We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

What I posted was in quotes. You ignored it. You know...like you continuing to ignore me when I ask you to explain why it's OK for a sitting President to use his DOJ to go after his chief political rival for something that he himself is far more guilty of?
I didn’t ignore anything, I explained why your quote is not relevant.

This is what I said:
NARA may lack the authority to seize anything from anyone, but the DoJ doesn’t.

Trump didn’t receive a subpoena from NARA. He received a grand jury subpoena from the DoJ. Your judicial watch case is civil. Trump’s is criminal. This isn’t administrative law. This is criminal law.

Please don’t lie about my argument.
Congratulations, you're a pretzel.

No amount of twisting can shade your PATHETIC HYPOCRISY.
Choke on a dick, cow patty.
So you failed to read what I wrote and clearly don't understand the law...

You didn't break the law if a federal employee sends a box of documents to your house with classified documents...

It is against the law if you discover them and don't report them immediately...

IT is also against the law to lie about not having them...
And you know this because he showed them to you?
I know it because legal scholars have discussed it ad nauseum on video for countless hours, Only Biden ass kissers believe it's illegal for the president to take classified documents with him when he leaves.
Yes they do, moron. Obama has classified documents.

Prove it...

IS this you watching your shit news source again and believing them...
I know it because legal scholars have discussed it ad nauseum on video for countless hours, Only Biden ass kissers believe it's illegal for the president to take classified documents with him when he leaves.
And these “legal scholars”, did Obama show them the classified documents?
I know it because legal scholars have discussed it ad nauseum on video for countless hours, Only Biden ass kissers believe it's illegal for the president to take classified documents with him when he leaves.
Well a court of law will decide that....

There is nothing in the law that allows a President to keep Classified Documents and lie about them to the FBI... It is illegal for every US Citizen to do that, can you point to the place where it states former presidents are above the law..
That's the one way the president can do it, ass wipe.
Trump didn't declassify shit... No reasonable court is going to accept that lame excuse...
Seriously have no clue how the Government works if going for the magic mental declassification excuse...

Are you saying that Trump intended for US attack plans for Iran to be come public to be shared with Iran?

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