We are experiencing/witnessing the greatest .....

Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.

As compared to how many "My butt still hurts from Trump winning in 2016 and we're going to get him any day now" threads? Do you not count those, too?

I do not think it is the fact Trump won the Electoral vote, it is the fact she won the popular vote. We need reform of some kind so that people’s votes count, not a bunch of chosen Electorals.

That was created when only landowners could vote and blacks were considered less than a person,
I don't think the electoral vote should be done away with, small populations do need a little extra representation so they aren't dominated by big cities.

On the other hand it is frustrating when the popular vote loses repeatedly. I just want these assholes to pay their own way. I'm sick of hearing about blue states being filled with welfare recipients when the red states are too and their state pays less while the taxes I pay go to help them while all they do is put down my state. It gets old.
To a point this is true, but on this forum at least, the Trump worshipers far outnumber any other group
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
Republican hypocrisy:
-Obama makes executive orders: He is a dictator! We must defend the constitution!
-Trump doubles the amount of executive orders Obama made in eight years in less than two: Well it's because of Obama, deep state!
-Obama a loyal husband with one wife: She is a tranny! dumfukconservatard.com proves it! His daughters don't look exactly alike they aren't legitimate!
-Trump has three wives, it's hard to keep track the mother of each child, cheats on wife with an ex porn star while she is pregnant, also other ex porn stars and they get an abortion: He is a good christian so it's ok. Hey look over here! conservaderp.com says Clintons run a sex ring! They worse so trump is good!

Question here. Has anyone complained about Melania staying with Trump after his many Affairs while she had a new baby at home?

They sure like to complain about Hillary not leaving her one and only husband. Are 3RD wives immune?
The amount of piddly hypocritical outrage from republicans regarding the Obamas was hilarious. Now almost everything they hated Obama for Trump does twice as much (golfing, etc.) and you wont hear a peep from them except defending their messiah. Republicans truly are an obedient cult.
Another Trump worshiping thread...thank goodness I was starting to worry as there were only 5 of them so far today.

As compared to how many "My butt still hurts from Trump winning in 2016 and we're going to get him any day now" threads? Do you not count those, too?

I do not think it is the fact Trump won the Electoral vote, it is the fact she won the popular vote. We need reform of some kind so that people’s votes count, not a bunch of chosen Electorals.

That was created when only landowners could vote and blacks were considered less than a person,
I don't think the electoral vote should be done away with, small populations do need a little extra representation so they aren't dominated by big cities.

On the other hand it is frustrating when the popular vote loses repeatedly. I just want these assholes to pay their own way. I'm sick of hearing about blue states being filled with welfare recipients when the red states are too and their state pays less while the taxes I pay go to help them while all they do is put down my state. It gets old.

Red states do not pay their own way.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Perspective | Blue states already subsidize red states. Now red states want even more.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.

Me too, but It bothers me not at all.:)

I am too old to lie when I know I am on the right side.
well when obama was in, there were many of those types worshiping him too in this forum,to the point many times, if you had the gall and audacity to disagree with the guy,it was because he was black,i mean what other reason could there be?......

And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
Online it's easy to be extreme, I'm guilty of it myself.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
Online it's easy to be extreme, I'm guilty of it myself.

So am I. It is easy to do, but those who think others are AH’s might take a look in the mirror.:1peleas:
And now if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with Trump it is because you do not love America. There is little difference between the Obama worshipers and the Trump worshipers.
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
Maybe golf guy but you'd have to admit Obama had a far nicer way about him , knew how to talk to people, and had a sense of humor , was always respectful , while this jerk there now is a vile human being
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
That's harsh Gary Johnson wasn't that bad.
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
That's harsh Gary Johnson wasn't that bad.
thats because he,unlike the other 2,wasnt full of himself.....
In other words he didn't act like an asshole. Republicans like assholes because they act big and strong!
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
BUT how much of what they said about Hillary were outright lies? I mean you really believe the RNC &Trumps people are honest brokers?
thats not true....there are a lot of posters here who are considered assholes by many here, that are not well liked by many of the righties here....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
BUT how much of what they said about Hillary were outright lies? I mean you really believe the RNC &Trumps people are honest brokers?
i never liked hillary back when bill was pres,and i voted for him twice,hillary just came off as a very unlikable person,who got worse as time went on....
You are right, and I'm sure I'm one. Just not a fan of Trump, and someone needs to call out the BS from time to time, mine as well be me lol.
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
BUT how much of what they said about Hillary were outright lies? I mean you really believe the RNC &Trumps people are honest brokers?
i never liked hillary back when bill was pres,and i voted for him twice,hillary just came off as a very unlikable person,who got worse as time went on....
She didn't have Obamas personality,,, but she sure is more presidential than whats there now imho
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
BUT how much of what they said about Hillary were outright lies? I mean you really believe the RNC &Trumps people are honest brokers?
i never liked hillary back when bill was pres,and i voted for him twice,hillary just came off as a very unlikable person,who got worse as time went on....
She didn't have Obamas personality,,, but she sure is more presidential than whats there now imho
being "presidential" means shit if you aint a good leader.....and we have had those kinds before....if trump would learn to keep his mouth shut and act like he is running a country and not his hotels he might be more liked....
well many righties here think anyone who doesnt like trump is not only an asshole they hate America....so there is that....
lol are those the folks that left Public School in the 6th grade? BTW What kind of family values type of person could stomach that lying vile pervert?
there is a reason the guy won the election Ed.....when you figure that out you might find that many decent people with good values voted for him....the alternative was just as big of a piece of shit.....
BUT how much of what they said about Hillary were outright lies? I mean you really believe the RNC &Trumps people are honest brokers?
i never liked hillary back when bill was pres,and i voted for him twice,hillary just came off as a very unlikable person,who got worse as time went on....
She didn't have Obamas personality,,, but she sure is more presidential than whats there now imho

That’s kind of a low bar. My pet Rabbit is more presidential
Okay, which billionaire friends gained and how much and what specifically? :itsok:
Please stop blues ANY FN billionaire including trump are saving 100's of millions and for you to deny that makes one think you don't know shit

LOL now its 100's of millions, okay who gained 100's of millions specifically? Can you back up any of the BS you are spreading?
If trump is gaining 11 million a year how many more billionaires do you need to show your argument is pure BS??

Dude that's .0013 of his net worth that's 1/8th of 1% :itsok:
His net worth is BULLSHIT Why do you think he won't show his tax returns???

Because his tax returns are none of your business nosy. :itsok:

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