We Are a Christian Nation

And as a Christian nation, our thoughts and prayers go out to the school children in Nashville.

---Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R—Oak Ridge)
Heartbroken by the tragic shooting in Nashville. Praying for the families of those who have died as well as all parents, students and staff. Thankful for the work of law enforcement who stopped the perpetrator and tended to the wounded. All in Nashville are in my thoughts today.---

We are a secular nation where most of our citizens claim to be christian.
They are the only ones who commit mass shootings that we can demonize the easiest.....

Yea, mostly men commit these shootings, but try demonizing them? It will affect too many people who are good.....

There was a time we use to be able to do this with blacks in order to get tougher laws passed against them...but

Conservatives got weak and fell victim to Civil Rights stuff...but darkies are not civil, so they aren't entitled to civil rights...the whole point of oppressing them was meant to teach them to be civil....

It's too late for that now....but at least with trannies, we have a chance to root them out

I see people claiming trannies are the ones doing the shooting. But there are plenty who did that were not trans.
I see people claiming that men are the ones doing the shooting. But they are not the only shooters.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like all the shooters had at least one gun. I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. But the longer you try to blame these killings on bullshit, the greater the chance that the anti-2nd amendment types will find a way to remove it.
I see people claiming trannies are the ones doing the shooting. But there are plenty who did that were not trans.
I see people claiming that men are the ones doing the shooting. But they are not the only shooters.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like all the shooters had at least one gun. I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. But the longer you try to blame these killings on bullshit, the greater the chance that the anti-2nd amendment types will find a way to remove it.
We are a nation where any angry loon with a grudge can get a mass destruction weapon easily.
Mass shootings are the price we pay for living in a free country.

And yet... The UK manages to have a free society without mass shootings all the time.

One this year, nobody died
One last year, one person died
One in 2021 where six people died.
17 people died in the previous decade from two incidents.

The US has a population 5 times the UK's, so in the past 13 years the 24 people would amount to 120 people in the US.

The USA is on 42 THIS YEAR ALONE and it's only the first quarter.Go back to Uvlade in May last year to reach 120. So, in the last 11 months, the US has had what the FREE COUNTRY of the UK has had in 12 years 3 months.

Something tells me that people could easily have freedom AND not have their freedom taken away in all these shootings.
Everybody's heart goes out to the victims in Nashville. If you believe in prayer, then by all means pray for them. While thoughts and prayers can help many get through such a heinous act, they haven't done much to prevent more mass shootigs from happening. All caring people should see that we need to do more.
Yea, sure.

Surely Christians should LOVE everyone, including transexuals....
To love thy neighbor does not mean spreading lies, or accepting sin. Telling the truth to them is how you love them. Of course when people tell trannies, or anyone else on the left the truth, it drives them insane.
To love thy neighbor does not mean spreading lies, or accepting sin. Telling the truth to them is how you love them. Of course when people tell trannies, or anyone else on the left the truth, it drives them insane.
The truth is that your evil, hate filled version of Christianity is nothing like Jesus taught. You should be ashamed.
The truth is that your evil, hate filled version of Christianity is nothing like Jesus taught. You should be ashamed.
Can you prove this?

So according to you we should accept lies and spread lies? This is what Jesus taught? Please cite these scriptures.
Can you prove this?

So according to you we should accept lies and spread lies? This is what Jesus taught? Please cite these scriptures.
That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say your version of Christianity is evil and hate filled. I said nothing to imply we should accept or spread lies, but your twisted religious nut/MAGA brain accused me of that anyway. That's evil and dishonest, and certainly not behavior that Jesus taught. Your version of Christianity is an abomination compared to Jesus teachings.
That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say your version of Christianity is evil and hate filled. I said nothing to imply we should accept or spread lies, but your twisted religious nut/MAGA brain accused me of that anyway. That's evil and dishonest, and certainly not behavior that Jesus taught. Your version of Christianity is an abomination compared to Jesus teachings.
Liar. I wasn’t even responding to anything you said. I was responding to someone else that said we must “love transsexuals” and explained what that means. Then YOU accused me of hate. I asked YOU to provide an actual example and to cite the Bible, yet you can’t. You simply claim “my version” of Christianity is wrong.
That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say your version of Christianity is evil and hate filled. I said nothing to imply we should accept or spread lies, but your twisted religious nut/MAGA brain accused me of that anyway. That's evil and dishonest, and certainly not behavior that Jesus taught. Your version of Christianity is an abomination compared to Jesus teachings.
And you want to bash us Christians just because we don't want your gun laws.
And as a Christian nation, our thoughts and prayers go out to the school children in Nashville.

---Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R—Oak Ridge)
Heartbroken by the tragic shooting in Nashville. Praying for the families of those who have died as well as all parents, students and staff. Thankful for the work of law enforcement who stopped the perpetrator and tended to the wounded. All in Nashville are in my thoughts today.---

Nope. If this was EVER a Christian Nation we would have never done many of atrocities throughout our history. If you want a great read from a well educated author, theologian and pastor, read this:

Amazon product ASIN 0310267315
To love thy neighbor does not mean spreading lies, or accepting sin. Telling the truth to them is how you love them. Of course when people tell trannies, or anyone else on the left the truth, it drives them insane.
Christians can love everyone.
Christians are allowed to believe in sin and what constitutes sin based on the teachings they follow
There is this idea that Christians should correct sinners at every turn. It's not needed and is God going to be upset or disappointed if in a moment, a Christian is silent to sin, but instead loud in their love towards that person?

One's own truth isn't always your neighbor's.

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