We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

He's a former President that had the legal right to classify or declassify documents at will. Which brings us right back to the Constitutional question of whether a former President can be guilty of possessing "classified" documents which he took while he WAS President! Something that obviously should have been settled in court just as the Clinton case was settled in court! So why didn't that happen, Marener?
Until the DoJ has any indication that the documents were actually classified, they are treating them as classified.

Just because Trump had legal authority to declassify documents (which is not an unlimited right), doesn’t mean he did.

This hasn’t been settled in court because Trump has yet to claim that he declassified any of these documents in court.
Declassifying them is way worse. There’s little chance anyone saw any classified documents in his garage. If Trump declassified his hundreds of documents, then anyone can see the secrets in them. It’s the difference between potentially harming national security and definitely harming national security.

Why is it more likely for a classified document than a declassified document to be see if they are located in the same location at the same time? Illogical.

If they aren’t classified, then the documents and the information is public.

If you’re saying Trump declassified them, then you’re saying that Trump is exposing national security information.

Documents aren’t public just because they are not classified. Do you have non-classified/private documents hidden or locked up at your home? Most people do. What makes them more or less likely to be seen or stolen is the accessibility to those documents.

Maybe you could just put a sticky note that says “PRIVATE” on all your private documents and store them in your garage. That would most certainly ensure that no one would read or take them.
Until the DoJ has any indication that the documents were actually classified, they are treating them as classified.

Just because Trump had legal authority to declassify documents (which is not an unlimited right), doesn’t mean he did.

This hasn’t been settled in court because Trump has yet to claim that he declassified any of these documents in court.
Where is the statute that establishes declasssification of any documents has to be done through the courts?
Don't bother, there is NONE; you just pulled that notion out of your ass.
This is all nothing but blatant ELECTION INTERFERENCE.
Why is it more likely for a classified document than a declassified document to be see if they are located in the same location at the same time? Illogical.

Documents aren’t public just because they are not classified. Do you have non-classified/private documents hidden or locked up at your home? Most people do. What makes them more or less likely to be seen or stolen is the accessibility to those documents.

Government documents are public because they’re not classified. If Trump declassified these documents, then they’re available to anyone who requested them through FOIA.

Do you guys not understand what it means to declassify information? Do you guys not understand the entire purpose of classification?
Until the DoJ has any indication that the documents were actually classified, they are treating them as classified.

Just because Trump had legal authority to declassify documents (which is not an unlimited right), doesn’t mean he did.

This hasn’t been settled in court because Trump has yet to claim that he declassified any of these documents in court.
First an foremost, Classified or Not, they are not his property... He is not being charged for taking them but for keeping them and lying about returning them...

So he could be found guilty without them being classified... But the sentence would be a lot more severe if these documents are found to be classified...

I don't think Trump's claim of declassifying these documents is not believable in court.. If wants to try it in his defence he could get a serious backlash. Judges don't like lying during sentencing, it really sends the wrong message.
First an foremost, Classified or Not, they are not his property... He is not being charged for taking them but for keeping them and lying about returning them...

So he could be found guilty without them being classified... But the sentence would be a lot more severe if these documents are found to be classified...

I don't think Trump's claim of declassifying these documents is not believable in court.. If wants to try it in his defence he could get a serious backlash. Judges don't like lying during sentencing, it really sends the wrong message.
Well, then SENATOR BIDEN needs to be executed for STEALING CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS.
See? Making up shit is easy!!!!!!
Where is the statute that establishes declasssification of any documents has to be done through the courts?
Don't bother, there is NONE; you just pulled that notion out of your ass.
This is all nothing but blatant ELECTION INTERFERENCE.
Sorry but what Trump is saying is just not believable.

Only when he was found with the documents, he claimed those specific documents he declassified in his head... Those specific documents and no others... Just the ones you were holding illegally which you lied to the FBI about having... Just those docuuments...

No legal system is that naive...
Sorry but what Trump is saying is just not believable.

Only when he was found with the documents, he claimed those specific documents he declassified in his head... Those specific documents and no others... Just the ones you were holding illegally which you lied to the FBI about having... Just those docuuments...

No legal system is that naive...
Until you assholes hold SENATOR BIDEN to the same "standards", you are nothing but a HYPOCRITE.
The End!!!!!
Sorry but what Trump is saying is just not believable.

Only when he was found with the documents, he claimed those specific documents he declassified in his head... Those specific documents and no others... Just the ones you were holding illegally which you lied to the FBI about having... Just those docuuments...

No legal system is that naive...

I will take directly from the Democratic playbook here. Where is the evidence that he did not? Were are supposed to believe the testimony of people that protect Democrats like the IT guy that deleted emails for Hillary, but not Republicans?
I will take directly from the Democratic playbook here. Where is the evidence that he did not? Were are supposed to believe the testimony of people that protect Democrats like the IT guy that deleted emails for Hillary, but not Republicans?
Trump hasn’t said he declassified the documents, so the question is pointless.

I don’t think Trump is so careless with national security that he’d declassify hundreds of highly classified documents just so he can keep them in his closet.
Trump hasn’t said he declassified the documents, so the question is pointless.

I don’t think Trump is so careless with national security that he’d declassify hundreds of highly classified documents just so he can keep them in his closet.
Hey, but we can jam in Joe's Garage.........

Except he didn't steal them

Trump is not getting charged for stealing documents...

I know you like to make shit up...

Biden didn’t steal them simply because he claimed that he had them by accident. Why should we choose to believe him and not Trump with regards to declassification?
Trump hasn’t said he declassified the documents, so the question is pointless.

I don’t think Trump is so careless with national security that he’d declassify hundreds of highly classified documents just so he can keep them in his closet.

Where do you get hundreds of highly classified, vs just regularly classified documents?
Where do you get hundreds of highly classified, vs just regularly classified documents?
The court filings which you don’t seem to have read.

From the indictment:

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