We Are All Casualties In This Socialist/Progressive War On America...

lol, the new leftist accusations, it's us who are spreading hate and Division.

I wonder what you called all those anti-war protesters, Keith Olbermann, moveon.org, mediamatters, etc etc etc. spreading LOVE.:lol:

you are obviously completly ignorant of what has been going on for the past 20 years

perhaps you are too stupid to vote?

I do not deny that there is hate and division being spread by leftists

but I have been following limbaugh and his ilk since 1989

and those guys wrote the book on "winning political victories by spreading hate and division"

your denying it because you are an ignorant moron doesn't make it any less true.

I don't know why I even bother to respond to your posts

you are obviously too (inferior) stupid to bother with

Atta boy...just demean her...ridicule...that's the ticket. And by the way it is the leftists that have used the Politics of Destruction when it comes to their opponents...it's been part of their playbook for decades.

Nice deflection and projection though. I gotta give you that much boy.


another moronicon heard from

just how many stupid people are there out there?

"Atta boy...just demean her...ridicule...that's the ti"cket."

glad you approve.

I, myself, having been the target of ridicule, personal attacks, insults and abusive language from people like you for the past 20 years must confess that I owe my delightful technique to conservatives. They taught me well!

" And by the way it is the leftists that have used the Politics of Destruction when it comes to their opponents...it's been part of their playbook for decades."

I can't actually speak about that since I am NOT a leftist
I don't KNOW any leftists
and there are NO leftists radio stations spouting hatred, ridicule and mockery in my area

there ARE, however, you ignorant little twit, LOTS of CONSERVATIVE radio stations spouting hate, mocking and ridiculing ALL Liberals (even those who are NOT leftist)

nice deflection on YOUR part
you get to reprimand me for crimes that you forgive in your moronicon friends
without having to show what an idiot you are by actually voicing a stupid opinion

very clever on your part

please note: thouigh I steadfastly maintain that moronicons are slime, scum and deranged hatefilled lunatics.....I do recognize how deviously clever they can be
I was willing to give this President the benefit of the doubt in the beginning but watching him attack.....

BS!!.....LOL. I'd be shocked if you could show ONE single post where you backed the president or approved of what he was doing. Stop pretending like you are open minded and willing to hear opinions that differ from your own.

Yes, unlike you guys on the left who always listen to others opinions and then tell them how stupid they are and that you know best?

I was willing to give this President the benefit of the doubt in the beginning but watching him attack.....

BS!!.....LOL. I'd be shocked if you could show ONE single post where you backed the president or approved of what he was doing. Stop pretending like you are open minded and willing to hear opinions that differ from your own.

Yes, unlike you guys on the left who always listen to others opinions and then tell them how stupid they are and that you know best?


we do that because it is true

it appears to me that you cons behave the same way and I can only assume it is because you suck

are you capable of admitting that you think liberals are stupid?

don't you truly believe that YOU and your fellow moronicons KNOW BEST?

or do you intend to lie about it now.....


we feel the same away about you

so stop whining about it
it's rather pathetic

this tendency of moronicons to whine about liberals calling them stupid
and then turn around and call all iberals stupid...

it shows what deranged lunatics you truly are
you are obviously completly ignorant of what has been going on for the past 20 years

perhaps you are too stupid to vote?

I do not deny that there is hate and division being spread by leftists

but I have been following limbaugh and his ilk since 1989

and those guys wrote the book on "winning political victories by spreading hate and division"

your denying it because you are an ignorant moron doesn't make it any less true.

I don't know why I even bother to respond to your posts

you are obviously too (inferior) stupid to bother with

Atta boy...just demean her...ridicule...that's the ticket. And by the way it is the leftists that have used the Politics of Destruction when it comes to their opponents...it's been part of their playbook for decades.

Nice deflection and projection though. I gotta give you that much boy.


another moronicon heard from

just how many stupid people are there out there?

"Atta boy...just demean her...ridicule...that's the ti"cket."

glad you approve.

I, myself, having been the target of ridicule, personal attacks, insults and abusive language from people like you for the past 20 years must confess that I owe my delightful technique to conservatives. They taught me well!

" And by the way it is the leftists that have used the Politics of Destruction when it comes to their opponents...it's been part of their playbook for decades."

I can't actually speak about that since I am NOT a leftist
I don't KNOW any leftists
and there are NO leftists radio stations spouting hatred, ridicule and mockery in my area

there ARE, however, you ignorant little twit, LOTS of CONSERVATIVE radio stations spouting hate, mocking and ridiculing ALL Liberals (even those who are NOT leftist)

nice deflection on YOUR part
you get to reprimand me for crimes that you forgive in your moronicon friends
without having to show what an idiot you are by actually voicing a stupid opinion

very clever on your part

please note: thouigh I steadfastly maintain that moronicons are slime, scum and deranged hatefilled lunatics.....I do recognize how deviously clever they can be

You project yourself very well. Thanks.
I just love this back and forth. You are crazy....our guy knows best...no you are crazy our guy does....

Wrong none of them do.

Fucking throw them all out.
We are all casualties. Some will always choose to live in denial though. They can't be helped unfortunately. The Socialists/Progressives are systematically taking our Freedom & Liberty away. They are pitting American against American to increase their power. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' if anyone is interested in learning more about these people. Attacking and suing his own fellow Americans in Arizona on behalf of a foreign Government and Illegals is classic Saul Alinsky. They have to divide the people in order to conquer. Hopefully more Americans will figure this stuff out and give the Socialists/Progressives the boot once and for all. 2010 could be the beginning of some real change. I guess we'll see though.
I just love this back and forth. You are crazy....our guy knows best...no you are crazy our guy does....

Wrong none of them do.

Fucking throw them all out.

Exactly. Sure there will be some fairly decent Constitutionalists thrown out...but an enema for the District Of Criminals is the only prescription.
Oh how proud Saul Alinsky must be looking up watching his disciples in the Democratic Party continue to divide and conquer. They have obeyed his 'Rules for Radicals' with absolute obedience and have been incredibly successful in spreading their hate & division all across the land. They have labeled anyone who dares to resist & protest as being "Racists" and "Un-American Nazis." Of course the Liberal dominated MSM has been all too willing to go along in this as well. They have successfully pitted American against American in a way no one previously thought possible.

They have scored some victories for themselves with their destructive strategy but they have also changed our nation for the worse in the process. The dirty tricks used by this Dem-led Congress to pass their Health Care Bill was truly sad and unprecedented. It really has left a bitter taste in the mouths of Millions of Americans. They had to resort to actually labelling Americans "Evil Racists" and Un-American Nazis" to get support for their failure. How can that ever be forgotten or forgiven? So while Alinsky's disciples go on celebrating their victories,much of America goes on lamenting what they have done to our nation. In the end we have all lost more of our Freedoms & Liberties under this Socialist rule. Many may not know it but we are all casualties in this Socialist/Progressive War on America.

One of the greatest OP's ever!

We need to be dedicated, vigilant and we need to realize it will take a generation, not just one election to undo the massive damage Progressive have inflicted

Lol, Frink. I just can't ever get enough of you. Somebody actually found one of Libocolypse's posts insightful. Shouldn't be surprised it was you!:lol:

OK let's get down to it, what massage damages have us Progressives inflicted, and how can good Americans like you begin to fix them?
You are also a casualty in this Socialist/Progressive War on America. You just don't know it. :(

it's pretty hot out side


my wife and I had lunch by the pool

after which we floated around on those rubber things for awhile

staying nice and cool


i'm planning on something nice for dinner (not sure what...I love to cook and generally I have fun with whatever happens to be in the frig)

maybe we'll go to a movie tonight

or just out to one of the local pubs for some acoustic music

we could just stay home and watch a movie on the BIG WIDE SCREEN HD TV!

if you wern't a conservative I would feel bad for you living in a cave, no electricity, no money, all of your rights taken away from you

since I've had to endure your abuse and lies
your current situation as a communist slave doesn't bother me at all....

I'm saving up my money
gonna buy me one of those conservative slaves who've lost all of their rights and freedoms and force him to be a gay atheist!

maybe I'll buy you!

Yes, the government boogie monster who takes away all our rights and makes us slaves apparently doesn't live in my neighborhood either. But if there's any place where idiots in numbers can make it so... USMB is that place! :)
BS!!.....LOL. I'd be shocked if you could show ONE single post where you backed the president or approved of what he was doing. Stop pretending like you are open minded and willing to hear opinions that differ from your own.

Yes, unlike you guys on the left who always listen to others opinions and then tell them how stupid they are and that you know best?


we do that because it is true

ROFLMAO thanks for he laugh. So you actually believe it.

I just love this back and forth. You are crazy....our guy knows best...no you are crazy our guy does....

Wrong none of them do.

Fucking throw them all out.

Exactly. Sure there will be some fairly decent Constitutionalists thrown out...but an enema for the District Of Criminals is the only prescription.

You know, since I first joined here, I've always been perplexed at a real life Levin disciple, but this exchange in this thread has got me thinkin'...

Are you ACTUALLY Mark Levin?

As much of a loser as he is, it would not surprise me one bit if he'd sought out USMB as a venue where people would actually listen to the psychotic verbal diarrhea that spews out his mouth on a daily basis. And you really do sound just like him- I'd even call it eerie to read your posts.

If you really are Levin, PM me please. I'm curious if you know my grandfather from Temple. :lol::lol:
I just love this back and forth. You are crazy....our guy knows best...no you are crazy our guy does....

Wrong none of them do.

Fucking throw them all out.

Exactly. Sure there will be some fairly decent Constitutionalists thrown out...but an enema for the District Of Criminals is the only prescription.

You know, since I first joined here, I've always been perplexed at a real life Levin disciple, but this exchange in this thread has got me thinkin'...

Are you ACTUALLY Mark Levin?

As much of a loser as he is, it would not surprise me one bit if he'd sought out USMB as a venue where people would actually listen to the psychotic verbal diarrhea that spews out his mouth on a daily basis. And you really do sound just like him- I'd even call it eerie to read your posts.

If you really are Levin, PM me please. I'm curious if you know my grandfather from Temple. :lol::lol:

Get back in your cage drone.
Exactly. Sure there will be some fairly decent Constitutionalists thrown out...but an enema for the District Of Criminals is the only prescription.

You know, since I first joined here, I've always been perplexed at a real life Levin disciple, but this exchange in this thread has got me thinkin'...

Are you ACTUALLY Mark Levin?

As much of a loser as he is, it would not surprise me one bit if he'd sought out USMB as a venue where people would actually listen to the psychotic verbal diarrhea that spews out his mouth on a daily basis. And you really do sound just like him- I'd even call it eerie to read your posts.

If you really are Levin, PM me please. I'm curious if you know my grandfather from Temple. :lol::lol:

Get back in your cage drone.

Make me.
Oh how proud Saul Alinsky must be looking up watching his disciples in the Democratic Party continue to divide and conquer. They have obeyed his 'Rules for Radicals' with absolute obedience and have been incredibly successful in spreading their hate & division all across the land. They have labeled anyone who dares to resist & protest as being "Racists" and "Un-American Nazis." Of course the Liberal dominated MSM has been all too willing to go along in this as well. They have successfully pitted American against American in a way no one previously thought possible.

They have scored some victories for themselves with their destructive strategy but they have also changed our nation for the worse in the process. The dirty tricks used by this Dem-led Congress to pass their Health Care Bill was truly sad and unprecedented. It really has left a bitter taste in the mouths of Millions of Americans. They had to resort to actually labelling Americans "Evil Racists" and Un-American Nazis" to get support for their failure. How can that ever be forgotten or forgiven? So while Alinsky's disciples go on celebrating their victories,much of America goes on lamenting what they have done to our nation. In the end we have all lost more of our Freedoms & Liberties under this Socialist rule. Many may not know it but we are all casualties in this Socialist/Progressive War on America.

Casualities? War? Drama Queen.
You know, since I first joined here, I've always been perplexed at a real life Levin disciple, but this exchange in this thread has got me thinkin'...

Are you ACTUALLY Mark Levin?

As much of a loser as he is, it would not surprise me one bit if he'd sought out USMB as a venue where people would actually listen to the psychotic verbal diarrhea that spews out his mouth on a daily basis. And you really do sound just like him- I'd even call it eerie to read your posts.

If you really are Levin, PM me please. I'm curious if you know my grandfather from Temple. :lol::lol:

Get back in your cage drone.

Make me.

LOL! Too funny.
Yes, unlike you guys on the left who always listen to others opinions and then tell them how stupid they are and that you know best?


we do that because it is true

ROFLMAO thanks for he laugh. So you actually believe it.


of course I believe it.

cons are forever claiming that liberals are stupid
(you are not so stupid that you don't know this, are you?)

I have no doubt that they actually believe it when they say it....

and I know for certain that MOST liberals are not stupid

we merely have different opinions, ideas, beliefs....

we come from different perspectives...

only a truly STUPID person would be too stupid to realize that most liberals are not actually stupid

since most cons do think that....

it follows....

that MOST cons are stupid

we call cons stupid because they ARE stupid

while cons call US stupid because they are too stupid to see that it is really THEY who are the stupid ones...

got it?

let's face it
even the stupidest person on the planet (no doubt a member of the tea party or the conservative movement) thinks he is REALLY SMART

what a stupdi think to think....
This Administration is clearly enjoying pitting American against American. Attacking and suing their own people in Arizona and then implementing a punitive tax on indoor tanning owners and their customers? Why make indoor tanning owners and their customers our enemies? These are just small business owners trying to make a living. They are our fellow Americans for God's sake,not our enemies. Why attack them this way? These are just some recent examples of the Mao Tse Tung & Saul Alinsky way. The Socialists/Democrats are clearly out of control at this point. Time to give em the boot. Make it happen in 2010 America!
This Administration is clearly enjoying pitting American against American. Attacking and suing their own people in Arizona and then implementing a punitive tax on indoor tanning owners and their customers? Why make indoor tanning owners and their customers our enemies? These are just small business owners trying to make a living. They are our fellow Americans for God's sake,not our enemies. Why attack them this way? These are just some recent examples of the Mao Tse Tung & Saul Alinsky way. The Socialists/Democrats are clearly out of control at this point. Time to give em the boot. Make it happen in 2010 America!

And as he went on the Apology Tour of 2009...it all fits. He is attacking American Exceptionalism. The only way to defeat him and his Statist ways is indeed to purge the entire Congress.
Yea it's all about polarizing and dividing the people for this Administration. It's just what Saul Alinsky taught his Community Organizers. It's all in his 'Rules for Radicals.' It really is very sad.

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