans couldn't find Israel on a map.

They say what they are told to say. NOBODY I know thinks Israel should stop until Hamas is gone or Gaza is glass.
You know me. Ceasefire now. Stop the GENOCIDE!

If you are so dense as to believe the mass murder of innocent women and children is killing Hamas, you’re out there were the busses don’t run.
The majority of fucking Americans couldn't find Israel on a map.

They say what they are told to say. NOBODY I know thinks Israel should stop until Hamas is gone or Gaza is glass.
How many lies must you be told before to realize they always lie about war?

Did you believe all these lies?
…….and women wearing short skirts promote rape, right?
Authoritarian states like Iran deny women the right to wear short skirts in the same way Israel denies self-determination to Arabs on the West Bank and Gaza and then declares war on the women and children it has a responsibility and duty under international law to protect.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation.

"It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation.

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them.

"These contradictory policies (occupying a land and then declaring war on it) make the Palestinian population doubly vulnerable."
What happened in 1948 has nothing to do with what happened on October 7th 2023. When you start a war there is going to be death and destruction which includes civilians anyone who doesn’t understand this is either a fool a liar or both.
The war in 1948 began with ethnic cleansing, and that illegal campaign has continued uninterrupted until today. Since 1967 Israel has been the occupying power over the West Bank and Gaza.

In the former, the IDF rules as a military dictatorship.

In Gaza, Israel relies on effective control of land borders, coastal waters, airspace, and population registry to control the lives of 2 million Palestinians living inside a concentration camp.

As long as the illegal occupation which began in 1967 continues, Palestinians have a legal/human right to violently resist.
Think about it this way - what if all of a sudden the anti-white activist black population here in the USA, had staged an attack on the white race from inside their (let's use the term hoods in this hypothetical), and then the next thing ya know - surprise - the white's, blacks, and other races made up of those identifying as Americans (being unified as Americans who are of course color blind), went quickly to destroy the anti-white hateful black racist (those guilty), and did so against those who were identified as combatants within the hoods who attacked the whites for some outdated reasoning, otherwise by locking each and everyone of them up that were involved in the attack....

Now would the excuse fly as is being used in the case of the Palastinians, otherwise that they did it because they were just attacking the white oppressor's for the 200 year's of oppression and slavery ????

No it wouldn't, because time changes everything, and the new generations are not the same as the generations that came 75, 100 or 200 year's ago. It's ludicrous to use excuses like this. Period.

Everything and everyone is a work in progress, even though forces are always trying to seduce people to war, chaos, and disorder, the people must resist them.
The war in 1948 began with ethnic cleansing, and that illegal campaign has continued uninterrupted until today. Since 1967 Israel has been the occupying power over the West Bank and Gaza.

In the former, the IDF rules as a military dictatorship.

In Gaza, Israel relies on effective control of land borders, coastal waters, airspace, and population registry to control the lives of 2 million Palestinians living inside a concentration camp.

As long as the illegal occupation which began in 1967 continues, Palestinians have a legal/human right to violently resist.
Israel removed the army and Israeli settlers in 2005 Hamas won elections in 2006 and have been the government and running Gaza ever since.
The war crimes in Gaza roll on.
How many more children will wish they had died with their parents?

Childrenâs mental health in Gaza pushed beyond breaking point after nearly a month of siege and bombardment | Save the Children International

Over the past month, 4,008 children have been killed in Gaza, with a further 1,270 children missing, presumed buried under the rubble. A further 43 children have been killed in the occupied West Bank, and 31 children killed in Israel, while media reports indicate that around 30 children are being held hostage..."

"The Ministry of Health in Gaza reports that 444 families have lost two to five members to the violence in the last four weeks, including 192 families who have lost 10 or more members, leaving many children without family support – a critical coping mechanism for children experiencing trauma.

"Medical professionals in Gaza including Médecins Sans Frontiers/Doctors without Borders have shared that the number of children without surviving family members arriving for medical care is so high that a new acronym has been coined to identify them – 'WCNSF' (Wounded Child No Surviving Family)."
It's horrendous.

But Israel wont stop.

We are watching one of the greatest war crimes in recent memory. Appallingly many Americans support it.

Thankfully 66% of Americans want a ceasefire, but their politicians and corporate media oppose it. So much for the US being a democracy.
Majority of Americans, Republicans Support Israel Ceasefire: Poll
The money we spend to murder people the world over COULD be used for healthcare and affordable housing.

But that would be crazy, right?
The money we spend to murder people the world over COULD be used for healthcare and affordable housing.

But that would be crazy, right?
Yeah what a crazy idea. Give the people what they want rather than giving everything to the 1%. Somehow many Americans don’t see the scam being perpetrated on them.
It's horrendous.

But Israel wont stop.

It’s telling that many Americans who support our government’s actions in Ukraine also support its actions in Israel. These people never learn. Duped every time.

Those who believe that the Israel/Gaza war began on Oct. 7 have the same level of historical understanding as those who think the Russia/Ukraine/NATO conflict started on Feb. 24, 2022, or those who think the conflict between the US and parts of the Muslim world started on 9/11. Glenn Greenwald

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