We Are a Christian Nation

Liar. I wasn’t even responding to anything you said. I was responding to someone else that said we must “love transsexuals” and explained what that means. Then YOU accused me of hate. I asked YOU to provide an actual example and to cite the Bible, yet you can’t. You simply claim “my version” of Christianity is wrong.
Then why didn't you direct your remark to them instead of me, you pathetic little worm? No, you are a vile person bastardizing a warm forgiving religion to excuse your hateful behavior.
And you want to bash us Christians just because we don't want your gun laws.
Nope. I bash you because you are hateful hypocrites who are nothing like Jesus, who your reigion is suppoed to be based on. If you are also a gun nut, I'll bash you for that too.
Then why didn't you direct your remark to them instead of me, you pathetic little worm? No, you are a vile person bastardizing a warm forgiving religion to excuse your hateful behavior.
I did liar. I was responding to them, you then butted in.

See post #31

Now, since YOU had a problem with this statement, let’s see YOU explain how a Christian is supposed to love his transsexual neighbor.
Nope. If this was EVER a Christian Nation we would have never done many of atrocities throughout our history. If you want a great read from a well educated author, theologian and pastor, read this:

Amazon product ASIN 0310267315
Which atrocities, specifically? You can be sure it wasn’t Christianity that inspired any atrocities.
In fact, it was the introduction of Christianity into this hemisphere which ultimately supplanted the cycle of centuries of genocide by indigenous in North America of previous tribes with the creation of reservations.
I did liar. I was responding to them, you then butted in.

See post #31

Now, since YOU had a problem with this statement, let’s see YOU explain how a Christian is supposed to love his transsexual neighbor.
You're either lying again, or you are even more stupid than I thought. Below is your post directed at me, dumb ass
And as a Christian nation, our thoughts and prayers go out to the school children in Nashville.

---Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R—Oak Ridge)
Heartbroken by the tragic shooting in Nashville. Praying for the families of those who have died as well as all parents, students and staff. Thankful for the work of law enforcement who stopped the perpetrator and tended to the wounded. All in Nashville are in my thoughts today.---

I say you not as you would believe kids as they are. Prayers won't go to the childs in Nashville, prayers are the only thing you got. what thoughts you have, only a transgender did such a hideous crime, like many a boys.
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LOL that is me responding to your quote of me. I like how you just totally ignore that. You really are dumber than a box of rocks.
Your definitionof truth is bullshit. I called you on that dumbass. You pathetic lying hypocrite religous nutjobs. aren't capable of admitting you fucked up.
Your definitionof truth is bullshit. I called you on that dumbass. You pathetic lying hypocrite religous nutjobs. aren't capable of admitting you fucked up.
The fact is while you rail against Christians you follow Luciferian agendas. We are gods on earth by that thinking while not following the laws of God in heaven. So, then we get into faith. The globalist and their power surrogates did this. Males do not have the cajones to stop Prog Socialist women. At least yet.
Interesting how athiests and agnostics know more about what is in the bible than religious nutjobs do.
Neither of you have proven any knowledge of what is in the Bible.

Feel free to educate us all on how Jesus would accept something like ”transgenderism” or homosexuality.
Neither of you have proven any knowledge of what is in the Bible.

Feel free to educate us all on how Jesus would accept something like ”transgenderism” or homosexuality.
You can't even keep up with who you are responding to. Not my job to educate an idiot. I would rather just laugh at you, and point out the wrong things you post.
And who are the crazies?
Have you ever seen a mass shooter that didn't have a dozen people come out and say "I'm not surprised. He or she was always off."

The tranny that just killed 6 people is an ideal example. The fool thinks she can defy biology.
Have you ever seen a mass shooter that didn't have a dozen people come out and say "I'm not surprised. He or she was always off."

The tranny that just killed 6 people is an ideal example. The fool thinks she can defy biology.

I don't think I've ever seen a mass shooter.

I've met plenty of people who would meet the criteria for those who wouldn't be surprised if they did something.
So we just lock them all up for no reason?
I mean, the US already has record numbers of prisoners in the world without locking up those who haven't done anything yet.

Ever wonder why other countries have less? Is it they have less crazies?

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