We abandoned the Afghan women

ā€˜We defeated ourselvesā€™: Trumpā€™s national security adviser says Pompeo signed ā€˜surrender agreementā€™ with Taliban​

HR McMaster, one of Donald Trumpā€™s former national security advisers, has condemned the deal struck with the Taliban during the previous administration as a ā€œsurrender agreementā€.

ā€œOur secretary of state [Mike Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,ā€ Mr McMaster said on Bari Weissā€™ podcast Honestly.

ā€œThis collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didnā€™t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.ā€

Mr McMaster has hit out at both the Trump and Biden administrations for their handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, but he has long been critical of the agreement signed during his former bossā€™s term in office.

The retired US Army lieutenant general is one of many former senior Trump officials who have sought to distance themselves from the Taliban peace deal that was signed in February 2020, as chaos gripped the capital Kabul over the past week.

you showed nothing. are you saying that Trump took over at the very lowest point on that graph?
No, I said he took over in 2017....it didn't reach the record lows until 2019, after a Trump and the GOP policies were really in place that we saw record lows

Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low​

Black unemployment rate falls to a record low​

No, I said he took over in 2017....it didn't reach the record lows until 2019, after a Trump and the GOP policies were really in place that we saw record lows

Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low​

Black unemployment rate falls to a record low​

What policies specifically and how did those policies differ from the ones that lead to a 63% reduction in black UE in the 6 years prior to Trump taking office?
What policies specifically and how did those policies differ from the ones that lead to a 63% reduction in black UE in the 6 years prior to Trump taking office?
Cut taxes on all americans and businesses.

Cut regulations to make it easier for businesses to do business

That specific enough for you?

Under Obama, we saw some of the highest level of UE for minorities, and well the public in general when the Dems also controlled the Congress...it got over 10 percent in Obama's second year in office, and the Dems 4th controlling Congress.
Cut taxes on all americans and businesses.

Cut regulations to make it easier for businesses to do business

That specific enough for you?

Under Obama, we saw some of the highest level of UE for minorities, and well the public in general when the Dems also controlled the Congress...it got over 10 percent in Obama's second year in office, and the Dems 4th controlling Congress.

No, not really very specific at all, just party talking points.

Under Obama black UE fell by more than 63%. Under Trump it was higher when he left office than when he started. Trump had a total of 3 months out of his 48 where Black UE was lower than it is now.
No, not really very specific at all, just party talking points.

Under Obama black UE fell by more than 63%. Under Trump it was higher when he left office than when he started. Trump had a total of 3 months out of his 48 where Black UE was lower than it is now.
what's unspecific about it? Cut taxes on all working Americans, and businesses. Not sure how I can be more specific then that....
what's unspecific about it? Cut taxes on all working Americans, and businesses. Not sure how I can be more specific then that....

The problem is there is no data at all to suggest the tax cuts lead to an increase in jobs. 2019 for example, the year after the tax cuts had the fewest jobs created in almost a decade.
1) but the GOP doesn't...as you highlighted, and I have highlighted.
We are not talking about 1865, we are speaking of recent history.
2) I am not talking about Bush 43....these numbers happened two years after he left office, and four years into a Dem Congress. Try again.
Of course they happened when Pres Obama came into office, because he was handed a recession. He handed off a great economy to Trump.
The problem is there is no data at all to suggest the tax cuts lead to an increase in jobs. 2019 for example, the year after the tax cuts had the fewest jobs created in almost a decade.
you mean other then there was an increase? hahhahaha
We are not talking about 1865, we are speaking of recent history.

Of course they happened when Pres Obama came into office, because he was handed a recession. He handed off a great economy to Trump.
yeah....i've made it clear the Dems are new to this entire idea of african-americans having civil rights and being able to have high office.

While, I do think it's progress that your party of the klan finally caught on, the GOP has been doing this for over a hundred years
you mean other then there was an increase? hahhahaha

There was not.

In the two years after the tax cuts and before COVID we averaged 2,130,000 jobs added per year. The 5 years before the tax cuts we averaged 2,491,000 per year.
yeah....i've made it clear the Dems are new to this entire idea of african-americans having civil rights and being able to have high office.

While, I do think it's progress that your party of the klan finally caught on, the GOP has been doing this for over a hundred years
Sad, you can't even defend that weak bullshit. The GOP has done nothing for black folks in the last 50yrs which is why you keep going to the 1800s.
Sad, you can't even defend that weak bullshit. The GOP has done nothing for black folks in the last 50yrs which is why you keep going to the 1800s.
I literally just defended it. You claim to fame on the Dems, is that they finally joined the GOP on ONE civil rights bill.....and finally started doign what the GOP has been doing for over hundred plus years.

It's sad you don't see that, but I guess your master won't let you
I literally just defended it. You claim to fame on the Dems, is that they finally joined the GOP on ONE civil rights bill.....and finally started doign what the GOP has been doing for over hundred plus years.

It's sad you don't see that, but I guess your master won't let you
Tell me how many Black Republican Congressmen and Black Senators there has been in the GOP since 1970 and that will literally show you are full of shit. In total the GOP has elected 3 Black Senators and 7 Black Congressmen since 1970.

Yea the GOP is definitely the party of inclusion.

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